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Tag: marriage

60- who snaps the hardest?

i managed to get myself into trouble today. i got very stressed out in a situation that was timed and had a deadline, and David was only trying to help. But he caused my stress to go up because i had a plan and just needed to execute it. So i snapped at him, “ok, fine! I got this. Go do your thing now and let me do this!”

And T-H-E very second it came out of my mouth i regretted it. But too late. Damage done.

David just gave me a look that said it all. i could read his expression and it said, “I know you didn’t just talk to me that way!”

And i immediately responded with, “i am sorry Sir, that was an unintentional snap.”

He calmly said, “I’m sure I will have an Intentional snap very soon where I will accept your apology”.

i knew that meant the snap of the paddle pressing hard against my ass.

i had no choice but to face the consequences of my stupid, stressed-out, speak-before-i-think actions.

Thankfully, he walked away and allowed me to refocus and get the deadline met. i got the work done in time and turned in with 2-minutes left.

(NO, i did not procrastinate. It was simply an assignment with a super tight deadline and the clock was not my friend.)

Spankings during this social distancing time have been hard to do because they are not quiet events and our son is home more than ever.

And as luck would not be in my favor, the first time since mid-March, my son’s BF invited him over to their house and since it was just the two of them (and BF’s fam), i said yes.

So an hour later, our son was out of the house. David and i ate dinner and i just knew that i should be in position to accept the spanking (soon). So i just went to the bedroom without being told. Striped naked. Per usual. Leaned over with my elbows on the bed and feet flat on the floor. Ass sticking straight out, available for use.

So after getting into position, i waited, for one hot second. And here he came.

He grabbed the paddle and started peppering my ass to warm it up. The warm up stings. It feels like mosquito bites hanging up on my bottom.

As he did this, he asked, “going to snap at me?”

i said, “no Sir”

“Why not now? You did earlier. You seemed to think it was ok then!”

i responded with, “it was wrong.“

And he said, “good answer…now. Too bad you didn’t think before you spoke before. And now your ass is going to sting when we are done so that you remember you don’t get to snap at me. Or else I will snap at you. And my snaps will hurt far more than your snaps could ever do.”

i lost count. He was right. The snaps were so many. And what’s more is he didn’t actually swing hard or powerful. It was just snapping. And the more he did, the more it stung.

i estimate i received around 200 “snaps” in all. All with the paddle. All in about 10’ish minutes. Not much force at all actually, but more or less in the same spot. Over and over again.

And then it was finally over. For today. But alas, tomorrow is maintenance.

As we lay in bed and i type this, he just rolled over, said good night, “I guess we will sting your butt again tomorrow. Because it IS Friday. Sleep well!”

In my head… “oh joy. Can’t wait. W-H-Y couldn’t it be any day but Friday tomorrow? My butt is still stinging even now, so I wonder how it will feel tomorrow.”

And out of my mouth, “thank you Sir. You sleep well also.”

He said, “good answer.”



DAY 7 : YOUR TOYBOX…What’s your favourite toy or item of equipment?

i know i am behind… work has been crazy and has caused me to be away from you… so i will try to get caught up.

My favorite toy is the rabbit vibrator.

i love being told “start masturbating and don’t cum until i tell you.” And using my rabbit.

It’s a basic toy. i know. But sometimes, go back to the basics.

This is the second one i’ve had. i can cum faster than anything with that toy!

And just so you know… i have a large toy box.. handcuffs, finger cuffs, ropes, spreader bar, a lot of monster dildos, one that is custom made, inflatable dildo, a fist dildo, remote control bullets..

Oh speaking of bullet…Besides the rabbit, my 2nd fav toy is the remote control bullet. It is controlled by an app. Anywhere in the world. And when David takes control, it goes on/off at random times and is amazing!



55 – Deeper submission

“Deeper” submission…. get the pun??!?! ….in more ways that one…. deep in my ass and my mind!

Yesterday’s maintenance session was intense. My ass is bruised today, especially on my right side.

As we were laying in bed, David said….

Him: “I decided to see how long you could handle being spanked in just one spot. Did you notice that I concentrated primarily on just your right ass cheek?”

Me: oh YES Sir i did! i may not have called yellow when i did if you’d moved around a bit more than you did.

Him: no words….just gave me the biggest grin!

Today….. i feel like the session served it’s purpose. My ass is bruised and still sore. But i am content, relaxed, and loving my Sir more than i did yesterday even.

For those that think, “how can a spanking (bruises) cause you to want more?”… well, it’s a bit hard to expexplain, but i will try….

By submitting myself to Sir, it is an intentional show of my love. It shows that i trust him fully with my physical being, my life, and our family. And he knows and respects that it is INTENTIONAL that i’ve chosen to commit myself thoroughly to him, and ultimately he does the same in reverse.

i love the bond that only we know about. My family and friends think i am a stereo-typical, average middle-aged woman, with a suburban life, middle-class, (overall) conservative life. And they ARE right. Mostly.

There’s just more than meets the eye. In fact, much of it is hidden underneath clothing … like bruises and plugs… which brings me to the deeper submission part of this….

Today we implemented a new rule. One that i came up with after reading other blogs here and being inspired, and he thought was perfect for us.

It is:

What he puts in (or tells me to put in), shall not come out without permission and/or only by his hand. And there’s to be NO whining, begging, pleading, or bartering otherwise. In fact, i shouldn’t even mention it or remind him either. i am to trust that he won’t forget or neglect me, and further trust that he is in control and knows what’s best.

So with that …. he put in a metal plug that has a purple jeweled end, his favorite color. Then he stood me upright, planted a warm kiss on me, squeezed my (sore!) ass, and went to play golf.

i have no real idea how long it will stay in, but i know – without a doubt or question in my mind – it WILL stay in until he gives me permission to take it out or tells me to bend over and does it himself.

A constant reminder today that i am his. And my life couldn’t be better!

54 – Maintenance – rushing home : worst spanking ever

Maintenance hurts… i know i’ve said that before.


i still look forward to it every Friday. Rarely am i not in the mood for it. It brings us together. It relieves stress. It starts the weekend out right.

In fact, i am racing home from work right now because Sir texted saying he was heading home and (if possible – which it is!), i need to meet him there and “get (myself) ready and in position.”

So i am headed home to have my weekly date with my Sir and let him wield the paddle to my bottom.

And i simply could NOT be any happier! Even though i KNOW it WILL hurt! ❤️


And one hour later i can honestly tell you, tonight’s maintenance session was the hardest spanking i have ever received.

David said, “I had a crappy day and I have a lot of stress to unwind. I have never gotten you to say yellow or red, and I want to find out just exactly how much it will take. It is not a punishment, but it will be a strong maintenance session that will unwind us both, on your ass and my mind. Are you prepared?”

My sole response, “Yes Sir”

And he did exactly as he said he would.

Since i knew he would go long and hard, i tried to count the swats in my head. He never makes me count out loud, and most of the time i pray in my head about acceptance, grace, and mercy. But tonight, i counted.

And i lost count. At 125.

Not all were huge swings and propel-me-forward kinda of swats. But i can tell you ALL of them were intentional and purposeful.

And i called out yellow. Meaning “slow down, please”

And he did. And still went a bit more.

Now i am sitting in the car, while riding to dinner, and we are both super relaxed. And my ass is on F-I-R-E!! Like it has NEVER been before.

And yet… if he said “bend over now!” i would do it again.

Love my submissive, domestic disciplined life! ❤️


52 – Panties be G-O-N-E

The rule is simple: N-O P-A-N-T-I-E-S.

At all.


Not hard to follow… right?

Well…… as i mentioned in the last post, i don’t like the “rub” when i wear jeans withOUT panties.

So …, i cheated. i wore a G-string. It was a compromise.. they aren’t “really” panties.. i mean they are only “half” there anyway! (right?)

i was honest. Told the truth. i told David straight away. Well, mostly anyway. Ok, ok…so i texted it to him AFTER i left the house for work. i know……NOT my best move.

And i suppose that wouldn’t have been a terrible thing…. had it been the first time. But it wasn’t.

So before you start in on me too….let me just say… i have told David every-single-time i cheated. And he said, “you better stop.” And “you WILL regret this” and other similar statements. But that was really all that happened. So i kinda thought he didn’t reallyyyyyyy mind after all. Besides, i have taken them off as soon as i got home.

But today, he said, “we will deal with this when you are home.” Which pretty much told me that today was going to be different.

And when i got home, i was admittedly…. nervous. i kinda thought today just may be the day that i pushes it too far. And sure enough…

i came into my bedroom to change out of work clothes and take off my shoes, and my panties drawers – yes i have TWO – were pulled out.

And they were empty.


The drawers are completely empty.

When i saw David, he very calmly but sternly said, “No more! I told you before that your pussy is NOT to be covered and because you can’t be trusted to follow the rule, I’ve now made it where you won’t be tempted. And i won’t be touching it tonight because you are now being disciplined.”

When i asked what happened to them …if he threw the panties away or just hid them somewhere, he said, “it doesn’t matter as they don’t belong to you anymore so don’t worry about it!”

i wish I could tell you i didn’t deserve this. But i do.

i guess in some ways, i’m happy they are gone as i was indeed tempted and, obviously, failed. Now, it won’t be an option. So for that, i am indeed happy.

But i got to say…. they will be missed….. 😏

Hugs, Marie

PS…i know i still owe you a post about my convo with our son. Not forgotten.