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Day 18: My Submissiveness

DAY 18: PET HATES…Any kinky/BDSM pet peeves? Any thing you particularly dislike or that annoys you? If so, what are they?

So i have been thinking about this one….. and i can’t think of a thing! Strange that i have NOTHING to say. 😜

Maybe i just forgot about …… (blank). What would you say i forgot? What is YOUR pet peeve/hate?

If i think of something, i’ll do an update. But i guess it’s good that i can’t think of anything! Right??

PS…. i have plenty of pet peeves in life in general, just nothing i can think of in the kinky/sexy arena. And since you asked what those might be: 1) in driving…. why do people drive side by side, taking up every lane on the road, for MILES at a time? Pass, move over, let the next person get by already! 2) know-it-alls. You do not know everything about everything. So why not quit acting like it?! Even if you think you know everything, there’s at least one perspective or angle that maybe you haven’t considered and when it is presented, you should be willing/open enough to consider you might be have been wrong from the start. 3) confrontation-avoidance. The problem doesn’t just go away by ignoring it. In fact, it may get bigger or worse. So be an adult…. address it, get past it, and move on. It may be that you have to agree to disagree, but then do it and move on. But avoiding it doesn’t typically make it go away either.

Okay, enough complaints for one Wednesday. Go enjoy hump day everyone!



115 – A Bratting Submissive

On a previous post, a fellow blogger suggested that i may well be a “brat.” When she suggested it, i indicated i would research it. And i have.

And i must admit, it probably does describe me. Okay, fine, it DOES define me. Scratch the word probably from that sentence before.

But i didn’t exactly want it to be true though! The word “brat,” conjures up thoughts of a cranky, little child who is likely throwing a temper tantrum in order (to try) to get things their way. And the parent becoming incredibly annoyed that their child is acting this way, causing frustration that the parent even has to deal with this behavior.

It’s a negative behavior. Or so it seemed anyway. And i don’t want to be negative, troublesome, or to be problematic.

So all this is quite ironic because when i started googling various words and phrases about bratting, in my mind i heard myself saying things like, “i don’t even know why i am bothering to look this up. This is a waste of time. i am not a brat!!! This is just SO stupid to think this might describe me! This is SO not me!

Kinda sounds like a cranky little kid throwing a temper tantrum, doesn’t it??? Oh my! Palm plant to the face now!

Ok…. so… after some time to “change the attitude,” i reread her exact comment that she made and it said, “Bratting isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Daddy happens to love it about me.”

Okay, so if it isn’t necessarily bad, then it could be inherently good! And she even said her Daddy likes it about her. That’s when i restarted the google search with a much improved attitude… looking for the good and not just bad.

i did this second search as i laid in bed next to Sir. One site described a submissive brat as:

“A brat is a BDSM submissive, usually female, who enjoys being mischievous, disobedient and cheeky to their dominant, usually in a lighthearted manner. A brat’s qualities will usually be fundamental to their dynamic. Brattiness may be temporary or enduring”.

When i read this (silently), i started to giggle (out loud). David asked me what was so funny and i said, “Listen to this….” and i read him that paragraph above. No preamble or backstory for him to even know what prompted the search or the read to begin with.

His response was to nod his head in agreement, to raise his eyebrows upward, and say, “oh yeah! That definitely defines you!”

He continued, “its the mischievous and cheeky words, typically in a lighthearted manner, that seem especially applicable. I always know if you are being cheeky or intentionally disobedient. You keep it fun… most of the time.”

This got me to thinking about how our entire relationship has ALWAYS been this way. We have always said things that can and often do trigger one another. But we typically do it in a lighthearted and fun way. Although in the past, when it did sometimes go too far and over the edge of acceptable, it became contentious which sometimes led to fights.

Now…… we don’t fight. We settle things according to our way of DD. It’s in these times when i particularly pushthe limit of acceptability that i find myself Assuming the Position for a spanking where often i end up regretting my actions!

But all this research and label-making got me to thinking about my entire life and things i’ve done that might’ve been brat-like-behavior. Often at the time i do it, i find myself thinking, “why did i do that??” and more often than not the answers that come back include, “because it’s fun…”, or “because i can” or “because i want to see their response.”

i ultimately don’t ever do things that truly, intentionally cause harm or pain or difficulty to others. Just enough to cause them to move out of their comfort zone and provide a good laugh (for me especially)! FYI….. While i think April Fools day is fun, i don’t typically do a lot…. because i get fearful that my idea of a joke may not be received as well (lighthearted and cheeky) as i intend it to be!

So an example of what i do do…. in public groups, i have noticed people tend to sit in the exact same place every time, like it is their assigned seat. But.. we know… it’s not. Not really anyway. So i like to disrupt their pattern.

Here’s a particular example…. i used to belong to a networking group designed to help build your customer base. We met over breakfast every week. Same day, same time, same place and for the most part… same people. And i noticed after several months of going … those same people sat in the same exact spot too.

And one day… i decided to mix it up.

i arrived a couple of minutes early and put my things in one lady (Mary) “assigned seat,” effectively ousting her and claiming it as my own. i then walked around, mixed/mingled, and waited to see her come in and discover her seat was taken…. and ultimately to see her reaction.

i wasn’t far from “the seat,” when Mary arrived. i saw her but she didn’t know i was watching her response or that i was the trouble-maker. Alright… go time!

She stopped short. Looked around. Looked confused. And then proceeded to have a “oh well” look and selected the next seat to the right. She put her things down and went to get water/bathroom before the meeting started. ohhhhh this just got interesting because that is Jeff’s spot! So the plot thickens!

So now Jeff arrives and sees his spot taken, and says in a questioning but in a calm/comfortable tone, “Who took my spot?” loud enough for most of us to hear. Well since Mary was in the bathroom no one really responded to him. So Monica is always the helpful, peace-maker, and offered up that he could sit next to her and he did. But T-H-A-T spot belonged to Lisa!! So at this point, i am smiling outwardly and giggling inwardly. i am SO bad, but this is SO fun. And i didn’t ultimately cause any real HARM. i just mixed things up ….. just a little…..

When the meeting came to order and everyone was seated, Mary says aloud, “Marie! So you are the one who took my seat…. and caused the trickle down effect…. resulting in half the room needing stronger coffee this morning!” Okay, guilty as charged… but wasn’t this fun mixing things up? (While they laughed…. i don’t think they had as much fun as i did!!)

My sister says i am a, “shit-starter,” and she rolls her eyes at me, and smiles as she says it. So i suppose on some level it makes sense that i’d be the same way with David too.

But since he’s now known me for almost 25-years now… i’d say he likes me and my crazy shenanigans so i am probably ok here! But now with DD, he even has a way to respond (positively/ no fighting) when i go too far too.

So ultimately i guess I will own the label…. bratty submissive. But only the good parts.

And i’ll share some other labels in coming posts that i think would or could also apply too! i wouldn’t want to limit myself to JUST ONE! 😜

Go have a great day…. and mix up someone’s routine by taking their seat today…. it will be fun!!

Hugs ~


113 – A reblog…. Cut from the Same Crazy Cloth!


Nora follows me and i follow her. In following and reading her posts, i have thought that her and i are quite similar. i have never met her in person and likely never will, but i feel like we were both cut from the same cloth! When i read her posts, i could see myself in those same situations, same opinions, and having the same thoughts.

Today she wrote a post that after reading it, i couldn’t help but think, “That’s me! That is SO me! i SO could have written this myself!” To the point, i asked her if i could reblog it and she agreed. So after gaining her approval to reblog this, i am doing just that!

i do want to add a bit of commentary too (of course, i have to give you my specific spin on this, right?? )…..

The only part of what Nora wrote that i would change is specific to the childhood memories. Clearly i did not have the same memory(s) as her, but i do have others that could be paralleled.

i have two specific childhood memories that come to mind…

1) At the young age of 5, my sister & i were at our (3 sisters) cousin’s house and we were playing on their tire swing in the backyard. Because there was one swing and 5-girls, our uncle (their dad) gave us exact instructions of how to take turns. And at my turn, i rode on the swing longer than i was allowed. One of my cousins went and ratted me out. My uncle made me get a switch off that tree.

The same exact tree that the tire swing hung from. He told my cousins and my sister that i would now be punished for not following the rules and they could continue without me.

i took the switch to him and was made to take down my shorts (panties stayed on), and he switched my bottom hard.

When it was complete, he made me go to my cousins and sister and apologize. It was humiliating to have them know what happened, but i knew it was earned … and deserved… too.

2) At the age of 11, i was in 6th grade and that was middle school. We lived in a very small town that still believed in and allowed teachers to spank the kids as deemed appropriate and necessary. It was in my Language Arts/English class that the male teacher (my first ever male teacher in my student life), instructed me to stop talking. i did not. At the third time he told me to stop, he also added, “You have interrupted our class 3 times now, and I have told you 3 times to be silent. Because you have failed to do so, meet me in the hall.” Everyone knew that if you were sent to the hall, there was a 50/50 chance to be paddled or to be spared and receive a “second chance.”

i stood in the hall for a couple of minutes waiting. People walked by and while they didn’t know what i’d done to land myself in that position, they knew why i was standing there.

He came out and questioned my decisions. i had no answers other than, “i don’t know why i did that.” And he said, “since I told you 3 times and you failed to listen, I think paddling is in order now. Another warning doesn’t seem like it would have any impact on you at all. Bend over and grab your ankles. You’ll receive 3 swats of my paddle now. Count them out.”

And he let them rip. I almost cried as the first landed on my rear. It was so fresh and ripe that it caused me to slip forward on the toes of my feet. i had to take a step forward to not fall on my face. And again. And again. Tears were very fresh in my eyes, but i refused to give him the satisfaction of letting them fall.

When he was done, he said i could return to my seat. Of course, i had a chair in the back of the room and had to pass by all my friends as i reentered the room. i didn’t do a thing the rest of that hour, except dwell on the spanking. Additionally, the remainder of the year i had a complete distain and loathing for that teacher.

But i also knew…. he was right. i didn’t stop talking, even after 3 times being told to and i didn’t show a bit of respect for his authority either. So ultimately, i also had to agree that “another warning” would not have made an impact. So frankly, a spanking had the impact he was looking for and had a biggggggg impact. i knew it then and i still know it now.

Obviously both of these early spankings had an impact on me since i STILL remember them clearly all these years later. And what i would ultimately tell you now is that…. it is effective. It does work.

So with that commentary – read the rest of Nora’s account, substituting my memories in place of hers, and trust that absolutely everything else, i could’ve written myself….. including being the one to pick out the crazy devices that will ultimately be used against me and also against my (cut-from-the-same-cloth) fellow blogger Naught Nora!

(Thank you Nora for the well-written post and for allowing me the pleasure of reblogging your post!)

Hugs ~


I have a love/hate relationship with spanking and corporal punishment.  On the one hand, I fantasize about it constantly.  My fantasies typically …A glutton for punishment #NSFW, 18+

109 – Complete work of Fiction. # 3

If you haven’t read parts 1 part 2, i would suggest maybe you should. It will likely help to know the introduction and the middle before reading this ending. (Yes, it is the ending!But prepare yourself for a long read too!)

MY 50th BIRTHDAY.… was off to an amazing start! i have full intentions of making my 50’s even better than the 40’s and definitely better than the 30’s! And David is already helping me get it started in grand fashion.

These are all the thoughts i had as i was drying off from the shower and walked to the bedroom to see what he’d laid out for me to wear for the day. He doesn’t normally pick my clothes out, but i do find it sexy when he does.

What i found there on the bed was a solid leather collar, wrist and ankle cuffs…all were purple…. Sir’s favorite color. That was all. Nothing else. We don’t do a lot of bondage, but when we do, it is typically when he wants me to be in a super-submissive mindset and to be made fully aware that he is in control. i already knew that was what today would be about anyway, and that already made me happy and let’s be honest… wet between the legs too!

There was nothing else on the bed so i knew I’d be spending most, if not all, of the day naked. i’ve come to rather like being naked, as Sir has gradually encouraged, and sometimes required me to be naked when it’s just the two of us. He rather enjoys looking at me whenever he wants to and i like him doing it too! He’s rarely naked though. He knows i’d like that for him too, but it’s because i’d like it that he doesn’t do it too often. He teases me like that.

So as i walked to the living room, with only my collar and 4-cuffs on, i was not surprised to see him fully dressed. In fact, he was pretty dressed up for the day so THAT did surprise me. He had on slacks, a button down shirt, a shirt coat, and dress shoes. Wow. That is my favorite look on him and he knows it!

i smiled as i saw him and said, “i love the outfits you picked out for both of us Sir! Quite sexy!”

He said, “Yes indeed. You look equally amazing!”

Because it was Thanksgiving not just my birthday, he was cooking a thanksgiving meal already too. He ALWAYS cooks. We have a deal of he cooks, i clean. So i asked if i could help and so we went to both preparing the lunch meal together.

We had it pretty well completed at about 11. And it was a LOT of food, to which, i still had no idea who or how many people would even be joining us. But i trusted Sir and knew i didn’t need to even be concerned about it.

That’s when he told me, “Now it’s time to set the table. You are first.”

i had no idea what that even meant and he could tell from the confusion on my face. He let out a bit of a laugh and grabbed my hand as we walked to the dining room.

He said, “climb up on the table and lay on your back.”

ON the table Sir?”

“Yes. That’s what I said. I didn’t stutter, did I?”

“No sir.” And so for the first time ever, i climbed onto our dining room table and laid on my back.

He said, “Great. Now i am going to put these cuffs to good use. Spread your arms and legs toward each of the 4-corners.”

So i did as told as he walked to one of the 4-corners himself. Apparently he had put the under-the-bed restraint system under-the-dining-room-table. And he attached the hooks to each of my cuffs one by one so that i was able to move, but only slightly!

He then proceeded to set the table with plates, silver ware, and glassware all around me. i was indeed the centerpiece of the table as a decoration of sorts. He then placed the prepared dishes all around as well. The turkey and dressing, and all the typical Thanksgiving food affairs! The food smelled so grand, the table was so full, and i wondered just how this would ultimately happen. And all he kept saying was, “patience my dear,” as i waited.

And that’s when the doorbell rang. He looked me in the eye and said, “Right on schedule!” He leaned down and kissed me and said, “No matter what happens today, never doubt my love for you! You are free to speak, unless specifically told otherwise. Just remember though, if you do as you are told, today will be absolutely perfect!”

“i trust you Sir.”

Sir went to the door and greeted a man who David seemed to know, but who’s voice i had never heard. i could feel my heart racing and told myself, “Calm yourself. This will be good!” And i closed my eyes as i concentrated on slowing my heart rate.

i heard footsteps and knew they were coming towards me. David said, “Marie, I’d like you to meet Sir #2.”

i opened my eyes and looked at David and said, “My Sir, with all respect, i am confused. Can you please explain ‘Sir #2’ please”.

David said, “You will meet several people today for the first time. You will let them use you anyway they please. And the one that pleases us both the best, and to which i approve the most, will become your second Sir…. (and he paused for dramatic effect and with a smile he added)……..or Ma’am.”

He continued, “I sometimes find you difficult to manage on my own to the level that you need, mentally and physically. You sometimes need to have your holes used or you need to be disciplined more than I have the mental energy to exert. So I have decided a Second would be quite appropriate. It will hold you to a higher standard and allow me a break when needed too.

And let’s face it, with sexual activity involved too, i could benefit too if the Second is a female. As you are fully aware, i am a very straight man. So i already have a predetermined preference to having the chosen Second ultimately be a female, but i know you will respond to both! So we shall see who proves to be the best Second today.”

Then he said, “Do not misunderstand…. I will always be your Sir, husband, and first love. And each of these individuals know that i am your ultimate Alpha. They’ve all been made aware that as it relates to you, they will have full access and ability to dominate you, unless of course, I am exercising my right first. I’m only choosing to share you in order to get you to a more submissive level on a more regular and continued basis.

This is the dynamic I wish to have for us going into your 50’s. So I decided that today would be the perfect opportunity to be an interview day for all of these individuals, who I have of course already previously met and vetted. They have all agreed to spend this day altogether with us enjoying YOU on Thanksgiving in a festive and fun setting. But make no mistake, they are here to demonstrate their ability to Dominant and to see which one you respond to the best. Are you agreeable to this arrangement?”

i looked David in the eye and said, “Yes Sir, i am agreeable! In fact, this will be an amazing and fun day! This is the best present ever!”

David said, “I’m glad you are pleased. Now please greet our first guest.”

i turned my eyes to the gentleman, who was dressed up in a similar manner to David, and quite politely said, “Very nice to meet you Sir #2.”

And he grinned. And then the doorbell rang… again and again. i greeted each one in turn, Sir #3, Ma’am #4, Sir #5 and so on. They had no names only numbers. i wondered if i’d ever know their true names, but i wasn’t sure it even mattered too.

After i greeted each one, and they were all present, i saw there were a total of 10 total…. 6 men and 4 women all surrounding our dining room table. All were dressed up with nice attire as if they were at an evening dinner event out rather than a Thanksgiving luncheon in our home. And of course, i was completely naked, save the collar and cuffs…. restrained and spread eagle on the dining room table.


Okay friends…. i know what i said about being the “end”, but this seems like a good place to stop and the post is already quite long. Soooooo…… wait until the next installment of “Complete Work of Fiction” to find out more….. which really WILL be the end. i sure hope one day i can report this is NOT fiction, but reality! 😉❤️🥳



108 – Complete work of fiction. #2.

If you didn’t read the first Complete Work of Fiction #1, you should probably do so before reading this one…. as this is a continuation of Part 1 and may/may not make sense as a stand alone post.

i couldn’t help but wonder, “How many? How will this go? Should i be excited or worried or both? And when will i know more details……….”


My 50th birthday was just a week away and David promised to make it one i’d never forget. All he’d told me so far was there would be multiple people who will feast on Me for Thanksgiving! What does that even mean???

i mean my 50th IS on Thanksgiving but i never expected to have a big “feast” with ME being the featured entree of the day! But it seems through all the hints he’s dropped that THAT may in fact be what happens!

And then he announced, “No more masturbation or orgasms for you until your birthday. You are to only touch yourself to shower and clean. We have to have you good and ready! But I will edge you daily.”

Oh great… a week of edging and no orgasms…. i sure hope this is worth it! And edging that he is in charge of too!

And without fail… as we were headed to bed, he would say, “open your legs.” And he played with my clit until i was begging to come. And he’d stop. He waited 10-minutes, to the point i thought maybe he’s done and that’s all, and he would repeat. He did this varying numbers of minutes and repeats for the entire week. i was SO ready to orgasm! But true to his word, he didn’t allow it.


i was getting more and more anxious with not knowing a whole lot of what to expect. David really hadn’t told me much more about Thanksgiving. And every time i asked he would say, “Don’t worry your pretty little head. I have it all taken care of.”

When i asked what i needed to do, his response was, “Be yourself. Your submissive self, the GOOD GIRL, submissive self that we both know you are… and to which I ABSOLUTELY LOVE!”

Yes Sir.


(The rest of this will be from what i think would be what he may say and think… From his point of view now… of course this is my idea of what he may say, so this may or may not be how he would actually respond… but i did say “Complete work of Fiction”)……

I woke her up and said, “Happy Birthday my love!” And handed her a cup of her favorite coffee.

Marie opened her eyes and said, “Thank you Sir,” and took a sip. While she was drinking, I told her to get completely naked and prepare herself for her birthday spanking. She knows it won’t be a punishment, instead it will be rather a FUN-ishment.

I said, “Drink your coffee and enjoy. I’m leaving the room now. When you are done enjoying coffee, you are close the door promptly Assume The Position and wait for my return. To receive your Birthday spanking of course!”

I heard her say, “Yes Sir,” which just happen to be my favorite words! And I left the room.

I knew it wouldn’t take long and she’d close the bedroom door. So I did a few things around the house and sure enough the door closed. I intentionally made her wait a full 15-more minutes. I know she prays while she waits and given it is her 50th birthday and Thanksgiving too, I wanted to give her plenty of time to pray for all the things she’s Thankful for.

I knew I wanted to start AND end the day with her seeing and hearing my voice. So I knew I needed to spank her first thing to remind her just who she ultimately belongs to, and to be on her best behavior today, but also to get her into the right mindset for the remainder of the day too!

When I entered our room I saw the sight I so very much love… she had Assumed The Position! This is especially my favorite on days like today when she’s not here because of trouble! My loving submissive wife, bent over and waiting for me. And in the small of her back lay my paddle.

I picked up the paddle and swung lightly. She moved and let out a small sound.

I said, “Are you ready to have an amazing birthday?”

“Yes Sir!”

I said, “Great! We are going to give you a Birthday spanking now. You are 50, so there will be 50 swats in total. But you are not in trouble and since we don’t want you worn out before the day’s activities even really begin, it won’t be too hard! And I want you to count them out for me too.”

“Yes Sir” is all I heard. And so I begun.

When we got to 15 she was squirming more than I wanted and I gave her a second to gain her composure. I also reminded her we weren’t even half way yet.

She said, “But Sir, it’s already stinging.”

And I said, “I understand but I want you to be a good girl and ring in your 50’s with me standing right here behind you.”

While I admit, it did take me awhile to truly get on board with this while D/s with DD lifestyle that she asked for a few years back, it has changed our marriage for the better. And today especially, I wanted her to know how much I love being her Sir.

She said, “Yes Sir. Thank you Sir.”

“Good Girl! You make me so happy. Let’s get to the Big 5-0!”

SWAT SWAT SWAT… And so we continued!

All along the way, I said things to her to reassure her of my love like, “You are such an amazing wife!”


“Thank you Sir. Twenty-five Sir.”


And I said, “You are doing an amazing job of being my submissive wife. I love this lifestyle we have created together.”


“Me too Sir. Thirty-five Sir.”

Then I said, “You like being my slut submissive wife, don’t you?”

[Time out: i haven’t told you about my opinions on the word “slut”…. and i will in a full post. But suffice it to say here that the definition of it is “a woman with many sexual partners,”… and from my previous escapades, you know i have had sex with others. SO… if the shoe fits, wear it! Oh – and remember – this is fiction! So now the story can continue…..]

S-W-A-T. I won’t deny…..I made that one be a bit more intense on purpose.

She called out, “Forty Sir. Thank you Sir. Yes, Sir, i do love being your Submissive wife.”

S-W-A-T. That one was a bit harder too, only because she intentionally didn’t answer my question and we both knew it.

“I didn’t say ‘submissive wife,’ I said ‘Submissive SLUT wife’. Say it out loud. Admit it. You know you want to!”


“Forty-five Sir. Thank you Sir. Yes, i love being your submissive slut wife!”

We both know she likes being called the word “slut” and for some strange reason it turns her on. But only when we are in a scene or doing something sexual. I’d never dare say it to her otherwise, as i truly love her too much for that! But she hates saying it herself. I think because when she does say it, she has to own it.

So I continued to make her say she was my submissive slut wife. And to acknowledge that’s what she wanted to be all day today on her 50th birthday. I could tell the whole thing was getting her super wet between the legs too, so for many reasons, I knew she liked it!


Then I heard, “FORTY-NINE SIR.”

“Last one my submissive, slut wife….. got to make it count!”


“Owwwww!” And she yelled out, “FIFTY SIR. THANK YOU SIR!!!”

I pulled her up from the bed and hugged her so tight. I told her, “You are so strong and so amazing! I love you SO much my good girl!”

Then I kissed her heavy and full. And I laid her oh-so-gently and tenderly onto the bed. I knew her ass was sore. But I also knew how she loved my tongue too!

I spread her legs wide and went down on her clit folds. My tongue moved around this clit that I know so well. We’ve been together for over 25-years now and she has always loved how well my tongue laps at her clit.

In no time at all, she was asking me to come. I stopped immediately and said, “OH NO! You don’t get that pleasure just yet my dear. I need you to be ready for what is coming up next. You know it’s too soon!”

She was on the edge from no orgasms for a week now. But I wanted her to wait just a bit longer too. She pouted. I knew she would though, so I was ready!

So I pulled her up and turned her over onto her stomach. I pulled up from the hips and got her onto her knees. I grabbed the lube and spread it onto my finger and into her ass. I finger-fucked her a minute and told her, “I’m going to take you in the ass now. I’m doing this because you typically don’t orgasm from anal penetration and I do NOT want you to come. So I’m going to use your ass and fill it with my seed. Is this ok by you?”

She responded, “Yes of course Sir! You know i love anal and especially when i get to come. Please use me Sir.”

I reminded her that, “I will come this morning, but you will not. I’m aware you want to. And you be used a lot and you can come freely at that time. But not now. Not yet. Do I make myself understood?”

And when she said, “Yes Sir,” I pushed my hard cock deep into her ass. I typically take it slow and easy at first, but I didn’t want to give it to her that way today. I knew if I pushed hard and fast I could use this moment to get myself off and not give her enough time to do so herself. So that’s what I did!

Damn her ass looked and felt so good. It had been awhile since I’d taken her from behind. So I started pushing in and out rather quickly! She was moaning and begging to come, to which I denied. That got us both even more turned on too!

That’s when I asked her, “Who do you belong to?”

“You Sir”

“And what are you?”

“Your submissive Sir.”

“My Submissive WHAT?”

“Your submissive slut wife Sir.”

“That’s my good girl!”

As I said those words, I slammed my cock deep into her ass and exploded. I held myself there for just a second while my cock released all I had deep into her. I loved this position and this look. I loved being RIGHT HERE!

When I pulled out, I turned her (gently) onto her back again and lowered myself down between her legs to rest upon her body. I put my elbows on the bed and wrapped my hands around her head to stroke her hair. My body surrounded her fully.

That’s when I looked square in her eyes and told her, “Marie, you are the love of my life and I am proud to be your husband. I love you so much! Happy Birthday my good girl!”

And I kissed her deep and passionately.

While we could’ve stayed her for a long time. I knew we had to start the day. So I pulled us both up off the bed, and I asked, “okay, so, you ready to truly start the day? To have an amazing birthday??”

She said, “well Sir, i think it’s already gotten off to an amazing start… except of course that you didn’t allow me to orgasm when you did……. [insert pouty face here] …… But honestly, i’m not too sure about the rest of today since i’m not entirely sure what to expect!”

I knew she was nervous. She’s not used to not knowing anything at all. So I gave her a bit of reassurance by saying, “Don’t worry. You will get to orgasm plenty! Just do as you are told and the rest of this day will be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!”

That’s when I told her to get in the shower. And she was to ensure every bit of hair from her neck down, excluding her arms of course, was shaven away clean.

Marie asked, “is there anything particular i should wear today?”

And I responded with, “it will be laying on the bed when you are out of the shower.”


OKAY my friends – So just writing this, i can tell i got myself wet between the legs. i know i can’t (and i won’t) touch myself…. because that is one of my rules. But maybe i can convince David to do it…. maybe! 😉

