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Tag: authority

145 – Equality. Between me and Sir.

i said i have been receiving many emails with many questions. Well here’s another one i received…..

Aren’t men and women equal? If YES, why is He in charge and you submit?

i happen to think…. Y-E-S …. we are. Equal. Overall. ALL people – men and woman and “other” (whatever your gender identity happens to associate with today) ….. are indeed equal!

At least…. Mostly. But like everything, there’s always the exception to every rule.

EQUAL: Let’s talk equality first.

What about mentally? Y-E-S, when it comes to the capacity, ability to apply, and rights among people – men and women are absolutely equal. So to this idea of brainpower, i think of the best teachers, doctors, accountants, or similar profession — we are indeed equal. There’s no doubt a woman can do these things just as good as a man.

From a mental capacity, ability to make decisions, or position in life requiring critical thinking – women are every bit equal to men.

So if women are equal to men with their brain power, it is also fair to say we are equal as it relates to our rights in humanity. Things like ability to vote, get a job, buy a house, etc. Women are indeed equal!

INEQUALITY: And yet there are some things that women are indeed NOT equal to a man.

Just to be clear, i don’t think we are completely 100% equal, but then again, no two people are alike. And let me explain…..

Most definitely it takes some effort for some (say a woman), to do what others (say a man), can do more easily when it comes to physical abilities. But it IS possible. Here’s an example. i think it is a scientific/medical fact that men are naturally built/ born with more muscle than a woman is. But if a woman works hard enough, she can be just as strong. And let’s face it, not all men use their God-given muscles to their fullest, so if a woman works hard and a man doesn’t, she can actually prove to be stronger than he! But all in all, because of natural muscle-tendencies, men are stronger than women. Which is why i think men are more suited for some professions or activities than men. Like playing football. Or serving in the military.

Now with that last one… serving in the military… don’t get upset with me, because i also think you can do anything you set your mind to. So while a woman may not start out equal to a man, if she sets her mind to it, she can absolutely achieve the same results. But it takes a lot more effort to get to the same level, and even more to exceed that of a man.

So women can (and do!) serve in the military for sure. (And i suppose play football too). But i feel that neither of those are easy professions for women to chose, simply because our body isn’t naturally built with the same level of muscle as a man’s is. So it forces women to have to work much harder than our counterpart to get to the same level they can more naturally achieve. Which is why i happen to have a LOT of respect for women military personnel for the bad-ass selves that they are! If they set their mind to being just as good, or better even, AND worked that much harder to overcome the naturally less-muscular position they started at than the man… they have more than earned my respect!

There are other physical inequalities too, such as breastfeeding. It is for a woman and a woman alone. Oh i suppose i have seen in the news about a man breastfeeding. But it has always been a situation where it was either: 1) a man who was born a woman but had a sex change, 2) a man who has taken a significant amount of hormone pills, or 3) both.

Men are not naturally built for or designed to breastfeed. This is something that God intended women to do alone.

So while mentally, women are absolutely equal, physically we are not. BUT – in most cases – the equality can be achieved when a women is so determined and absolutely must be respected!

MY PARTICULAR POSITION… while i AM equal, i still have a choice about how to show it or exercise it.

And it is because i am equal, that i am allowed to exercise my right to apply that equality any way i so chose.

i intentionally chose to NOT be equal to the man in my life. i intentionally chose to let David be in charge, and to lead me and our family. i chose to submit.

Being submissive doesn’t automatically declare me less equal or less capable though …. or … well… in any way just “less.” i am NOT less. At all.

i have a brain in my head that is absolutely every bit as equal to David’s. And i use it! i use it to intentionally chose to be the submissive and to yield and to be the pliable one to bend to his authority.

i have nothing to prove to anyone about my equality. i know i am respected in the community and in my home as well. But even if i weren’t, i am confident in my position in my life and marriage (as the submissive one), to voluntarily chose to not have an equal say in everything in our household.

Could it have easily been the other way around – i am in charge and he submits to me? Yes. Because we are both indeed equal and capable of leading. But i intentionally set my mind to knowing and showing want to allow him to be the one in charge.

While i don’t have to yield to him, i chose to do so. But that doesn’t make me any less equal either.

So go out and be there bad ass banker, college professor, photographer, or student that you know you are!

Because YOU are all EQUAL!



142 – Toughest Part

*** had problems with the site and this post dropped off for some unknown reason. Reposting it now. If you read it when it was here before, it’s the same now.

i was recently asked, “What was the toughest part of transitioning to this lifestyle?”

It occurred to me maybe others wonder this too. SO…. i decided to post about this. And maybe some of my favorite people (with even more experience than me!) can comment also and give even more insight on their experiences too!

There have been a few things that have been hard actually. Here’s a couple that i can immediately think of: 1) learning to forgive myself. When David says penance has been served and it is truly “over” it really is! and 2) to not give up on this lifestyle when it doesn’t work right away, but to communicate and work out the details and try again.

But the single thing that has personally been “the” hardest for me, and i want to spend the rest of this post talking about is……

Learning to curb my tongue.

In the past, when i had something to say, i said it! Without any real regard to how it was said…. tone, wording, timing. None of it.

i felt i had the right to speak my mind to my husband…. anytime i wanted and specivically in any way i wanted. We were equals after all!

But looking back on it now, i realize i said things in ways that were quite frankly rude, disrespectful, or even demeaning.

i’d tell you that i spoke to coworkers or friends in ways that were better than how i spoke to David. i didn’t mean to and i never saw it that way then. But i certainly do now. Now my eye glass lenses have been adjusted to see with 20/20 vision! And i don’t especially like what i see now for how things were then.

i felt though that i could “speak my mind in honesty” with him, where i couldn’t with others. And while that is still true now (that i can speak my mind to him), i didn’t pay any attention to HOW i said it to him. Whereas now, i absolutely do!

Also i never had the right to speak down to him (or to coworkers about him) that used words that (effectively) raise me up above him. But i did. i’d say things like, “Are you sureeeeee that’s the best way to do that?” implying that MY way was better or more superior, but of course, making him guess what that was or even goading him into asking me “and what way is that?”

At the time, i didn’t ever see it tis way (demeaning, degrading) at all. Not really anyway. Oh i suppose there were times that i’d think, “I probably shouldn’t have said it like that.” But that was that and i’d subsequently think, “oh well” too.

With clearer eye sight, it’s easy to see things differently now. i now don’t see my behavior then as acceptable at all. Honestly, i was out of line. Even “IF” we were equal, and i had the right to speak my mind, the way it was done was not at all respectful or kind. i know that now. In fact, i am now rather embarrassed at how i acted then.

But through these new lenses, this negative way of speaking to or about your spouse seems to be what i see as the norm for a lot of people. So in some ways, i guess you could say i only did what others do. But that doesn’t make it right!

Here’s an example…. My coworkers say things like, “yeah, my husband was a dumb ass this weekend…” and proceed to tell us what so-called stupid thing their husband did. And of course, her words already set the stage to imply she wouldn’t’ have done it that way and her way was more superior. Raising herself up and ultimately putting him down too.

Or another coworkers said this week, “I have to leave early to take my daughter to the doctor. My husband screwed it up last time. So I’m going to do it myself today.” Obviously saying she could get it done “right” compared to him not being able to. And further, he’s not even capable (or worth her time) to try to educate him on what this “right” way is also!

But … it’s been a “process” to change. And one i have had to truly commit to and work at. i’ve had to be very intentional to hold my tongue, reword things in a positive/ better way, determine what really should be said (or not), and how to defer to him. Always.

And honestly, David has held me to it too. He raises his eyebrows or says, “you sure you wnat to continue speaking to me this way?” It tells me that he never really liked the way i treated or talked to him before, but he rather just tolerated it.

But now he has authority to do something about it too! Before if there was something he didn’t like, there wasn’t much that could be done. And now an “attitude adjustment” ensues if i were to continue on the negative talk path.

i’m glad i made the transition. i’m glad i show, act, and display more respect to my husband directly, but also to my coworkers and friends. i no longer engage in office banter about how “stupid” my husband was, but rather i speak the opposite. “We had an amazing weekend where i got to enjoy spending time with my husband. He makes me happy.”

And it’s true. i do believe it with my whole heart – he does make me happy! And yet, curbing my tongue was a process and definitely not an easy one!

And because of a second glitch, the next post… if you wanted to read the, in order of how i had originally posted it, please click here on my blue words. Otherwise, you will read them in order of how the site posted them and that’s ok too.


140 – FULLY

In my last post i wrote that a submissive should submit “fully”. And then Willie replied showing me how that’s not exactly true. Even for me.

My intentions in that post were ultimately just to explore the reasons people may not have anal sex or anal play. And to give some thoughts about considering breaking down that hard limit. But i’m afraid the post missed the mark too.

i do still understand and appreciate that everyone has hard limits, and there are multiple reasons for them, and they are there to stay…. and it’s ok. Really – it is! (i have them too.)

So after Willie’s comment, i got to thinking more about “fully submissive” and what that means (or doesn’t).

But even stop for a second and let’s talk about the word “FULLY” all by itself. It means to the top, completely, to the furthest extent, not possible to go anymore.

So i really think anyone living a D/s lifestyle, trying to be the best submissive spouse possible, and doing it in the way that works for them —- IS FULLY SUBMISSIVE.

Yet, even for a “FULLY SUBMISSIVE” person, there are things that it does NOT mean. There are hard limits. Even for me too.

And that’s GOOD. It means you have a brain in the head that’s sitting on your shoulders, and you aren’t afraid to use it.

So what won’t i do as a FULLY submissive wife?

Here’s a few……

1) The same as Willie mentioned, i refuse to be slapped in the face. i feel that is offensive and abusive. And just unnecessary. There are so many other places to spank, that the face shouldn’t be the go-to.

2) i don’t want to be treated like an animal. i don’t want to be made to be on all 4’s, not allowed to eat with my hands/silverware, or while sitting at the table. i might like this as a one-time/ sexual scene. But not as an everyday dynamic. Because we don’t just do D/s with DD in the bedroom (it is 24/7), we try to do things that are reasonable and manageable for every day life.

3) i won’t be verbally scolded and told to be a submissive. That seems trivial at first, but what it means to me is my R-I-G-H-T to chose to be submissive. If someone TELLS me to do it or be it, it seems like it has taken away my right. And i can’t and won’t have that. In fact, if i were told to be submissive, i suspect that would be enough for me to say “NO!” And rebel against it!

There’s others too, and maybe that will be another post too. And maybe the things i mention are ones that you might say i should consider breaking down that barrier and give me reasons to have it not be a hard limit. (The way i tried to do in the anal access previous post). And i would probably listen, and yet, probably NOT accept your way of thinking! And that’s ok too! Because i listened, heard, and rejected it as the way for me.

So if that’s what you did with the last post, i get it and i accept that.

My ultimate point is that, i do know and respect that everyone has different hard limits for various reasons. And i did a poor job (in the last post) of saying that i understand and respect that.

Soooo i fully agree – you are fully submissive – in the way you do things. (And so am i too).

So what ARE your hard limits anyway, besides anal? Would you ever consider changing any of them? Tell me more.

Have an an amazing week my friends!



138 – Complete work of fiction – #9

Please consider reading the previous complete work of fiction (or all of them really… starting here) if you haven’t already. Because i just hate repeating all of the beginning and just want to dive right into our fictitious story that hasn’t happened anywhere in reality, and exists solely in my mind!

It was a habit. Sir asked me a question and i responded with the trained response, “Yes Sir.” But the very second the words were out of my mouth, i realized what i’d done.

And then i smiled. Maybe it was kinda-sorta-on-purpose. Maybe i wanted to test Sir. i didn’t consciously or intentionally think through this from the start really. It just happened. But after i did it, i can’t say i was upset about it either. i had to wonder what would he do, especially with this new dynamic of us with this couple in front of us right here and now.

My words didn’t go unnoticed by any of them though. Madam started jumping up and down like a school girl, clapping her hands, and saying, “oh goodie! She already fucked up. I can’t wait to discipline her!!”

And she looked to SS and said, “you’ll let me, won’t you??” i saw her bottom lip come out as she begged her Sir to be allowed to have her way with me.

With his eyes locked on my Sir’s, not looking at her at all, he said aloud, “I’m not sure what David has in mind, but I have no doubt Marie will be regretting her actions. It isn’t my place to allow my wife to discipline his without his ultimate decision on this.”

And David looked at both of them and said, “well if this dynamic is going to work as intended, and as Marie has so obviously screwed up already by uttering words aloud…”

His eyes turned to look me dead in the eye while clearly still speaking to them, he continued by saying, “I think we will ALL have an opportunity to make Marie regret her actions tonight.”

Damn. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. All of it. Everything about this. Seriously, having THREE dominants allowed to discipline me? i was suddenly second guessing all of this. It sounded intriguing at the start, but i never anticipated having all of this at once either. And sometimes the idea of something can be way better than the actuality of it too!

i suddenly felt very unsure, insecure, and quite little. Not in a “little” submissive way, but in a small and insignificant way. Doubt had found its way to my mind.

i hung my head low. Tears were welling up in me. i wasn’t even sure if i could lay my head on Sir’s chest and ask to be enveloped in his arms for a reassuring hug, so i put my head in my hands and stood there feeling sadness overwhelm me and starting to sob.

That’s when Madam got giddy and said, “oh look, our little subby is crying. That’s so wonderful. It will now be easier to make her regret her actions as she’s halfway there already.”

i’m not sure i like her at all. In fact, i am sure i don’t.

But i quickly felt somewhat vindicated in this thought when Sir said to her, “while Marie did in fact disobey, we won’t be building a good relationship together if this is how you want to start it. Marie is a good girl to submit at all and now she’s going to be submitting to all of us. While we need to guide and train her altogether now to be the good submissive slut wife and girlfriend that we ultimately want her to be, we won’t be making her feel afraid of us in the process.”

SS looked at her and said, “Honey, your actions are less than productive here. I told you to remember who you submit to too. David is to be your Sir, as well as Marie’s. So while we are allowing you to grow in your dominant side that you switch to, I suggest you take a cue out of Marie’s book and settle yourself down because you too will now need to receive discipline!”

Oh, maybe i could indeed get used to this after all. At least i now know that Sir and SS are indeed ultimately the ones in control. So while Madam seems to have a wicked dominant side to her, that i will probably always both hate and love, it will be held in check by our men dominants too.

As i heard all this, i quieted my sobs and had emerged from my hands. i was feeling a bit better, but still very unsure of myself. David must’ve known though as he turned to me, and said, “Remember Marie, I asked you to trust me and you said you would. This new dynamic will be a good thing, but every good relationship has its bumps in the road. Do you trust me still?”

With my head looking downward, i nodded. David put his hand to my chin and tilted my face up to his so that he was once again looking directly into my eyes. He kissed me on the lips and said, “that’s my good girl.”

He pulled away and continued, “but we do have this matter of discipline to deal with now too.”

He grabbed my hand and started to forcefully walk, pulling me behind him. He looked at Madam and SS and said, “Follow me.”

This entire exchange had happened while we were just outside leaving the restaurant while standing on the sidewalk in public. i wasn’t certain where we were going or what would come next. But i did know the direction we were walking was NOT towards our cars!

David reached the end of the building and turned down the side of it into the alley way between the restaurant and another building just beside it. There was maybe 10-feet or so separating the two, just enough to walk between them but not enough space to drive there either. It was relatively dark in the alleyway and while anyone walking by could see us if they happened to look between the buildings, it was still semi secluded too.

David stopped and pushed my hand that he was holding up against the brick wall side of the building. He said, “Put both of your hands firmly on the wall at your chest level.”

Oh crap! He was going to spank me right here in public! In front of Madam and SS too. Since i knew that the thing that landed me here in the first place was speaking words aloud, i wasn’t about to object either.

In so many ways, this show of bravado, domination was such a fucking hot turn on! i was proud of David for the dominant Sir i have always wanted him and needed him to be, even if i was about to find my ass turned red right here and now! While i was suddenly filled with a bit of excitement, it was mixed with a bit of fear too. Fear of how this punishment was about to play out, whether we’d be seen by someone walking by, and how badly my butt was going to be burning in just a few minutes too. And what was everyone thinking right about now too!

But i didn’t have much time to think about all that because he said, “with your hands still on the wall, take one step backward so that you will be semi-bent over at the waist and your ass will be made available to us.”

i immediately did as told.

No sooner had i gotten into position, had he flipped my skirt up onto my back.

Second Sir said, “ohhhh how wonderful. Marie you got to cum at dinner by my fingers, but it seems that may be the last for you for awhile. I love the way David thinks and finding you here in this delectable position is so empowering for us. You are being such a good submissive right now.”

With these words of praise, i felt my pussy release some juices. Thankfully, none of my now-Dominants knew. How could i have felt so insecure 5-minutes ago, and now am so turned on? This deluge of emotions was so much to take in. But i was growing more confident that while this was a humiliating position to find myself in so soon, and my ass was about to be on fire, i was in the right place at the right time with the right people.

i heard David say, “who wants to go first?”

And Madam said in a more humble tone, “Please Sir, May I?”

To which David responded, “why certainly. Just remember though, she’s here to receive punishment for her poor behavior.”

He wasn’t hardly done speaking and i felt her presence close in on me. That’s when i felt a hard smack to my ass. Her hand slapped my right cheek so hard i cringed and my knees buckled. She must’ve anticipated my movement though because as i did so, i wasn’t able to move far because it was then that i felt her hand between my legs. She grabbed hard and pinched at my pussy and used that leverage to pull me back into position on the wall. Damn that was erotic but equally painful too!

She said, “stand upright Marie. You don’t get to move on the first slap. And I felt how wet you are. Don’t even think about orgasming. That’s not what this is about at all.”

And she proceeded to slap at my ass over and over again as i tried fervently to stand upright. Every time i fell off balance though, her hand was on my pussy and she used it to pull me back into place. Her fingers pinching my pussy as she wasn’t intending to use it as anything but leverage to pull me back into place, it served to cause both my ass and my pussy to feel simultaneous pain.

But i would be lying if i didn’t also admit to pleasure i felt too. i know she’s going to be hard on me whenever she’s given the chance to dominant me, but i just might like it too. The way she grabbed at my pussy made me hope her fingers would slide inward, but they never did. She made sure i knew this was a tease on her part. And a reminder to be a good sub in order to feel her touch in a seductive soft way that may come in the future instead of this harsh punishment way. i know i want to please her now too.

After just a couple of intense minutes of some hard smacks to my ass and feeling the pinch of my pussy, she moved aside and said, “Sirs, I do know my place and I’ve had my fun with Marie. So I know it is your turn to see to her now.”

Second Sir spoke up and said, “Honey, you did great getting Marie’s ass warmed up, and for also stepping aside. I’m proud of you but just know this doesn’t get you out of your punishment either.”

That’s when i heard SS say, “David, may I use my belt on our shared submissive?”

David said, “I’ve rarely used a belt on her, so she’s not used to that feel, but yes, feel free to train her in the way you wish.”

And i heard the sound of SS’s belt coming free from his pants. i braced myself for the pain i was about to feel. But nothing can truly prepare you for that first sting either.

i yelped as it landed. i wasn’t sure if this counted as speaking or not, since it was just guttural sounds that expressed the pain i felt. Thankfully no one commented to that effect. It surprised me when i heard the sound escape from my lips though too. i was sure to realize i needed to quiet myself to avoid anyone on the street from cracking notice also.

SS came up beside my head and leaned in to whisper near my ear, “I think that hurt. Good. It was supposed to. I’m going to give you 10 more.” So now i know ……he can and will give me pleasure under the table at dinner, but pain when necessary too.

And he returned to my backside. In my head i counted out each one. All were equally painful. Tears were starting to come down too. But i was determined to take all the strokes he promised to deliver with grace as the submissive i was. i was holding back the sobs when he was done. My ass was completely on fire and i hoped David wouldn’t take a turn or if he did it would be swift and manageable.

i heard David speak aloud, “THAT was amazing! I loved watching that. Truly a work of art in motion.”

i held my position against the wall. Wondering how much longer i’d be made to feel this pain and humiliation, while still praying there would be no one walk by and see us also. As well i heard my mind repeating the phrase, “please don’t take a turn, please don’t take a turn.”

SS said, “thank you David. Your compliments are kind. It’s now your turn, but if you don’t mind….. I’d normally have made our sub thank me for each swat I laid that belt on her ass, but seeings as she couldn’t speak, I’d like to take my thanks in another way.”

David asked, “what did you have in mind?”

He said, “I’d like it very much if on the way home she would suck my cock for the duration.”

David said, “yes, that’s a wonderful plan. And I do believe you both took an Uber here so we could ride home together, correct?”

SS said, “we did.”

That’s when David reached over and pulled my skirt back down, and pulled me into an upright position and looking all nice again. He looked at me and said, “I think you’ve taken enough punishment for now. Besides, we have better things to do tonight still too. You’ll sit in the backseat with your Second, while Honey sits in the front with me. I expect to hear your sloppy mouth keeping his cock hard all the way home. But you are not allowed to cum at all. And if you do cum, or if you don’t keep SS happy, I will take my turn at punishing you when we are home too. Do you understand?”

This time i was smart enough to simply nod with no actual audible words!

David said, “Good. Let’s head to the car now.”

That’s when SS grabbed one of my hands and said, “David’s right. No orgasms for you now. And you best not get me off either. I want to enjoy the ride home feeling your warm, tantalizing tongue on my cock, but I have more plans for when we are home. So don’t go ruining things by getting me off in the car. Your job is to thank me for the discipline, but not suck me dry. Otherwise David’s promise of more discipline will be assuredly in your immediate future! A precarious balance you must maintain.”

Yes, a precarious balance indeed.

To be continued……



137 – masochist … am i?

A few weeks back, i started talking about the various (numerous!) labels of a submissive and never finished those thoughts. Since that’s been on my mind lately, i am now circling back there.

i happen to think ANY AND ALL submissives willing to bend over and receive discipline IS indeed a masochist. (i also think the dominant willing to administer the discipline is also a sadist. But that’s an entirely different topic series so i’ll just set that down right there and leave it.)

Maybe. Probably. At least on some level. Y-E-S. Every sub is a masochist.

Why do i say that?

Masochist by definition is a person who takes pleasure in pain and suffering.

And typically that pleasure and pain is derived from sexual activity, although it doesn’t have to be.

Okay, so YES. i DO take pleasure in pain and suffering. So YES, i AM a masochist.

But that pleasure may not be quite (probably) how you may thinking though too. NO, i don’t derive joy from the actual pain. i truly don’t! While i do sometimes get a little bit wet between the legs, it is never something that i am even aware of. And usually when you are sexually turners on, you are well aware. David does sometimes put his fingers down there to check, and he almost always comments about what he finds. He especially and most often does this when we are doing maintenance sessions. And most times, he will continue to fondle my puss until i orgasm, but this is never a given and only at David’s discretion.

And i am ALWAYS surprised when he tells me i am wet. i have never once felt sexually aroused at the pain of a spanking. i have tried to analyze the “why” this could happen without feeling mentally or being aware of how i am physically aroused. To no avail. i’ll maybe write about that some time too. But that’s another post as well!

i do take pleasure, however, in pleasing David. And in times that i accept punishment for wrong doing, it ultimately means having to accept pain and suffering. And when he is pleased at how i have accepted it with grace (and submission), THAT makes me happy.

So my pleasure in pain and suffering is nothing more than a math formula. A= B, and B= C, so A= C. In this math problem —- >

A= my pleasure,

B= discipline to accept correction,

C= pain and suffering.

Maybe it is the fact that i know i am making David happy when i recognize/agree with him that discipline is necessary to fix bad behaviors, such that I willingly accept discipline, that it causes me to be wet between the legs. But again, i didn’t say “sexual pleasure is coming from experiencing pain and suffering.”

So yes, i think i am a masochist. But not in the most traditional definition of it either.

All that said – i was out shopping a bit with my sister today at a couple of quaint little antique-type shops when i spied a well-used razor strop. And i immediately thought, “i wonder if its well-used-position was a result of really making a razor sharp, or someone’s back side red?!!?!”

The picture here is that strop i saw. i couldn’t help but pull out my phone and snap a pic. Will it cause pleasure, pain, or suffering or all of the above?!

My sister doesn’t really know about our dynamic, not really, so i didn’t say my thoughts out loud. But i won’t deny, i contemplated buying it and having David test its strength on my backside. And all of these thoughts did make me wet! Today i felt the telltale sign of the release of liquid from my puss, right there in the shop. So maybe i AM a masochist in the truest sexual pain equals pleasure equation too! (Everyone knows that by rearranging the algebra equation you get an entirely different answer! Who ever said you didn’t need algebra in real world life was so incorrect!)

No matter – i will own the masochist submissive title – one way or the other!

What do you think… am i a masochist … traditionally or otherwise? What about you…. are you a masochist or are you dominating one? i think the answers are all YES!

