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Tag: marriage

272 – God sent me a Sign

You either laugh or you cry. i chose to laugh. Seriously, i didn’t cry.

Today started out like any ordinary Thursday day, until it wasn’t. i had a lot to accomplish at work, so i was out of the house a bit earlier than usual. i got to the office, settled in, and started digging in.

About 10:00am, i was in the midst of checking one of the three big tasks i needed to accomplish off my list. As this client is old school paper-people, i printed everything out, got it organized, and was putting it in the drawer for them to come pick up.

That’s when things went awry.

i opened the drawer to the file cabinet and the motion of the drawer must’ve been just enough to unsettle the wooden sign (in the picture above). The motion caused the sign to come crashing down from its spot atop of the file cabinet.

Now that wooden sign has sat on top of this cabinet for about 4-years without ever moving at all. Suddenly, it came down, landing on my forehead, causing a 1-inch cut on my head.

Well everyone in the office heard it and came to my rescue asking me if i was okay and tending to me. After i put my hand to my head and it came away very bloody, and then the blood started streaming down like a faucet left open, they declared that “NO, i was definitely NOT ok!”

Head wounds bleed…and bleed… and bleed. AND BLEED!

A 1-inch cut caused 3-paper towels to be soaked, along with my neck, arm, shirt, some on my pants and even on my shoes and the carpet. It looked like a small massacre had happened!

So off to the ER they whisked me away. Because the gash was on my head, they all got concerned about me having a concussion and making sure i didn’t pass out or go to sleep.

Meanwhile, i am in shock. NOT from the trauma or the pain, but actually the lack of it! When the wooden sign hit my head, it felt like it does when you (say) walk into the wall or when a tall person’s head doesn’t clear the door frame. Yes, it hurt, but nothing that sends you to the ER. i genuinely thought it was just a bump.

When my hand was all bloody i was quite surprised. i mean, it did hurt, but in a “that’s gonna leave a nasty bruise” kinda way. Not in a “OMG get to the car! We gotta get you to the ER before you bleed out!” kinda way.

Of course, my co-workers assumed i was in shock from the pain and thought i was delirious. When in reality, i was trying to make sense of it all. i was thinking, “Really? My head has a cut and this blood is flowing out? It feels like a bad bump. Why isn’t this hurting more for the amount of blood?”

i have decided the ER is a strange place.

You go screaming out of your house, down the road, driving there as fast as possible…. Only to arrive and to sit….and wait. And wait. AND WAIT!

i walked in with bloody clothes, bloody hand, and holding a bloody towel on my head for them to say, “please have a seat. We will be with you as soon as we can.” Glad i didn’t bleed out in the waiting room!

And i was then put into the hospital-ER-station-assembly-line process.

First into the triage nurse. He cleans up the wound, throws away my bloody towels, and proudly says, “I don’t see an opening. I’m not too sure there’s much of a problem.”

To which i replied, “well the blood didn’t get to the outside of my body without an opening somewhere.”

i don’t think he appreciated my comments, but he didn’t respond either.

Then to the next station, where another nurse tells me “oh this looks bad. We need to order a head CT to check for a concussion and you are going to need stitches!”

To which i replied, “oh yah? You can see an opening? My head has a hole to which my blood is spilling out of?!”

She didn’t understand the questions and started to explain herself, but i cut her off and explained my comments. i don’t think she liked my explanation.

Then the next station’s nurse started asking me questions about my pain level. “On a scale of 1-10, rate how bad the pain is.”

i must’ve paused too long thinking about how this isn’t hurting as badly as i think it should, but it’s definitely hurting more than it was before. Maybe the adrenaline is wearing off now, causing it to hurt more, but still not terrible so maybe this wound just isn’t that bad either. i mean, it felt like a bad migraine at this point and it was hurting in ways i wouldn’t have expected… like at the base of my neck on the back side. Maybe i do have a concussion after all. But i have definitely had worse pain too.

Well i guess the exaggerated pause caused the nurse to repeat her question giving clarity to her scale measurements. i finally just said “5 or 6. i guess.”

Finally several more stations later for a CT that the results showed i do not have internal bleeding and no brain swell, and another station to add 3-stitches on my forehead which is quite visible for anyone to see for a whole week, and finally an insurance and discharge stations too….

i had officially spent 3-hours of my life, that i will never get back, in the ER and finally told i am able to go home.

My sister then said, “you must’ve asked God for a sign. He sent you one!” yes, yes he did!

And my nephew said, “I think the sign came off it’s hinges.” yes, the sign does have hinges that came undone.

And when we got home, my husband said, “maintenance will be interesting tomorrow.”

Wait, what?

“Sir, i am glad you offered, but i think i will pass. It might hurt my head.” And i laughed.

He shrugged. Then he made a point to say, “I’ve never hit your head, you managed to do that today all on your own.” Or by falling signs from God.

An hour later, “can i orgasm tonight? Will you touch me please Sir?”

“Oh no, you definitely can not. That will most certainly hurt your head.”

Wait, what?

“It won’t hurt my head. It has nothing to do with that area.”

“Yeah, well, neither does maintenance.” And it was Sir’s turn to laugh.

i said, “but it’s been awhile since i last orgasmed, pleaseeeee Sir.”

To which he said, “Then just wait till you have to wait for the end of October to come. Just think how long that will be! October is going to be a very long month, isn’t it?!”

Wait, what?

“Starting this weekend, after we are home from visiting our son, even though it will technically be Oct 2nd, we will start locking you up for October. This will be fun!”

Oh my. Locktober sounded great, until it didn’t. What was i thinking?

“Will i get to orgasm before Sunday then Sir?”

I don’t know, I haven’t decided yet.”

My “sign” from God today was pretty thick, made of some solid wood. It didn’t quite get through my thick skull, but it sure tried.

Hope it doesn’t hurt much tomorrow… the site of the wound or my rear with Friday Maintenance!!

Praise God it wasn’t a deeper or more troublesome wound… in the hallway.. or in the ER!



269 – WANT versus NEED

“Do you NEED to be let out (of the belt)?” was the question my Sir just asked me.

This is after wearing it all day yesterday and all night last night and all day today. Unless you count the 20-minutes i was allowed to be out for the shower this morning, i have been continuously locked now for 38-hours… and counting.

Yesterday morning Sir said, “you’ve been out long enough, now put it on.” For no particular at all, he just said as much. i complied. It went on without complaint.

i was actually happy to put it on really. When i don’t have it on, i start to miss it. And it had been off for about 24-hours already.

As mentioned in my previous post, by the end of the day i kinda wondered if he even remembered i had it on as absolutely nothing was said about it the remainder of the day.

Usually he plays with me as we relax on the couch in the evenings. Last night, however, he said he wasn’t feeling terribly well. He was tired and feeling washed out. i was disappointed the belt didn’t come off, not because i WANTED it off, but rather because i was looking forward to being played with.

i kinda expected this would mean the belt would now stay on overnight, but i wasn’t too sure. So as we were then in bed, i casually asked if he wanted to “see his pussy.” He laughed and said, “yah right, nice try.” And that was that.

Remember your (unofficial) mantra…. I WILL NOT BEG FOR RELEASE. IT IS A PRIVILEGE TO BE OUT OF THE BELT. One that is not afforded to me right now.

So i smiled and said, “ok, just offering.” Because i will be a good girl and NOT BEG for release.

And we went to sleep. i have slept in the belt before, so this wasn’t new or unusual or problematic.

About 2am i woke up and was touching myself. NO, not my puss, it was covered up! Instead i was rubbing seductively on my leg and the edge of the belt and ….. WANTING to masturbate. WANTING to orgasm. WANTING the belt off.

I WILL NOT BEG FOR RELEASE. IT IS A PRIVILEGE TO BE OUT OF THE BELT….. and that privilege does NOT include masturbating (without permission) anyway.

Now i wasn’t happy at all that the belt was on. i felt those previous thoughts of resentment towards the belt creeping in. i recognized it for what it is this time and squashed it down though. i did not NEED the belt off. i was just a sexually frustrated submissive wife, being properly held in check!

“Go back to sleep and get over yourself!” i did go back to sleep, but not a restful or solid sleep either.

This morning i did ask Sir, “can i use the key to be released for a shower?”


“Thank you Sir.”

The entire time i was in the shower i wrestled with my mind….

“i could leave it off today, and it probably would be ok.”

“Maybe i NEED to ask if it’s okay to leave it off.”

“If he WANTED it off, he would’ve said. I WILL NOT BEG.”

“But he did allow it off for the shower.”

“Yah, and JUST the shower.”

“Maybe i should ask.”

“WHY do i need to ask anything? You know if he WANTED it to stay off, he would’ve said.”

And i do not NEED to have it off. i only WANT to have it off.

While i was in the shower, per usual, i took the shower head down off its (magnetic) slot holder and waved the water over my clit in a very seductive way. i do this daily. It is a form of edging that is quite effective. i don’t touch myself with my hand, usually, but rather the water does all the work. Its not enough to get me to orgasm, but it sure is arousing.

While i was in the shower today, i let my left hand hold the shower head, while my right hand touched my clit. i decided a little closer to the edge wouldn’t be a bad thing at all.

And i rubbed on myself. Damn this feels good. A little more. You can go closer to the edge. Go faster. Yah, that’s it, that’s it…. That’s…. STOP RIGHT NOW!

And as hard as it was to pull my hand away and stop, because i WANTED that O so badly, i did.

And I got out of the shower, dried quickly, and …..

So i put it back on.

As i covered his pussy up, i apologized to her. i told her i was sorry i teased her that way but now she’s to be a good girl and be put away until Sir WANTS to see her again. She pouted. i didn’t blame her.

After i was at work, i texted him and told him how i wrestled with the decision about what to do about the belt …. ask/not or leave it off/ put it on. But how i ultimately decided to put it on, and when he’s ready for it to be off, he will tell me. i ended the text with, “did i assume correctly Sir?”

“YES! You did good.” was his response.

As the day wore on, i realized (at times) i had forgotten it was even there. It is becoming like a second skin. It fits snuggly and doesn’t move. That’s a good thing. When i had it a bit larger, it moved and sometimes chaffed. The tighter and more restrictive, the better. It feels better, but then it also works better. It’s way more difficult to get a finger under the plate when it’s snug and fitted than if it were looser.

i like the way it hugs me tightly. i love having a secret at work that no one knows except for me (and my Sir). It turns me on to be his submissive wife, wearing his CB to protect what is his!

i thought about how i do not NEED to take it off, but i still WANT to though too. i know though that to say the ONLY reason i WANT it off is to orgasm! It’s really here for a reason and it’s a good thing. Really, it is!

i really WANT to ask David, “when will you allow me to be released?”

But i won’t. Why? Because i can’t figure out a way to ask that i won’t be BEGGING FOR RELEASE! How do you say, “when will you allow me to be out of this belt?” without sounding as if i am begging? And if i were to get a release, i would then beg to be touched and beg to orgasm. And begging is unbecoming of a good submissive wife.


And … i need to submit to his authority on this. He will tell me when the release will happen and until then, i NEED to accept it.

i really do love the way this CB feels and the way it does it’s job. It keeps me in check. i wish i didn’t NEED it and that i was strong enough to not touch myself or orgasm without permission, but i just don’t think i am.

As i was on the way home from work tonight, i was thinking about how i just KNOW he’s going to produce the key and release me once i get home. i have never gone two consecutive nights with it on, so i am sure he won’t have me do it now. Besides, i am sure he knows how needy i am to orgasm, so he will probably indulge my NEED.

When i got home, he was on the couch watching tv. i went and took off my clothes and remained naked. i walked into the living room and i heard a groan of approval. i laid on the couch and snuggled up to him.

i tried to touch his cock but he stopped me, saying, “No. Not tonight.” Apparently his allergies are kicking his ass and that’s the cause of his lack of energy and not feeling well. Ugh. i really WANTED to touch his cock and slide it down my throat too. i am so in NEED of him sexually, that even if i don’t get a belt release or O of my own, i WANTED him!

So instead then i turned where i was on my back, leaning against his chest, and i opened my legs. He said, “that ain’t happening either. Unless you NEED to be let out. Do you?”

“Do i NEED to be let out? i would have to say no, Sir.” was my response.

“You don’t NEED to orgasm?”

“Oh yes, i would love to. But i think that’s more of a WANT than a NEED.”

He laughed and said, “you really ought to learn to lie about your NEEDS more. I was going to let you out to masturbate and come. I’m afraid you are going to bug me too much and I’m not feeling up to it.”

I WILL NOT BEG FOR RELEASE. IT IS A PRIVILEGE TO BE OUT OF THE BELT….. and that doesn’t include bugging Sir about orgasms too. Or include lying. Or include making a WANT to have an orgasm somehow turn into a NEED.

But i soooo WANT to orgasm! This belt is seductive as it touches my clit all day long, loving on it, yet denying it anything more at all.

Now he’s taken some decongestants and allergies meds and gone to sleep. And i am in belt still.

i couldn’t lie about NEED VERSUS WANT. i really WANTED to lie.. to get a release from the belt AND to orgasm. But i couldn’t.

This is now going to be the longest continuous time in belt ever.

This is good for me. It’s a challenge. More of a mental one than a physical one. To NOT BEG. And to tell myself i do not NEED to orgasm, it is only a WANT.

Besides we get what we NEED, not what we WANT. And i’d say what i really NEED is to be in belt and not out. Discipline is good, even if it has to be forced upon me with this belt still in its place. i love this belt and what it does for me.

i will be off to sleep now. And thankful for what i have, and not upset about what i do not have (but surely do WANT).

(And to think, the permanent, really nice chastity belt isn’t even here yet. i may NEED to orgasm more after it arrives!)

Release will happen soon. Release from CB and the O i so desperately NEED… ok, not a NEED just a WANT. Maybe tomorrow. Probably tomorrow.



267 – Oh my wow

So David could’ve easilyyyyyyy just spanked me. But he didn’t.

He could have easilyyyyyyy administered any punishment he wanted! But he didn’t.

Instead, he granted me grace. And time. Time to sort myself out.

Time in the belt, without release, without getting my demands (to produce the key) met. Time to accept things. Time to adjust my attitude. Time… to submit.

After i posted that i was having a bratty, temper-tantrum day, several of you told me how i was wrong. i knew i as wrong, even as it was happening, but i couldn’t seem to stop myself from a downward spiral!

Admittedly after making that post AND your comments, i made a true effort to improve. i took on the “fake it til you make it” attitude.

David noticed. He commented with skepticism about the “sudden improvement.” He was right at that moment, as i WAS faking it. But i figured that to make any effort, even if it was a forced fake one, was better than not trying at all!

i also knew it (probably/ hopefully) wouldn’t take long and i would slip into my submissive groove… where the “make it” part became my reality! Of course, i had to (actually) truly try first!

And boy did it pay off!

David had told me last weekend that he “watched a porn video and saw a non-sexual toy that the girl used in a sexual way…” and that he ordered it for me. i had no idea what that could even mean, let alone actually be.

He had told me then it was a surprise and was to arrive yesterday (Saturday). Well, i had forgot all about it actually. So in my temper-tantrum, bratty self mode, i didn’t even consider the fact i may lose this surprise gift if i kept it up.

After i posted to you all about my stupid attitude, i told him about your comments. He was MORE than pleased to have your total support!

As predicted though, we got into a (small) battle of stubbornness. He told me if i “went swimming in our pool (with him), he would take the belt off.” i already knew the pool temp was low 80’s and the air temp was high 90’s, so the water would feel chilly. i HaTe being CoLd. So instead of taking that bait, i politely said, “No thank you Sir.”

He shrugged his shoulders and with a smile said, “Suit yourself then!”

And again, i questioned if i was right/wrong/ indifferent. This time it WAS a choice he gave me though, and for me, it was a lesser-of-two-evils! Because i was already adjusting my attitude about the belt and submission to Sir, i had gotten “ok” with wearing the belt for whatever duration he prescribed. And i hAtE being cOLd!

The day wore on and he made comments about the belt, my stubbornness, and the possibility (or lack thereof) of me being released.

Like when i needed to get a few things from Walmart and told him i was going there to get them. He inquired about what things that was, and he added, “Do these things you need include a metal bolt cutter (to cut off the lock)?”

And when i was home, i said, “my trip was successful! The metal cutters worked well!”

To which he responded, “yah right! I know better than that!”

Then it came time for Saturday night, fall, college football. Specifically David’s favorite team: LSU. They were playing an in-state school, who they had NEVER played, so it was more of a commemorative game than a competitive one. But we watch LSU whenever it is on!

After the first quarter score resulted in a LSU record for most points scored in any quarter ever, i asked Sir if i could give him a blow job. He said, “not until halftime.”

Midway through Q2, i got on the floor in front of him with lotion and began rubbing his feet in a relaxing massage motion. i was naked, save the belt of course. i pressed his foot against my breasts, while kneading his calf muscles. i was intentionally flirting with Sir.

As the quarter moved along, i did too. Timing my upward movements to coincide with the game clock.

When the clock finally wound down to zero and it was halftime, i was ready to pull his cock from his pants. Instead though, Sir said, “stand up.” i questioned him, “why? It’s halftime (and time for your blow job.)”

He gave me a look that said, “really? Are you seriously going back to this morning’s brattiness?”

The look was enough. i dutifully stood without another word.

He produced the key to the chastity belt, and said, “take it off. Spread your legs, close your eyes. And wait.”

Uhm. Ok.

So i did.

He returned and placed a high intensity vibrating round foam roller massage thingie between my legs, then he guided me backward to the couch, and said, “sit on it until halftime is over.”

i was intrigued and definitely surprised. David saw the joy in my face and said, “after the way you’ve acted today, you probably don’t deserve this surprise. But you did pull yourself together and I already had this planned out.”

He continued, “you know how I really don’t enjoy halftime. I think you can provide something of a better show that I’d prefer to watch.”

It was about 30-seconds in that i thought, “there’s NO way i will NOT orgasm before the end of halftime.” So i told Sir this, to which (thankfully!) he said, “you can have as many orgasms as you want or need. Just don’t move off the toy until I say you can.”

i lost count. i was in orgasm heaven. i went over the edge, with permission, somewhere around 6-8 x’s!

i dare say i did put on a good, live porn show for him. And that he was pleased with my halftime performance!

i didn’t touch myself with my hands, nor did i have penetration… both of which i really wanted! i did beg him to allow me to get off of the roller and to let me climb on his cock. He said no.

At one point, it turned itself off. i may have moved it to press the button, but it was unintentional. So i took it, still between my legs, over to Sir (who was sitting on the couch straight cross from me), and he turned it back on…. And moved it up to Level 3!

That was when i really had most of the orgasms. But since i was close to David, i sat on his couch… with the thingie between my legs pressing firmly on my clit. And i pulled Sir’s shorts off and started giving him that blow job too. i was ravenous in my sucking. What i felt between my legs, was manifested in my mouth and onto his cock! And his member responded!

When halftime was over, so was i! And i was thankful to be done as his pussy and my body were exhausted!

i went to our room and prepared for bed. He came in a bit later and said, “the belt can stay off for tonight. I don’t think you have enough energy now to touch yourself. I think you’ll sleep well now too.”

And he was right.

i suspect the next time i question his authority, i won’t be treated so kindly. i won’t have good surprises, or his grace.

This time though, this is exactly what i absolutely needed…. To feel loved and appreciated. And while he held his ground (and did not produce the key until he wanted to), i was firmly made aware that he did it from a position of love.

It’s made me realize that good things come to those who wait…. Patiently, submissively, and respectfully.

There (hopefully) won’t be a next time where i (stupidly) question his key holder decisions… and merely accept it!



264 – Privileges are earned

i am locked up now for 12-hours already, and 24-more to go! If i thought 24-hours was a long time before, this will be 50% more than that!

David had to go out of town again for another one- night trip. Unlike the last one where he was gone from 7a to 7a, at just 24-hours total, this trip he’s to be gone from 7a to 5p, or 36-hours total.

But before i was locked in my chastity belt, he used the electricity dildo on me this morning before he left where i had 4-continuous orgasms and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

He had about 30-minutes before he had to leave and as he was preparing to do so, he grabbed up the new dildo and told me to “climb up on the (kitchen) island and spread your legs.”

So i did.

His tongue went straight to my clit as the dildo went straight inside me. OMG! And then the vib was turned on. And then the electricity part was turned on.

My eyes rolled back in my head and my head flipped back and i squeaked out the words, “may i please come Sir?”

And he said, “well, I suppose.” And he laughed. Always joking!

That was all the words i got out as the electricity caused my cunt to contract and then spasm over and over again. i couldn’t really quite tell where one orgasm ended and another started! i think it was 4, but may have been 5 or even 6! (Who knew electricity INSIDE was devine, but OUTSIDE just hurts! How is that even possible?)

Then he said it was time for me to get dressed for work.

He asked me if i was going to be a good girl while he was gone. i said i wasn’t too sure, because now that i had some … i wanted more! i am insatiable when it comes to orgasms!

That’s when i said rather sheepishly and unsure of why i was saying it, “Maybe i need to be locked in chastity while you are gone Sir.”

He said with some skepticism, “that may be difficult to do. You will be locked for about 36-hours. Can you handle that?”

“Sir, i think i don’t trust myself. This is probably what i need.”

“Ok, then that’s settled. Go lock her up and bring me the key!”

“Yes Sir. Thank you Sir.”

And that was that.

As the day progressed, we texted as we do. i told him about some of the blogs i have read about women in chastity. He was intrigued.

i told him about one blogger who has said if her Master isn’t using her cunt hole, it’s locked up. He has fucked her anally while she’s still in chastity (although he apparently didn’t like the restriction caused from the belt, and opted to take it off even for anal fucks thereafter too!)

i told my Sir about this and he was now seriously interested. i asked him if he would ever consider locking me up when not in use, and his response was, “depends on how good you are.” i wasn’t sure i wanted him to do this or not! i just wanted to know what he thought about it though too.

When i inquired further, we ultimately came to the joint agreement that “being out of the belt needs to be considered a privilege, and appreciated, and respected.” (And that i shouldn’t beg to be out of the belt either… as again… that’s a privilege to be earned!)

i told Sir, “i could get on board with that!” And he said, “GOOD!”

So it’s possible that Sir will start locking me up when i am not in use. And i will be thankful when i am let out too! i am intrigued by this, although admittedly i am unsure if i want this or not, but i will accept whatever Sir ultimately decides too.

While time will tell what we ultimately do here, i think this is so fucking sexy! i see being locked up, with my Sir holding the key, as one of the most submissive things i could ever do. Not allowing myself, or anyone else, to even physically touch, let alone sexually touch, what belongs solely to my Sir is so fucking hot to me!

As i walk in chastity, i feel the belt between my legs, around my waist, and moving with me. It’s like he is with me 25 (or 36!) consecutive hours, all the time, reminding me that this puss belongs to him … and him alone!

And now tonight i have been texting with him, where i learned he had a happy ending massage in his hotel room. He thought of me sitting, in chastity, in the corner watching. If i was a good girl, he’d let me touch one or both of them, but would not be allowed to orgasm … as i was to watch not (totally) participate, not to mention in chastity. When i asked him if he would have let me out of the belt he said, “nope! Not a chance!”

That was so fucking hot and i told him that too. i then said to him, “i now want to get out of this belt and ride a big dildo to orgasm all over it.”

And he said, “uh no! Remember, this is keeping you from yourself! You’ll sleep well tonight knowing how safe you are.”

Uh no, i won’t.

“i’m not sure if your denial (in refusing to tell me where the key is and not allow me out of the belt tonight) makes me happy or frustrated or both!” is what i actually said in the text.

He wrote, “Good!”

And he’s right. It is good!

My submission is deep. About as deep as i could possibly get, yet i yearn for more too!

As i sleep alone tonight, in nothing but my chastity belt, i could not be happier (and couldn’t be more desirous of an orgasm as well)!!

i am hopeful Sir will use me tomorrow night when he’s home, but if he chooses not to, i pray he continues to keep me locked up with the key hidden from me until he feels it appropriate to let me out.


Being out

is a privilege,

to be earned and respected!

(PS,,, i went looking for the key. i don’t need out, but wondered if i could find it too. i guess i was that curious. i didn’t find it. He didn’t hide it in any of the usual, expected places. i suspect i might’ve been disappointed if i had found it. It’s good to know i am truly at his discretion and he (literally) holds the key to ME … and my heart!)



262 – Today i am mad.

i got very mad at Sir tonight. And tomorrow, i will be spanked for it.

i said NO! to Sir. i know i don’t do that. But i did. Intentionally too!

Because i got that mad at him.

So we have streaming tv. And his dad, my father in law (FIL), sometimes dials on and watches specific shows on our service. When he does that though, it turns off what we are watching.

Well Sir is out of town and it happened while i was watching a tv show. i got a message that said, “You’re watching tv on too many devices in too many locations.” It gives me a choice to click on continue watching or cancel. If i continue, it will knock my FIL off again. And while i could do that, he will get that message and hit “continue watching” himself and it will knock me off where we play a tv version of ping pong.

So i got pissed and i told David so. i said, “this is stupid that we share tv service with your dad. We can afford to pay for our own service, and so can he. i should be able to watch what i want, when i want.”

i got a message back that said, “CHILL OUT!” Well, i didn’t.

And while David showed me an alternative way to get the show on that i wanted, i told him, “i got it on now, but i am still mad. This is stupid!”

To which he said, “well tell him.”

Now i wasn’t mad at my FIL, but at David. David gave him the password and he used it. My FIL didn’t do anything wrong.

So i said, “No. i told you.”

i waited.

i saw he read it.

About 5-minutes later, i got a response.

It said, “Are you telling me no?”

And i wrote (very boldly and confidently), “Yes Sir. i did. Because i am that mad.”

He wrote, “ok. When you see I’m leaving the airport (to drive to our house), you will Assume The Position.”

We have Life 360 app where i can see where he is and vice versa. i will have to watch the app to see when he’s leaving though as the airport is not a saved place. Only the saved places will trigger an automatic notification to me and he knows this. So he’s making me watching the app to know when he’s leaving the airport, in addition to the spanking now too.

Fine. i don’t care!

“Yes Sir.”

And then i got another message that read, “And you’ll wear the (chastity) belt from now until I leave the airport tomorrow to. You will not orgasm at all!”

Fine. i don’t care about that either!

“Yes Sir.”

And i put it on, even though i contemplated not doing it. While he won’t know exactly when i put it on or take it off, he will know if i don’t wear it. The belt leaves indentation marks on my skin that would be missing if i were to not wear it. The indentations are not permanent, and the belt doesn’t hurt but it does have to be tight enough to be effective. So it presses against my waist line, and leaves marks. i have noticed there seems to be a correlation between how long i wear the belt to just how long the marks stay. So i almost have to wear it for the duration prescribed if i am to take it off when Sir leaves the airport (and for it to be long enough to have the marks still be present when he gets home).

And now we aren’t exactly talking. i’m not sure if it’s a lull in the conversation and communication, or if he’s that mad that he’s not speaking to me. Although i am pretty certain it’s just a lull. Either way, right now, i am happy for the break to recoup and regain my composure.

Tomorrow’s spanking won’t be easy, or light, or maintenance. It’s going to hurt. And i am ok with that… at least right now anyway. i’ll wait to see if or how badly i regret this tomorrow!


i did discover, even last night, that Sir was speaking to me and said good night and that he loves me. (Just doesn’t love my anger!).

We talked more and i told him that i was mad at him, not his dad, which is why i told him NO that i would NOT tell his dad not to use our service and that he could pay for it himself.

To which, David started typing….. i saw the little bubbles. i got a bit anxious at his response as i was entirely sure that i should NOT have probably revisited this whole topic in the first place, but rather let it be what it was to be. But then also, i was openly telling him how mad i was and (while not in so many words…..) was also saying how wrong i thought David was in doing this.

Then i saw his response.

“In all your anger, have you forgotten all the money they’ve given us with (XY and Z). Not to mention, when I share codes with your family, you don’t seem to think that’s problematic. I don’t think what I’ve done is so egregious that it warrants your anger or defiance. You do not need to ever tell me No like that again.”

Ugh. He’s SO right! i have forgotten.

While i don’t necessarily agree with how he’s chosen to be kind and repay their graciousness, he’s not wrong at all. i am.

And i apologized. And i told him he is right.

To which he didn’t respond. But he didn’t need to. We both know where we both stand.

And i also know that a regretful, remorseful, raw butt will ensue. And to that end, we both know i will accept it, as it is appropriate to do so.

Ugh. Now i am dreading tomorrow….. but….

It is what it is now.

