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Tag: sir

228 – Hidden in plain sight

Sometimes Submission is obvious. When you know what it looks like. Frequently though, people are not looking or aware.

i walk through the grocery store with David and to anyone knowing what a submissive wife looks like, you’d see it plainly when looking at me as we walk together.

Then there’s the non-submissive wives (or husbands) that anyone can see too. NO criticism, just saying they are obvious to me too.

Those are usually the couples who are bickering or even fighting about this or that as they go through the store. They are the ones who can’t seem to agree whether $2.99 for a lb of grapes is reasonable or not. i would tell you one of the biggest reasons to submit is because of the harmony it creates. Life is so much more enjoyable when it is done with joy and harmony. (i wouldn’t argue with David if he said that was too much for grapes. i would simply say “ok” and that’s that!)

And the opposite is true too. i walk through the store watching others as we go, and i see submissiveness in others. When i see another submissive wife, we usually make eye contact, smile, and it signifies the other know how much we approve of one another.

It’s clear if you know what to look for AND you are paying attention. And if you do not or are not paying attention, a D/s relationship becomes hidden in plain sight.

So what does a submissive wife look like in the grocery store anyway? That’s an easy question to answer, because it’s me! i will just tell you how i look and act in the store!

First i will tell you how i look.

In the spirit of A-L-W-A-Y-S have something in or on my body as a reminder of my submission, today i asked David as i was getting dressing, “open or closed?”

He was confused and asked, “what?”

i smiled and said, “Today i was thinking i should either wear the crotchless pants or the chastity belt as the submissive item of the day. So my puss would either be very open or very closed, which would you prefer?”

He smiled at me and said, “while I think you need to have it locked up, I want to have it open today.” So open it should be!

i am physically dressed today with my stretch, yoga-style pants, that have no crotch. There is an opening from the very front to the very back. On my top, i wear a shirt that is extra long, which is more than enough to cover myself. It has a (relatively) deep V-cut neckline, but not too deep. It shows just the top edge of the crevice between each breast, giving a bit of a tease to any onlooker yet leaving much to the imagination too. And lastly, i wear two pieces of jewelry: my wedding ring and a stylish silver choker collar.

There is no bra, and of course, no panties either. There would be absolutely no point in wearing panties with crotchless pants, right?!

When you lay your eyes on me, if you were observant you would likely notice my nipples poking through my shirt, or maybe not. You may also notice my necklace, or maybe not as well. Both are in plain sight. Of course, most people either don’t see or if they do, don’t realize the significance of seeing either of them so my submission is therefore hidden.

Most people assume seeing my nipples is a sign of me being either risqué, a slut, or both. This is at least one reason why i almost always wear my wedding ring and am always standing near my husband. Then again, if they want to assume i am one of those, that’s their decision and i am ok with that. i am proud of being submissive and not ashamed.

And my collar. A submissive collar usually has a circle on it, as does mine. i have more than one collar. i still owe you a post about my collar but that’s not this post either and you’ll have to wait for that one still. i will tell you now though that i frequently wear one of my collars in public. To someone in the know, and observantly watching, they would know it’s a sign of my submission but if you weren’t aware, you’d just think it was a pretty silver choker necklace. Next time you see a choker necklace on a girl while in public, and there’s a circle on it, you’ll now know that she’s a sub! Again, i will tell you more about the collar(s) i own and wear in another post.

Lastly, you wouldn’t see this at all about me but rather David. He sneaks small touches of my puss as we move about the produce aisle, turn the corner to the next aisle, or when reaching to pick up an item. You probably won’t see this though as he does it subtly and you’d have to be paying a LOT for attention to find this. But IF you do see it, you’ll see me allowing it too.

Next i will tell you how i act.

As i have somewhat already said above, i stand tall. i am not afraid to have people see my submission, nor am i embarrassed or worried or turned off or otherwise stressed. In fact, i am proud.

When i walked through the store today, i held my head high and my shoulders back. That’s when you’d have possibly seen my nipples poking through!

If you were to see me, you’d have likely found me following behind David. While i sometimes walk next to him and there’s no official rule about where i must stand in relation to him, the store can be crowded allowing only just enough room to walk in a single file line. When that’s the case, i walk behind. Never in front. Never EVER in front. i follow. i never lead, physically or mentally! This is by choice that i follow and of course mentally too.

If and when you did actually lay eyes on me, i make eye contact and smile. Sometimes i talk to you and say hello, but not always. If you speak to me, i will always speak back though too. If you knew i was submissive, you might be surprised to see that i am not an introvert really and will not appear to shrink when seen or spoken to. i am proud of who i am. i am submissive for sure, but i am not ashamed or afraid of people seeing the real me which is NOT an introvert!

Because i am proud, if you were to ask me about anything, including about my submission, i would answer honestly. People frequently aren’t confident enough to speak to someone else at all, but especially about something so private as a submission collar around her neck even when you know me well! (i wear my collar to work quite frequently and most people think it is a “very lovely necklace!” And no one, absolutely no ONE has ever asked… but i am sure that at least 3-suspect!)

i always walk close to David. He is always within my eye sight, if not within arm’s length. The only exception to that (ever) is if he tells me to go pick up something further away, in which case i oblige.

i generally push the cart and he fills it up. He cooks and i clean. That’s always been our deal, so in the store, he decides what to buy and i just wait for the cart to be filled and we leave.

We make jokes and references about submission when we are in public fairly frequently too. Like today, there was a woman on a mission with her shopping cart. She was rather oblivious about her surroundings and seemingly uncaring too. She took up the entire aisle, criss-crossed, and was set on going where she wanted to. Had the rest of us not moved out of her way, she likely would have plowed into someone. David made a comment about her, to which i said, “Some people think they own the place and that they are in charge.”

David laughed and said, “You never think that. Do you?”

“Absolutely not! But she did.”

“Yes, she did indeed. Maybe someone needs to teach her a lesson.”

And we laugh.

The entire conversation is quiet enough that most wouldn’t hear, but if you did, you’d know it was about submission too.

Today when we left the store, as we drove home David reached over and drew up my shirt exposing my pussy to him. He commented about how pretty it looked just hanging out there.

And then his hand started exploring and playing with it. It swelled at his touch. i became very turned on and was enjoying the attention. He played as he drove. i should have been concerned about his distraction, but i suppose i was distracted beyond the point of concern. Of course, i NEVER say no to his touch. His hand, tongue, or cock is ALWAYS welcome on (or in) my body any day or night or location!

He talked to me and said, “you were a good girl at the store. i love how you wore this outfit today making it easy for me, yet never said a word on the way here.”

i commented, “i knew you knew it was available to you Sir. i knew i didn’t have to say anything, but i was hoping you’d touch me too!”

The more he played, the more aroused i became. i found myself asking to orgasm and he said yes. So i did. i orgasmed right there, in the car, on the freeway, with my puss on display for anyone to see.

Yet, no one did. No one saw me orgasm because they weren’t looking. Just like it’s probable that no one noticed or saw me in the store either.

There’s so much around us that we just don’t notice because we really are just not looking.

So many things are hidden in plain sight. i might can prove to you now that even you weren’t paying attention….. did you look at the photo? What does it look like? Did you see the animals?

Did you see the THREE animals in the photo above? Yes, there are three…. Here ya go!



223 – December Blinders

December is supposed to be the “most wonderful season of all,” at least according to all the Christmas season songs. i find it can be the most hectic and busiest time of all.

And when i get busy… i get stressed…. And the way i deal with stress is to get laser focused on the task at hand, get it done, and checked off the list. Kinda like a race horse with blinders on, i put on my blinders and get focused.

Blinders, as shown in the photo, on a race horse is done to allow it to just focus on what’s straight ahead: the finish line.

As i was searching for the perfect race horse blinder photo, i saw these words on a website that described why a race horse wears the blinders:

Horses wear blinders in order to keep them focused on the job in front of them, not on any external disturbances such as cars, sirens, fireworks, or horse-drawn carriages that would otherwise cause the horse to spook and possibly cause damages or harm to itself.

That first sentence…. “Focused on the job in front of them,” resonates with me. While i do NOT wear actual blinders (come on peeps, i am not that crazy…. Or am i? Lol), that’s how my mind gets when i get stressed with a to-do list a mile long… focused.

Well….. THAT is when i am not at my most-best-submissive self either.

And THAT leads to trouble.

i mean, i have things to do. Who has time to slow down, chose my words properly, deliver the words with correct tone, and say “Sir.” That is all superfluous. Right?? W-R-O-N-G!

So yes, my friends, i went from being the most-submissive wife last month (while being denied O’s) to being on-a-mission to get stuff done and forgetting to be my husband’s submissive wife this month.

NOT a recipe for success.

Yesterday was one such day. We had several of my husband’s coworkers to our house for a Christmas party. Beforehand, as we were setting up, we were working together to get stuff set out and doing well. Until we weren’t.

David asked me, “should we move these chairs?” as he was referring to the dining room chairs set around the table that was now repurposed for the food in a buffet line and wouldn’t be used as a seating/earring table.

So i said, “where?” As in, “ok, let’s move them… but i’m not sure where would be best… just back away or to a useful place? What did you have in mind?”

What David heard was, “And where would you think we should put them? There’s no logical place, and it’s not necessary, people can move the, if they get in the way… we have other things to do, so ……”

Again… laser focused, no time for excess words…. And … yah, in trouble i was!

He was immediately angry. He looked at me and said, “When I make a suggestion, it’s important. You do not need to question me. Either you’ll be submissive and do as I say or we won’t do this at all. Do I make myself clear?”

i was in shock honestly. i didn’t understand what the problem was actually. Here’s what went through my head……

i said, “where?” What was there that i was questioning? Why is he mad? i thought i was being helpful, submissive, and getting things done. What does he mean by “you’ll be submissive..or we won’t do this at all.”….. being submissive is who i am, not an air i put on. i can’t NOT do it. Does he mean he won’t be my Sir? He wasn’t saying we wouldn’t be married and we won’t do MARRIAGE at all, was he?”


So when he said, “Do I make myself clear?” My ultimate thought was “ NO, not really!”

Thankfully, what came out of my mouth next was, “YES.”

But…. Of course…. i didn’t say, “Sir.” Nor did i respond any too quickly. There was a distinct pause in my response (see above for all the things i was thinking about!! That took a hot minute!)

That’s when he said, “your response makes your position clear.”

And he stood there staring at me, expecting a better response and more words to come from my mouth. Of which, i strongly debated if i should stay silent OR spew out all the paragraph of thoughts that went through my mind! (See above again.)

i knew if i said anything at all, we would be in a fight. I also knew he was expecting more from me.

Oh-good-grief. What a disastrous start to this party! Now i was just annoyed.

And at that very moment, i was saved by the bell. Literally, our door bell rang. Our first guest arrived. And he went to answer it. Thankful for the reprieve, the party was officially started. (It had to get better from here, right?? YES it did!)

i honestly figured all would be done and forgotten then as we entertained, ate, drank, and hours of conversation passed. But at the end, after all the guests left and we were cleaning up, David looked at me and said, “so…. Tell me what you were thinking when the door bell rang.”

OH CRAP. Really?? Ok, fine, i will tell you. But you just TOLD me to tell you. i can’t together in trouble for speaking my mind when i was told to, right??

So i told him. Just like i told you above.

And no, i didn’t get in trouble. Nor did we get in a fight. It’s probable it would’ve done one of those (trouble or fight), had I said it earlier, because there was emotion involved. However, by the time the words flowed, the emotion had subsided on both sides, which was a good thing!

Instead of trouble, he put his arms around my neck, leaned down and kissed me, and said, “I guess my suggestion should have been worded differently, but so should your response. Would you agree?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Good girl. Now let’s go to sleep and do better tomorrow, shall we?”

“Yes Sir.”

And it ended well. But….. i need to take the blinders OFF some too. i don’t need to be so laser focused on perfection, getting to the finish line, or getting everything done even!

That same horse website mentioned previously said this about “why doesn’t the horse wear blinders all the time?”…

If worn all the time, however, blinders would get in a horse’s way. He may not spot the cool stream to his left or the tasty mound of hay to his right. He could run through a wide meadow unable to quench his thirst or satisfy his hunger.

i need to remember to slow down, look around, and remember who i am….

David’s submissive wife.

(Or else next time i likely WILL run into real trouble!)



222 – Sharing me with his BFF – fiction – Part II

This is a continuation of the previous post, so if you haven’t read the first part, you really should do so first.

Sir looked at his friend and asked him, “well, would you want her to stay with you tonight?”

Our friend David looked at me, then looked at my Sir and said, “if you are sure this is ok by you, then yes, I’d love to release some of the pressure that’s built up over the last few months.”

While looking from me to David, he added, “but I must warn you both, my ex-wife caused me a lot of stress and took a lot of money from me in the process. I’m still pretty angry with her at how she just used and abused me like that, so I’m not sure how nice I can be tonight.”

My Sir let out a laugh and said, “Don’t worry my friend, we both know how much pent up anxiety you’ve had. Use my wife’s holes anyway you’d like and allow yourself to have fun. My wife provides the best stress reliever there is! Which is ultimately why I wanted to share her with you too. I knew you needed to pound away at a woman tonight way more than I did. She’s tough and can handle anything you give her. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

I smiled and said, “oh Yes Sir.” Then looking at our friend, I added, “Tonight is about you Sir.”

My Sir looked at me and said, “Now you know my love, that tonight is not about you. You may or may not get to orgasm, depending if David allows it. But your needs are irrelevant tonight. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir, I do indeed understand and I wouldn’t have it any other way!,” is how I responded.

Sir looked at his friend and said, “This is one time you need to be completely selfish and let her be the whore she is for you tonight. Of course, she’s actually better than a whore, because she comes to you free of charge.”

Our friend smiled and said, “it’s rare that I get anything for free. People see my money and want to know how much they can have. You are a true friend!”

Sir then said, “it’s the least I can for my Best Friend! I knew you needed this and I have the cure for you! Be sure to use her to get every ounce of happiness you seek and all she will ask in return is that you snuggle a bit with her at the end. That’s when you’ll need to reassure her that she’s made you happy and that she’s a good girl.”

He continued. “If you want to let her orgasm, you can but you don’t have to. She will ask when she feels she needs to orgasm, but she always seems to ask before she truly needs it too. I almost never say yes the first time she asks but tonight, it’s your call. Maybe you want to feel that orgasm of hers glide over your cock welcoming it more into her folds. It’s up to you.”

Finally he said, “I only ask though that if she is not completely compliant and attentive to you and your needs, you punish her before the night is through. She knows her place and she needs to know you will keep her in line. All good?”

With that, our friend David smiled, gave my Sir the kind of man-shake hug that men do while patting each other on the back with their free hand.

Our friend drew back and said, “thanks man. Not many people would be so kind.”

Sir replied, “you’re my best friend, what’s mine is yours. I’m glad I can help.”

I was just watching this entire exchange from the bed, patiently waiting to be acknowledged. At that moment is when Sir came to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, while facing me squarely and said, “be a good submissive slut wife tonight. If you aren’t, in addition to whatever punishment David gives you, I may well do more at home tomorrow. Don’t embarrass me with my friend. Do you understand?”

I was so excited to be shared with his friend and possibly make this a future thing too, that I smiled at David and then looked to my Sir said, “oh yes Sir. I know my responsibilities tonight. I won’t let either of you down. Thank you Sir!”

My Sir kissed me then and said, “alright, have fun you two. I’ll see myself out now.”

And he left the room, with me on the bed naked and David fully clothed standing and staring. I wasn’t too sure David knew how to start. He was like a little school boy at that moment, so with my hand I beckoned him to me with a sly grin, I said, “Come to me Sir.”

And he did. I raised up on my knees and moved to kiss him. My hands found his zipper at the same time and unzipped his pants. He let them fall to the floor.

I started to reach for the buttons of his shirt when I felt his hands moving that way already. So instead, I pulled his boxers down and let those hit the floor too.

While he finished taking his shirt off, I moved my face down to his cock. I slid my mouth down upon it with my hands cupping at his balls, and proceeded to start sucking him harder than he already was. I was moving slowly and gently, kneading his balls with my hand as my mouth stroked at his cock.

I heard his shirt drop, followed by a sigh of happiness. He said, “Damn woman, David taught you to suck cock like a pro!”

Hearing those words of encouragement, I was inspired to do more. As I started to move more swiftly, that’s when he grabbed either side of my head with both of his hands and he held my face still. He started moving his cock in and out, face fucking me. He started going faster and faster, and that’s when he jammed his big cock down my throat. I was concentrating on not gagging as I knew I shouldn’t.

He did this over and over again, and then with one big jab he pushed as deep as he could go and held it there for what felt like an eternity but likely only a few seconds. As he held it deep inside my throat, it cut off my air way and I almost pulled back from fear of not being able to breath. But at that moment, he released the hold on my face with his hands and pulled his cock out of my mouth.

While climbing onto the bed, he said, “you are a good fucking whore! I’m already impressed with how well you are trained. David has done an amazing job with you!”

“Thank you Sir. I’m glad to be able to serve you.”

“Let’s see what else can you do! Now lay on your back woman with your legs spread wide.” And I did so with a smile on my face.

“I’m already impressed with one hole, but now it’s time to try out another.”

He climbed on the bed between my legs and he said, “put my cock to your opening so I can use you the way I need to.”

I said, “Yes Sir,” as I reached between my legs and took hold of his cock. I pulled it close to my pussy’s opening as he then pressed forward to penetrate me.

After pressing in just one inch, he paused. He looked me in the eye and said, “do you think I’m going to be nice to you tonight?”

“I’m not sure Sir. But does it matter?”

“You’re right. It doesn’t!”

And he pressed all the way forward, balls deep, as far into my pussy as he could go. All in one swift move. I gasped as i felt the depth of his cock inside me. Then he swiftly pulled back all the way to the tip, and pressed deep once again in one more swift move.

Both times, I felt his cock spread my lips wide. His cock felt so damn good inside this needy pussy, so I told him that too.

It got him motivated to pound me hard and fast for the next many minutes. I was loving every minute of it. I said, “Sir, your cock feels completely amazing. Thank you for giving me this time with you.”

Suddenly, he collapsed on top of my chest, and just as quickly he rolled us both. I found myself on top of him just that quickly. He pressed me up to a sitting position. He grabbed my nipples, one in each hand, and he squeezed. That’s when he said, “Now you need to ride my cock like the bitch you are. Show me how much you want my cock inside you. Don’t stop until I allow it either!”

I started grinding on his cock in earnest. I was moving forward and back, going faster on his thick cock. He held tight of my nipples, so as I moved back my nipples were held taut and hurt. I reached up to my tits and grabbed the base of them, in an attempt to give them a little comfort. I didn’t dare ask him to let go, but I sure wanted to.

He said, “You are a talented woman, but I’m going to make you better! I can tell my firm touch to your nips is causing you a bit of pain but I think it’s nothing compared to that paddling you took earlier tonight. So let them be and relish in the thought that this makes me happy. Let go of your tits and let me pull at them as I wish.”

As he spoke, I felt my pussy contract. He was right. This was all good for me, My pussy squeezed hard on his cock and I said, “Yes Sir. Thank you Sir.”

He suddenly let go of my nipples, and grabbed at each of my ass cheeks. He said, “now move woman!” And he started helping me move me up and down on his rigid member. I moved swift and we were both nearing orgasm.

I asked, “Please Sir, may I cum?”

He grunted out, “NO. Not until after I do! I’m going to cum deep in this cunt and I want to enjoy this moment on my own!”

I kept going. I felt his cock flexing hard. I was getting tired and I really wanted to orgasm. I asked again. This time when I asked, he slapped hard at my already-sore ass, and he yelled, “Fuck! I said no, I meant no! Get me off and then we’ll talk!”

“Yes Sir.”

I started working his cock in earnest. I wanted him to orgasm in my pussy so much, I started telling him that too. “Please Sir, use my hole to dump your cum deep into. You deserve to have a willing and accepting hole for your precious gift. I wish your ex-wife would’ve realized the precious gift you had to offer. But make no mistake Sir, I am grateful to be your cum dump now!”

I worked his cock as he helped by pressing my ass back and forth too. His head rolled back and he said, “oh baby, I need to cum! Keep working my cock. Don’t you fucking stop I’ll use that paddle on you so hard you won’t be able to sit for a week!”

“Oh God Sir, you have the magic words to turn me on. I really need to cum Sir!”

“Then you better fucking get me off quick so you can have yours!”

It was just another minute, when he suddenly gripped at my ass holding me firmly on top of his cock. He didn’t let me move. His cock was so deep inside me and filled me so thoroughly, but I knew it was at that moment he was filling me even more with his seed. I felt his dick flex in my pussy.

It was then that he said, “NOW you may cum!” And he brought his hand around to my clit and started flicking at it. I asked, “may I ride you another minute Sir?”

He said, “absolutely. But you best be quick because as you milk the last of my cum from my dick, I’ll be soft soon too.”

I became hungry for my orgasm. Time was of the essence and I wasn’t going to miss out. With his fingers caressing my clit and my determination, I rode his cock as hard as I could, as fast as I could. I needed to feel it deep. And it was only a minute later I screamed out, “Sir. I need to cum. Now.”

He said, “that wasn’t a question. But yes, you may orgasm.”

That was all I needed to hear! I let the the orgasm engulf me entirely. It washed over me entirely. I went rigid almost immediately and just relished in the feelings.

I felt my clit pulse as the blood flexed through my veins. And that’s when I collapsed on top of my new Sir’s chest.

I rested there for a few minutes. He allowed me to gain my composure there as he stroked my back and told me I was a good girl over and over, which I cherished thoroughly.

He rolled me to his side, where we were then laying together spooning. We rested there a good long time, and I fell asleep just that way. I’m not too sure if he slept or not but I wasn’t concerned about him. I knew he was happy, and that allowed me to just fully relax.

We laid that way for several hours. I slept so well in his arms, and I think he enjoyed me there with him too.

I don’t know what time it was when I awakened, probably 3 or 4 am, but I felt his arm hooked under my hips where he was clearly moving me into a particular position.

He must’ve figured out I was awakened, because before i could say a word he said, “hush baby girl. Don’t speak. I need to use another hole now though too. My ex never let me fuck her ass, and I’m going to fuck yours the way I wanted to fuck hers. Hard and fast! I’m going to own your ass and you’ll let me do it too.”

He added, “I want you on all fours. Now. Get into position and do not move until I allow it. Do you understand me?”

While still trying to wake up but also trying to be compliant, I responded with, “Yes Sir.”

With his arm on my hips and my help, I was immediately on all fours. And I heard him say, “I’m going to mount you like the dog I want you to be. You are my bitch and I’m going to fuck your ass hard.”

“Please Sir, use me as you want.”

“Oh believe me, I’m going to use you now for my pleasure. I don’t give a fucking rat’s ass if you orgasm, or how many times. Don’t even ask. In fact, don’t say a fucking word! What I care about is filling your ass with my cum. Just know, I’m not going to be nice or easy. I’m going to aggressively fuck you. Starting now….”

With that, I felt the tip of his cock start to enter my ass. I prepared to feel the pressure that I always dread as it starts to press against my sphincter muscle. I love anal sex, but not the first pressure that builds before the dick gets past that muscle.

I hold my breath. Despite his words, he was kind. He went slow. As I felt the pressure start to build, I gasped. He paused, and said, “get ready. I’m about to press on through. Are you ready?”

“Yes Sir. I’m ready.”

I pressed outward, opening my muscles to allow more room for his cock. And just like that, he pressed hard and fast. He was immediately as deep as he could be inside my ass. I gasped in hard. I knew how his cock felt in my puss, but he sure felt so much bigger now in my tighter ass hole too. He held that for just a minute and let me catch my breath.

Then he said, “that’s the last I’ll be nice. Now it’s all about me.”

“Yes Sir. I understand. I’m here for you to use.”

He said, “I don’t need to hear your approval. I know what you’re here for. If you don’t though, you are about to find out! Don’t speak another word!”

With that, I pushed my hand down between my legs and started playing with my clit while he started pounding my ass. I know he saw me reach down to play with myself, but I figured unless he said I couldn’t I would! And he didn’t, so I did!

He was popping my ass as he pulled in and out every time. I was loving how he was plugging my back hole. The more he pegged me, the more I played with my clit. Suddenly, I was in a full orgasm! As I did, all my muscles flexed hard. But it was short lived. David was not impressed.

He immediately slapped hard on my (still) tender ass. He said, “focus woman! I said you could orgasm, but not if you are going to get all selfish and not allow me to have your undivided attention!”

“Now stop playing with your clit. Focus on me and making my cock happy! I’m going to fucking cum in your fucking ass. And you’ll thank me for it when I’m done.”

That’s when he grabbed onto my collar and pulled back. He said, “this collar is useful. I’m going to use it to keep you in this exact position while I fuck you as hard as I can.”

And with that, he started pounding away at my ass. In and out. Over and again. I heard him muttering things like, “give it to me bitch!”

And “I’m going to fill this hole so it drips for hours!”

And “your ass feels like the best I’ve ever had.”

After all this, even without my fingers touching my clit, I felt it come up. My next orgasm. I was about to orgasm without even having any touch to my pussy. It was coming entirely from my ass being pumped over and again.

And finally, I heard him say, “Fuck! I’m cumming now!”

And he slammed into my ass, held himself tight against me, and I felt his cock flex in my ass as he dumped his seed deep inside me. Again.

And that was all I needed. I felt it some over me just like that. I orgasmed that fast. I didn’t even expect it to happen then, but it creeped up and eeked out. It over took me slowly and softly. I loved it!

He collapsed onto my back and whispered in my ear, “I love all your holes so much. I love that David my best friend and he has trained you this well. You make me happy.”

I thanked him thoroughly. I was so happy he was using me the way he was.

That’s when we fell asleep once more together again. His arms wrapped around me and we slept so well.

When we finally awoke and he took me home, he thanked David for allowing me to pleasure him. Then he asked my Sir, “can I start seeing her regularly?”

David said, “Sure man! What did you have in mind?”

And with that our friend, and my new Second Sir, said, “I’d like to hump her weekly… on hump day!”

David laughed saying, “I’m glad to hear she performed well for you. You have a deal! Every hump day you have a submissive wife at your beckon call!”

I walked up to my new Second Sir and said, “I’ll see you on Hump Day Sir!” I blew him a kiss and he left.

My husband then turned to me and asked, “have a good time, did you baby girl?”

I responded, “oh yes Sir. I love having a second Sir now and I’m glad to make you both happy.”

That’s when my Sir said, “then let’s go make me happy now too. Take your clothes off and I’ll see you in the bedroom in 5!”

“Yes Sir. Thank you Sir!”

The end.



221 – Sharing me with his BFF – fiction

THIS IS LONG…. and i started to cut it down after I had it written down and realized just how long it became. But… i also like it as-is. So read as much, or little, as you like. i am ok with that. But if you do read to the end, leave me a comment so I know …. but also what you think of it too….. and without further ado.

This is a story that came to me as a result of a current nonfiction real life situation/story, but then i amped it up to the next level, making it go from no sexual nonfiction to sexual fiction….. in other words, the Best Parts are Fictional. But maybe… one day… it all might come to fruition too.

Here’s the part that’s nonfiction…..

My husband plays golf quite a bit. i play too, but not nearly as often as he. About 3-years ago now, he was playing golf with a member he was paired with, who’s name is also David. With a shared name and love of golf, they quickly became friends.

Over the years, we have gotten to know David fairly well. We’ve learned he doesn’t have a lot of friends, mainly because he has a lot of money. i have NO idea how much money he has but i know it’s a lot. The phrase about money opens doors is true, to an extent. At some point, the greed of some people starts to show itself and it’s hard to differentiate which people are genuine friends versus friends just to get to your money.

David was married. Recently he has gone through a divorce because his young model wife was arm candy, but she started finding nose candy just a little too appealing. When you have access to that much money, you start to believe you are invincible and when she started doing drugs she got caught. One too many times, in fact, where the last time David warned her “do it again and we are done.” And well, she refused counseling saying she could control herself and she didn’t. She did it again. And she was caught. David has now divorced her. Of course, she got a LOT of money in the process. Nowhere near even half, due to good lawyers and prenups, but absolutely enough to keep her well set for life if she were smart about it, but somehow I don’t think she will be, which is sad really.

This is where nonfiction ends and fiction begins……

David and David were playing golf Saturday morning where friend talked to Sir about how horny he was. Sir told him to pay for pussy, since we all know that would barely be a drop in his bucket. David told him he didn’t trust paid pussy to not give him some disease that no amount of money could cure.

That’s when Sir got the idea to loan me out. He knew it would be a perfect match for all if David would agree. David could get what he wanted, his cock deep inside a good pussy. Sir would get what he wanted, a good night’s sleep without being bugged about me orgasming. And I would get a second Sir, who could keep me in line while keeping my holes aligned too.

So throughout the rest of the round of golf, Sir talked to his friend more and more about our relationship. I’m not sure how much our friend really knew about our relationship before that day, but by the end, he knew a lot more for sure!

Upon arriving home, David told me what all he’d told his friend. While I was embarrassed and worried about what it would mean to have someone know who we really were and how we really operate, David assured me that this would be good for all of us.

He told me how David was pretty skeptical about it all and really wasn’t about to be the one to break up our long time marriage, so we were meeting David for drinks and dinner. I was to freely answer any and all questions that David posed, but to especially be honest.

And of course, Sir was hoping that by the end of our date night, I would go home with David our friend instead of David my husband. And that I’d service David’s cock properly and in the way he deserved. I may not be the model on the cover of the magazine like his former wife was, but I could make him happy too.

That night, David picked out my outfit. I wore a very low cut dress, the crotchless yoga pants, and boots. The only jewelry I wore was my wedding ring and my collar. The collar that is both function and fashion. The one that is locked and thick enough to be pulled where I will follow, but look like regular jewelry to anyone else too.

Sir made sure we arrived at the restaurant first. He asked for a booth where he told me to sit across from him. When our friend arrived, David greeted him and told him to sit next to me. And he did.

It started out innocently enough with ordering wine and food, chatting about everything and nothing. We finished off the first bottle quickly and David ordered another. As the dinner progressed and the small talk out of the way, Sir looked at me and smiled. Then looked at his friend and said, “Do you want to ask her anything about our relationship? Or anything about how she’s ready to go home with you, should you wish?”

Sir looked at me and said, “why don’t you put your hand on his thigh? Let him know how you feel while making the other restaurant patrons think he is your husband, not I.”

I said, “Yes Sir” and did as I was told.

Our friend David was just drunk enough that he didn’t stop anything from happening, but instead looked at my Sir and said, “you weren’t kidding about any of it, were you?”

Then he looked at me and asked, “are you okay with this?”

I smiled and said, “absolutely!”

He asked again, but slightly differently too, “So this damn fool over here,” he motioned toward my husband as he spoke, “He’s not making you do any of this, is he?”

I was still smiling as I said, “While I am a submissive slut wife, and I do obey my husband, I am still doing it of my own free will and mind. I enjoy making him happy, but I also enjoy making myself happy too. And being here with both of you, makes me happy.”

He asked more questions, “So David told me that you were the one who asked to submit to him. That you wanted a Dom to keep you in line. That he turns you over his knee when you are bad. Is that all true?”

I said, “yes… and no. Mostly yes. The part that’s not quite true is that I am NOT turned over his knee, but rather told to Assume The Position on my own accord. That position is naked, on the bed, ass held in the air with a pillow under my hips and wait to be spanked.”

He registered a smile but also shock. He said, “So you don’t deny you submit to him and you asked for it and you are punished when you don’t comply?”


It was then that Sir cleared his throat with an obvious admonishment to me. Followed by him saying, “Nope?!? Is that a proper response?”

He obviously didn’t like how casual I was with my word selection. I looked at our friend and said, “I’m sorry Sir. I should not have said ‘nope’ but rather, ‘No Sir.”

My husband then looked at me and said, “much better. That’s a good girl.”

Our friend looked at me and back at my husband and said, “Where do I get one??”

My husband laughed and said, “well, they aren’t bought. That’s for sure. But lucky for you, if you want to borrow her, I will allow it. And she would love it too. Isn’t that right honey?”

I looked at Sir and then to our friend, as I gave his leg a squeeze I said, “Absolutely yes!”

David then added, “There would be a few rules she has to follow and I’d expect you to enforce too.”

Our friend asked, “Like?”

David said, “Like, she has to mind you. You have to put her in her place should she not behave properly. While she’s well trained, she doesn’t always stay within the lines. When she tries to go outside the lines, you have to be prepared to discipline her properly. Can you do that?”

He looked a bit confused and said, “I’m not sure I can. I’ve never hit a woman before in my life.”

That’s when I corrected him by saying, “it’s not hitting me when you are spanking me. There’s a profound difference. Spanking is on the bottom, the tits, or the pussy. It’s with controlled actions and intended to go far enough to correct the behavior, but not to cause any permanent bodily harm. I accept it willingly when it’s done this way. If I ever thought I was being abused or that either of you were doing it to cause me harm in your anger, I would never allow myself to stay in that position.”

Our friend responded with, “I’m not sure.”

That’s when I said, “I bet I could convince you this is a good thing for all of us.”

That’s when I took his hand and moved it up under my dress. He found my clit quickly and easily. It was dripping wet.

I said, “see? I’m turned on by all this. I’ve told David I need a second Dom for times when he’s busy, stressed, out of town, or wants a night to himself. This could be absolutely perfect for all of us.”

He looked at my Sir and said, “How can a man with his hand in your wife’s pussy, say no to that offer?”

And we raised our glasses to that and drank more.

Our friend did say he’d like to see how to discipline me first and my Sir said sure, he’d show him. Tonight. Right after dinner.

When dinner was complete, my David told our friend that we would all go to his house where I would be a model submissive wife and receive a discipline spanking as an example to our friend of what to do to keep me in line. Sir looked at me and asked, “are you ok with this? Do you accept this?”

I said, “Yes Sir. I know David needs to see it in action and I am willing to let him see.”

That’s when Sir told me to ride with our friend in his car to his house. That my Sir would follow behind in our car. Sir added, “be sure to lift your dress in the car and play with yourself for David to see you get yourself ready for him. But make no mistake, you are NOT allowed to orgasm!”

“Yes Sir.”

Our friend was shocked once again. He said, “Wait! What? You control her orgasms and she allows that too? When does she orgasm?”

Sir replied, “When I allow it. And if you become her second Sir, when you allow it too. Usually it’s when I’m deep inside her cunt, but it doesn’t have to be.”

“So she’s going to just sit in my car, play with her pussy, and NOT cum all because we told her to?”

I said, “Yes Sir. That’s right.”

He shook his head while he rolled it in the palm of his hand and said, “I had no idea this is how your marriage worked. I wish I’d known this when I was married. I would’ve had a much better time of it if I could’ve gotten her to listen to me just a little more than she did.”

I responded saying, “I did think she was a bit of a brat, and nowhere near appreciative of you or what you provided to her. But maybe now it will be your turn to be pleased and made happy, at least just a little bit.”

He said, “well, let’s go then!”

As we got into his car, I pulled my dress up and exposed my pussy. He asked if I’m always this available, and I said, “usually. Sir likes to have easy access and I like to keep him happy.”

I began touching myself and swirling my fingers around my clit. It wasn’t long and I was moaning with desire, pressing my fingers deep inside me. I wasn’t able to talk, and I was glad David wasn’t expecting me too. He seemed content to listen and watch me, while focusing on getting us to his house safely too.

When we arrived at his house, we all got out of the cars and started to walk up the stairs and inside when I heard Sir say, “Take your dress off.”

I did. Right then and there. I knew David did it only to prove another point to his friend. David wanted his friend to see just how submissive I am. He had me on display like a dog at the dog show… jump, sit, catch, roll over. I was performing my tricks for our friend, and it was a turn on to me! I wanted to make Sir proud, while showing off what a good submissive wife should look like.

Our friend was still in shock at all of this and David laughed. He said, “you like this, don’t you?”

To which our friend said, “hell yah! Who wouldn’t? I don’t want to buy or build one. I just want to share yours. You’ve already done all the hard work, now I’m going to get to enjoy the results!”

I jumped like a little girl, clapped my hands, and said, “oh goodie!”

Our friend laughed and said, “I love how your tits bounced when you did that. Do that again!”

And when I did, he was clearly made happy too. He looked at my Sir and said, “I sure as hell wish you’d shared her before now! I could’ve saved myself a lot of heartache and pain, not to mention money!”

Sir added to me, “get the paddle out of the car and bring it inside with you.”

David asked, “How is it you have a paddle in your car? Did you plan to come to my house and spank your wife tonight?”

Sir looked at him and then at me, where he asked me, “You care to tell him why I have a paddle in my car?”

That’s when I looked a little sheepish and said, “Sir figured out long ago that I tend to act my worst when we are out and about. I guess I had a bratty-like way that dared him to do to me while out and about in public. One day, he bought an extra paddle and said it would always stay in the glove compartment unless there was a need to bring it out and use it.”

“And once, I guess I didn’t really think he’d actually use it on me in public and I pressed his patience to the limit. He pulled it out and took me to the side of the building, where he made me stand with my hands on the wall, legs spread, and he delivered three very hard and swift swats. They made a point in a hurry. Absolutely no one saw because Sir did it so quickly it delivered the impact punch he was looking to achieve and we were done before anyone had a chance to even walk by. It stays in the glove compartment and until now, it’s never come out since then.”

With that Sir said, “let’s go inside and let me show you how to discipline her properly. Then you can use any hole you want, in any way you want, while I will then take my leave at that point and go home. You’ll have to bring her home when you are done with her, but it won’t matter if that’s sometime tomorrow too.”

After I retrieved the paddle, we went inside and I asked David, “where is the bedroom?”

He lead the way. When we got there, I was mostly undressed anyway, so I took off the rest of my clothes. I left only my collar on as it was locked. Sir grabbed up and pulled on my collar, while speaking to our friend he said, “this is useful to lock her in place against a bed post or similiar positioning if you need. Or you can mount her from the back, in either hole, and use it to pull back for leverage too. But it’s also classy enough, she wears it out and about, serving as a reminder of who she belongs to too. In other words, quite useful for you!”

He let go of my collar, slapped my ass once and said, “ok my love, time to Assume The Position.”

I climbed on the bed and placed a pillow under my hips, then I placed the paddle in the small of my back, and I finished off by put my face and shoulders on the bed. I said, “I am ready Sir. I willingly accept my punishment.”

Sir picked up the paddle and placed it firmly against my ass where I could feel it held there in place on purpose. He then asked me, “why are you here my love?”

I said, “To show our friend how to properly discipline me.”

He asked me, “Are you in trouble?”

“No Sir. This is just an example of what could happen if I were in trouble.”

“Good girl. Now do you accept this punishment?”

“Yes Sir. I do.”

That’s when Sir looked at his friend and said, “I always make sure she knows why she’s here and what she’s being punished for, it does no good to punish a sub if they don’t even know what they are here for.”

He continued, “and I always ask her if she accepts it too. Because I will never proceed if she doesn’t. Instead, if she’s not ready for it, I have her stand in the corner and think about her actions until she’s accepting. She has to be remorseful enough to accept the punishment willingly, plus it ensures you are not beating her but rather disciplining her.”

He returned to me and said, “I expect you to count and thank me as always.”

“Yes Sirrrrrr.” As I said “Sir” he delivered the first swat. It was with force and intention. He had no intention of giving me a warm up.

“One. Thank you Sir.”


“Two. Thank you again Sir.”


“Three. Thank you again Sir.”

It was then that he held the paddle against my bottom and asked me, “what color are you wife?”

“Green Sir.”

And he proceeded to explain our red light system to our friend David. Telling David that at any point that he’s unsure where I am at for pain, mental or physical, to simply stop and ask me my pain levels.

And he delivered 3 more swift and hard smacks to my ass. By the 6th one, my voice was cracking and I had tears in my eyes.

He once again held the paddle firmly against my ass and asked me my color. I said, “yellow Sir. Tears are in my eyes and I am starting to wish I wasn’t in this position.”

David looked at our friend and said, “if you are wanting to deliver a true disciplinary spanking, tears must fall. As much as it hurts you to have to do it, it is completely necessary for her to have full remorse wash over her. She should basically be begging for you to stop by the end of it and swearing to never be bad again, even though we all know she will!”

That’s when I felt the paddle release from my ass and as I anticipated the next swat, it did not fall. Instead, I heard Sir ask David, “would you like to give it a try now?”

David wasn’t too sure still but did agree. I felt the paddle come back into place against my ass and without preamble I felt it come away and return with a serious PUNCH to my ass.

He asked me, “how did that feel?”

I responded, “Seven Sir. Thank you Sir. You learned quickly Sir.”

My husband laughed aloud and said, “well done David! Deliver another five like that, and I expect we will see the tears we are looking for.”

Then Sir asked me, “wife, are you ok? Are you still accepting of this punishment spanking?”

I responded honestly, “yes Sir, I do accept this, but I won’t lie, I wish there was another way to teach David to do this too.”

Sir came up beside my face and kissed my cheek. He said, “it will be over soon, I promise. But I am seriously proud of you right now too. Accept the last bit here and you’ll be rewarded nicely.”

“Yes Sir. I’m ready Sir.”

With that, my husband said, “you heard the woman. Wail away and let’s hear the tears flow!”


“Eight Sir. Thank you Sir.” My voice was cracking,

Just as quickly as the last….. S-M-A-C-K!

“Ninnneeee Sirrrrrr. Th-thank you Sir.”

I heard David say, “the tears are close. You can tell by the cracking of her voice. Keep going. Always let the ending be a reminder of why we are here. Add a bit more force to these last few and you’ll get the submissive wife we want!”


“Tennnnn Sirrrrr. Thank-thank… you Sirrrr.” My words were slurring and I was grateful for the end to come near.


“Elevvvvvvennnn Sirrrr. Thank youuuuu Sirrr.” And the flood gates opened, my tears flowed.

David said, “ahh… here are the tears we were looking for. She needs a few more to reinforce it home and ensure she didn’t force the tears to flow prematurely in order to get to the end sooner. Make these last few be the hardest yet.”

“Wife, I told you he would give you five, but you need a few more still. So let the tears flow over you while you take three more hard, solid, spanks more.”

“Yesssss (sob) Sir.”

He said to David, “Now deliver three in a row so quickly she can’t even answer you. Make sure they count, you are intentional, and she feels each and every one of them all.”

And with that, I felt the rain of three more swats so hard that my ass was on fire and burning from the pain. My make up was smeared from the tears and I was sobbing. But it was over.

I uttered the words, “Thank you Sirs. I am sorry for my misbehavior. I will endeavor to be a better submissive wife in the future now too.”

My Sir came to me. He grabbed me up at the arm pits, lifting the top half of upright where I was kneeling on the bed. He wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug while I was on the bed still.

He said, “all is forgiven my love. You are a good girl. You are a good submissive wife.” And we sat hugging like that for a couple of minutes while I calmed myself and regained my composure.

When the tears stopped, David let go of me and asked me, “How was that?”

I said, “effective Sir. David learned quickly. He will make a good Dom.”

He then asked me, “Do you want to stay with him tonight?”

“Yes Sir, if he will have me.”


209 – Happiness is a warm (chastity) blanket

i really don’t know that i can explain my fascination with chastity but i am going to try…..

When i wear my belt, it gives me comfort. Kind of like a security blanket. It makes me happy. It makes me crave more of it.

We put things we want to keep under lock and key. Our car, house, valuables in a safe, are all locked up when not in use. So when i wear a chastity belt, it is a tangible, visible, and especially physical reminder that my pussy is not mine at all. And it’s valuable enough to want to lock it up, and to be kept safe, until it’s use it needed or required.

i especially think it is super submissive of me to lock myself in it (consent), and to hand over the key willingly (control) to Sir.

i actually think it looks super sexy when it’s on too. i really like watching around the house with nothing on except the belt. It is a very visible reminder that what is locked up is not mine.

** Side note: i have been chatting online with two possible additional Doms . i have told you before that David gives his consent for me to find another Dom. In fact, i think to some degree he would like that very much so that he wouldn’t have to always be the enforcer and he would also get a break/relax while I am still held accountable. Any who, if/when i actually go meet either of them in person, i intend to ask David to allow me to wear the chastity belt. i do NOT want to be tempted to meet and fuck on the same day. … and that’s expansion for another day’s post… back to today…

Today i found a blog for the first time ever, of a chastity belt “armor” daily wearer. Until she stopped. Wendy Warrior wore chastity regularly, even did 30-day challenges to stay locked the ENTIRE time, and blogged about it.

i truly hate it that i only just found her, as her most recent/last post was to tell her readers she’s done with armor. No longer fascinated or desirous of it. i get it. We grow older and wiser and our interests change. None the less, i enjoyed reading her entire blog from the beginning to the end.

What i learned was that: 1) she mostly wore chastity overnight. Some people put on PJ’s, she put on armor. 2) she challenged herself to wear it 30-consecutive- days with no (or very extremely limited) breaks. 3) she did the challenge FOUR different times with four different belts with critiques of them along the way.

For most people, it would likely cause you to turn up your nose, or raise your eyebrows, ask “WHY” or maybe even literally run in the opposite direction! Not me. i am drawn closer to it! i am in awe of Wendy, but more enamored even yet of chastity! It inspired me even more. And i want more of it.

While i didn’t provide the specific site to David (i seriously don’t think he’d care to go read it anyways!), i did tell him about it.

By the way, he’s not entirely sure he understands my extreme interest in chastity either. But he supports me and wants me to be happy and if locking up my parts so i can’t touch them while giving him the key, so he can if he wants to, then he’s on board.

He’s so much on board that he has made a declaration now that i should start sleeping in chastity. And nothing else.

He’s known (for a long time!) that i am most turned on and “needy” for Sex just before sleep and shortly after waking up. i rarely sleep naked, and usually wear a shirt/shorts (or pants in the winter) combo because it (somewhat) limits my access and distracts me from the interest of playing with my sex. That’s apparently about to change!

Before now…. When we go to sleep, while we get in bed together we both read for a bit, and then David tends to be the one to actually fall asleep first. He knows i like to read (sex) blogs and erotica, and as i do, i tend to masturbate right beside him. Sometimes with permission, but admittedly sometimes without. (Not cool, but… yah know!).

And unfortunately, i must admit the truth to you…. i have had orgasms this way too. Yes, some with permission when he was awake, but some without. And even less pleasing, more shameful, i haven’t always told him the next day.

And then there’s the times that as i wake up, i am surprised to find my hand rubbing on my clit. It’s a half-awake effort, so i know i’ve never seriously done anything in my sleepiness. But….. i have learned i am quite aroused in the mornings and frequently at night as well.

After i told him about this girl and how she sleeps in chastity, he feels that would be good for me too.

Starting tonight, i am to sleep naked save wearing the chastity belt. i will put it on before he goes to sleep, and hand him the key so that i am not allowed to just escape ( or masturbate) any ole time i feel like it before sleep. And well, by default, then i will also be required to ask him to release me in the mornings. And even more by default, i won’t be allowed to play with myself with or without an orgasm.

i am excited about this. Today. But excitement is easy now as i am just thinking about it. But then as it goes on tonight …. And becomes my new reality…. by tomorrow …. Or the next day…. Or THE NEXT DAY….. i wonder how excited or good i’ll feel about it then. Maybe not so much.

It will be interesting to see if my fondness grows or dissipates. i wonder if i will (really) love it or come to hate it.

Only time will tell. i will keep you posted.

Btw – i have typically worn the belt during the day in/out of the house. While i have slept in it one other time, it hasn’t happened but once to date. That happened when i wore the belt a full 24-hours without being allowed release. And i loved it. Sleeping in it was of no major consequence and was no problem at all. While the metal is (obviously) rigid and unforgiving, when i turn over it did cause me to wake from my sleep, but like everything i suspect i will get used to it too and be more able to sleep right through those moments.

Honestly, wearing it at night seems more logical as a purposeful activity anyway. i mean, seriously, other than as a tangible reminder all day long, it’s not like i typically am going to be at work and rub one out at my desk. Nor in the car driving. Or shopping at the grocery store. Or any other public outing type place. (Of course, as mentioned above, if i were to actually go meet some other potential lover, i do think that would be a good time to wear it out. Until said person is vetted by myself, and especially approved by Sir, unnecessary distractions are…well… unnecessary!)

But at night, when my mind is less crowded with daily life, i read my smut, and get aroused…. THAT is the time that access needs to be limited. THAT is the time that i need to be reminded not to touch, and where it is SO easy to do so. THAT is the time that MY temptations need to be limited! So wearing it at night is the most logical for me to wear it, if we want to use it for purpose. Otherwise, daily wear is a-ok and sexually arousing too, but not exactly purposeful either.

In case you are wondering, i have NO idea how long this will last. i don’t know if this is a “for tonight only” or “until NO-vember is complete” or “why it’s forever of course!” i didn’t ask. Time will tell me what i need to know and the answer doesn’t matter as i’d do as instructed no matter what anyway. Hell, i may ask him if i can wear it more going forward too… which i can see as the most probable answer actually.

And… i think i’m gonna love it. i will keep you posted…..

i do think one day, if i do continue to love it, i’d like to work up to and challenge myself also to that 30-day challenge. (But if i get that far, i’m buying a top notch heavy duty $$$ one too! Like these MY-STEEL or maybe these FANCY STEEL. 🥰🥰🥰) .

UPDATE: i didn’t even have a chance to post this yet, and i find myself locked up. David and i had an amazing date night where i drank most of a bottle of wine all by myself. i got drunk. David approved.

When i get drunk, i get VERY turned on and i flirt heavily. i was (literally) humping David’s leg, hand, and on top of his pants … he didn’t allow me to actually have penetration. i heard him make statements like, “NO orgasm for you!” And “You better stop!” And “if you orgasm, you WILL regret it!” Admittedly, i was pushing the EDGE of acceptable. Not entirely sure WHY i did that. Ok, that’s a lie. i do know why. i was drunk, fucking hair you, REALLY wanting an Orgasm, and i was hoping if i got him aroused enough too he’d consent. i also think i may have wanted to test him. AND did i mention…. i really wanted to orgasm!

He indulged me for a bit, let me suck his cock, kiss his lips, and he fingered my pussy for a hot second (it was quite literally a SECOND. Enough for me to think, “oh hell yah, i have him turned on and he’s gonna let me orgasm.” And it was over! NOT long! And that’s when he said, “Now. Go. Get yourself ready for bed.”

Because he had already told me WAY earlier in the day i would now sleep in chastity, i KNEW when he said “get ready for bed,” those words were interchangeable for, “Now go get yourself locked up.”

As much as i didn’t want to stop trying to seduce him, i went and put on the belt. By the time i returned, he was already reading in our bed. He didn’t even look up but knowing my presence was near, he held up the palm of his hand.

i wasn’t dumb, i knew i had to hand him the key. As i placed it in his hand, his fingers curled up around it and slid his hand under the covers.

As i saw his hand disappear under cover, i asked what he was doing with his hand/key. He said,”don’t worry about it.” Which may as well have been code for, “it’s none of your business!”

After which, he said, “now go lay down and get ready for sleep.”

i won’t lie… it was at this moment that my alcohol high, along with my sexual attempts to get an O high m came to a screeching halt. Back to reality. NO-vember is still in full effect! And he was done indulging me.

We always read before sleeping. And that’s what he did, like every other night. Just prior to actually turning out the light to sleep, he asked me, “do you need the key?”

Because we’ve been together so long, i knew what that meant too. He meant, “Are you ok? “ and “Will you be ok?” To which i responded, “only if i can orgasm. Otherwise, I am good to have you keep it Sir.”

That’s when he turned out the light, and in the dark, i heard the words, “Ok, sleep well my love… MY good girl.”

And i said, “you too Sir.”


Here i am.

Locked up. And he is sleeping beside me. And i find myself thinking of NOTHING other than: I WANT TO ORGASM! And yet, it ain’t gonna happen!

And while i truly DO want it that BAD, i won’t lie…. i’d be severely disappointed had he NOT made me put on the chastity belt AND give him the key AND denied me what i really want. He made statements that he was on board with NO-vember and that this is how i would sleep now…. And as i have mentioned before, i love it when he’s consistent and true to his word! So while i am disappointed i was not able to get what i wanted (orgasm), i did get what was promised (NO-vember and chastity belt and that makes me happy.

i did ask him before we officially stopped talking for the night if this would be the “new norm or just occasionally or just until the end of NO -vember.” His response, “I haven’t decided yet. Maybe it will be forever and only when i want to fuck you will i allow you to be unlocked!”

While we both know that’s not likely or maybe even possible (??), the idea of only being allowed out to be used for his pleasure is seriously arousing for me too!

What i do know: he’s serious about NO-vember. Dec 1 can’t get here fast enough!! Will he at least allow me to orgasm once on my birthday?? i turn 50 on Thanksgiving… 5-days before month end! And if he does, will the “month” start all over again?! i will have to pray about this… yes, i will literally be praying!”

So like Linus with his blue happiness blanket, i have a silver metal chastity belt happiness blanket that i too sleep with all snuggled up against me tightly. i love my blanket and the happiness it brings.

