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Tag: respect

14 – Pleasure to pain.. in the same day.

So i’ve had an interesting submissive day today … pain to pleasure…. in a mere 12 hours time too!

Let me tell you about my day….

i typically work from home on Wednesdays.  i am never able to get done what i need to at the office so i work from home every Wed to try to make up for it.  And the place won’t fall apart without me for ONE day.  But today i had to go in for a meeting at 10:00.  So i drug my feet and went there “late” (at 9:00).

Orgasm Control Training

But before i went, David took our son to school.  And we recently – like this week – jointly decided we want to start doing (my ) orgasm control at his discretion.

Since the DD decision, i’ve had to ask to masturbate but he hasn’t told me when i can or can not cum.  Until now.

i’ve read a lot of blogs now about it and there are people who can “cum on command“.  The blog post said, “Right there in the middle of the bread aisle”.   Interesting.  i’m not sure i want to cum in the bread aisle, but i thought it was an awesome display of submissiveness, so i wanted it.  YES, i asked for it!

Just a sidebar – i don’t know WHAT i was thinking when i agreed to this.  In fact, it was MY IDEA!  Sir said, “Careful what you wish for….” and i was like, “NO, i really want to do this for you, for us, and as a show of my submissiveness”.   WELL, in my HEAD that sounded awesome, and frankly, coming out of my mouth it did too.  And i was PROUD of my decision.

For about a whole minute.

That “Minute” was THE MINUTE i wanted to orgasm and Sir said no.  (WHAT?! NO?!?  You are kidding me, right?!?!).

But i digress… because THAT MINUTE was a few days ago…. so let me get back to this morning…..

So David took our son to school.  He told me to “Lay on the bed, with the rabbit toy, and watch porn.  Bring yourself to the EDGE and stop.  DO NOT CUM.  And do this the entire time i’m gone and i’ll tell you when to stop”.

Our son’s school is 20-minutes away – one way.  So for 40-minutes i had to watch porn, and use the vibrator on myself but DO NOT CUM.

(REALLY, what was i thinking?!?  Is it too late to retract my request to submit to Sir THIS MUCH?  Maybe i could just submit with my clothes ON!?!?!  YES?!?!?!  LOL.  Okayyyyyy…. fine… doing this thing).

When David got back, i was so insanely turned on.  i could only hope that he’d allow me to cum … soon…  like NOW.

My fear was that he’d not let me cum at all and i’d have to ‘get dressed and go to work now.’.  But, he did not disappoint.  He entered the bedroom and asked me if i had came while he was gone.  i was like, “NO, i promise i haven’t, but Pleaseeeeeee Sir, may i cum now?”


ME:  WHAT?!?!  PLEASE!?!?

And he touched my clit.  it was SO enlarged and swollen i almost jumped off the bed with the slightest touch.  Then he took the porn away.  Then he took the vibrator away.  And he played with me himself.  And he said, “CUM NOW”.  And i did.

And then i went to work.

The next thing i know, i go from pleasure to pain…. in the same day.


spanking paddle

To tell you WHY i got paddled first…..

Sir and i have the same profession.  He works for a firm and i work for myself.  And from time to time, he helps me get through busy times at work by doing some review work for me.  (He volunteers and i always take him up on it.  He knows i need the help and he has the time and the skill set, so it is a win-win.  And i love him for it!).  So today was one of those days.

He reviewed two projects that were substantially the same, and when i got home, he was talking to me about the results.  Well, i got confused about which project he was talking about because – it seemed to me anyway – that he was talking back and forth about both of them and i couldn’t keep up with the conversation.

Now, you’d think HE would be frustrated with me… like a “Keep up!” kind of comment.  But i was frustrated with him!  i had to say, “Are you talking about X or Y? i have no idea what you are talking about!”.  And then he started talking.  And i said with a very annoyed tone, “WHAT are you talking about?!  i’m not listening until you clarify because i’m confused!”

So – WHAT i said was probably not allllll that bad — but the WAY i said it was so completely off base it wasn’t even funny.  As soon as it came out of my mouth, and i felt the annoyance in my body language and realized how it sounded, i knew it was wrong.

But Sir didn’t say anything, so i acted like nothing happened.

We finished our convo and i was about to head outside to play ball/ fetch with the dog.

And that’s when he stopped me and said, “Do you think you were annoyed with me?”

Me: “Uhmmm…. yes Sir”.

Him:  “Go to the bedroom”.

Oh geez – here we go….

i dropped my pants and put my hands on the bed, head down, feet on the floor, spread shoulder-width apart.

And i heard the bedside stand dresser draw open and close.  The Paddle.  Here it comes.




Me:  (OUCH) —- “Please Sir, i’m sorry.  i spoke to you poorly and let my frustration get the best of me.  i will not let….




ME:  “that happen again.”


Him:  “WHY are you lying to me?”


Me:  “What do you mean?  Please Sir…. i promise”


Him:  “I seriously doubt that you will ‘not let it happen again’”

ME:  “Sir, i will do my best to….”


ME:  “… not let it happen again.”


ME:  (Tears in my eyes, squirming….), “Thank you Sir”

Him:  “That’s what I was waiting for.”

And he put the paddle away and held me in his arms and told me i was a Good Girl.

Back to Orgasm Control

With that, standing naked in the bedroom and in his arms, he reached down between my legs and put a finger inside me.

And said, “CUM NOW”.

And he pushed two fingers in and out and i grabbed his arm and held on to not fall.

And i came.  Twice.  THAT fast.

forced orgasm



NO matter what, through pleasure AND pain, and back again, i am his and he is mine. i will always submit to him and he will always control me.

And i welcome tomorrow….

With a sore, red ass.

Hugs and Kisses ~


9 – Why do i never capitalize i?

Hello ~

You may have noticed i don’t capitalize “I” when i speak about me.  i thought this might be a good time to explain why i never capitalize “I”.

In short – Submission at its fullest.

And before you ask, NO, i’m not being “made” to have the lower case i.  This is a choice.  This is my small act of service and gratitude that when i type “I”, i have to stop and think and remember my place.

i learned to type in a class in high school.  And i’m now in my 40’s.  So hitting the “SHIFT” key to type “I” is a natural habit of mine after all these years.  But when i embraced this DD lifestyle, i wanted things to be different.  i wanted change in my life.  And this was my small act that causes me to stop, think, and consider how small “I” am.  And how small i should be too!

Both in the world and in my home life, i am small.  i don’t want to be big.  i don’t want to rule anything, including my house or my family.  i am a Christian and we go to church (most) weeks. i believe God is the ultimate Father and then comes my husband.  But frankly, to neither of God nor my husband do i want to be “BIG” so why would i have a “BIG” letter “I” if i recognize that i am small.

In the bible, Jesus declares himself as the “Great I AM”.  WOW.  What a statement!  Absolutely none of us would think we were as big as that “I”, right?!  So if Jesus/ God are first, and my husband is second, aren’t i just a lower case i?!

Now don’t misunderstand me, i’m not oppressed or forced into this lifestyle.  i do this willingly, including putting the small i in my posts.  In fact, my husband asks my opinion on quite a lot of things.  Or maybe he doesn’t word it like “what’s your opinion on XYZ?” But he often says, “What do you think about XYZ?”  Or “What time will you be home?”.  Now sometimes i’d rather not even have THAT choice, but i understand he can’t possibly make EVERY-SINGLE-DECISION-EVER.

But i have no desire to be a “slave”.  i think there’s some profound differences between slave and sub.  While a slave is a sub, a sub is not necessarily a slave.  And i believe i am a sub but not a slave.  i may one day desire to be there.  In fact, there are facets about it that truly turn me on and maybe as a ‘fantasy role-play’ or a ‘date night activity’ we could try it out, but i’m not entirely sure how anyone can actually live as a slave 24/7.  That seems rather taxing on everyone!

So how do i exactly define the differences between the sub and the slave?  Here’s my official definition – with help from Mr. Webster too  🙂 –

And speaking of Webster –

here’s the official definition of  “Submissive”:




adjective: submissive

  1. ready to conform to the authority or will of others; meekly obedient or passive

And here is the official definition of “Slave”:




noun: slave; plural noun: slaves

  1. a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them
    • a person who works very hard without proper remuneration or appreciation.
    • “by the time I was ten, I had become her slave, doing all the housework”
    • a person who is excessively dependent upon or controlled by something.
    • “the poorest people of the world are slaves to the banks”
    • a device, or part of one, directly controlled by another.
    • “a slave cassette deck”
    • an ant captured in its pupal state by an ant of another species, for which it becomes a worker.

So what’s the difference?

A submissive is “ready to conform” – WILLINGNESS

And a Slave is “forced to obey” – (perhaps…) UNWILLING.

While i am completely aware that “Slaves” in this day and age are WILLING and not forced, that’s not exactly my point here.  i think the point here is CHOICE.  And sometimes i have ‘choices’ that i want to make.  A slave doesn’t really have ANY choices.  Right?

Additionally a submissive (sometimes) get permission when they ask, a slave isn’t even allowed to ask.

That’s why i am submissive and not the Alpha or “upper case” i, but i am me.

So what does that mean?  Well, back to where i started…. The lower case letters are inferior or not as important as the capital ones.  But they still have a place and participate in the process.  And Upper Case Letters Start Words, Proper Names and Places, and Denote Significance.  (see what i did with the upper case letters there?!).

Oh – and let’s not forget how the lower case letters always FOLLOW the upper case.  So you might say that i am following I, which is obviously NOT ME.

Additionally, without a “period” at the end of the sentence followed with an upper case letter to start the next sentence, we might not completely be always aware where one sentence ends and the other begins.  So while i don’t really want to ‘stand alone’ and i want to ‘not know where (my husband) ends and i start’ , but frankly, i am not as important.  Right?

So if lower i is inferior to the capital I, then the capital I should be in charge and rule things.  And i believe that is David, and not “i”.  God (and David) can use the capital I, but i’ll chose to use the lower i.  And it’s a constant reminder as i type to NOT hit the shift key first.  🙂

What are your thoughts?  Agree or disagree …. feel free to give your opinions…please just disagree kindly too.

Hugs and Kisses ~

8 – How did i get here anyway? AND…It’s a Struggle… a 2-fer.

Hello ~

Fair warning – this is a longggg post.  But it is a 2-fer really.

First, i want to give you some of my backstory.  How did i get to this place?

Second, its a struggle.  This submission thing is both what i want, and not.  And, well, its a struggle. Yes, a struggle, after just a couple of days ago how i told you my Thoughts on Submission. Wanting to submit and actually doing it aren’t always one in the same.


To date, i haven’t given you ‘that much’ information about ME and my husband.  But i want to now.

We’ve been married for 17 years.  We met at work.  We are both in the same profession.  He was my boss when i started working there.  (i suppose he was ‘in charge’ of me from the beginning!)  i worked there for 9-months when we started dating.  Our firm sent us out of town on a project for 3-weeks where we ate, drank, and …got merry!  (MERRY not MARRY…. not yet anyway.)

We dated for 5-years.  A longgg 5-years and i doubted whether he was going to marry me and i ended up giving him an ultimatum.  Obviously, he conceded and we were married shortly thereafter.

And from there, life got boring.  We changed jobs and no longer worked together.  We had a kid.  Only one.  And life was even more mundane.  We both thought, “This is ALL there is?” and we became your average American family with a 2-story house, picket fence, and a dog.

The “American Dream” … right?  What more could a girl want?!?

Well… looks can be deceiving.

At about our 10-year anniversary, neither of us was “all that happy” (and a bag of chips).  We were just going through the motions.  And something had to change or else we would either die young (boredom) or end up divorced.

That’s when we started talking about having a 3-some (with a woman).  And from there, we talked about becoming swingers.  And we did it ….all.  Yes, i consider myself bi-sexual now also.  But we don’t have any ‘regulars’ we see… not yet anyway.   (In another post, i’ll give you some salacious details!)

The more we explored, the more i wanted to do.  He was happy with a 3-some (of course he was, what man wouldn’t want 2-women?!).  But i found myself wanting to be controlled.   i wanted him to tell me what to do.

It basically started as a fantasy… and mostly just a sexual one.  i really thought i was a masochist for the longest time.  And when i “casually mentioned” this to my husband, he was like, “NO, I can NOT beat you!!  I was raised to respect women”  And i was like, “But i WANT you to.”  And while i think he just basically thought i was crazy… i REALLY think he thought that this was a “phase” that i was going through.  That the fantasy sounded good, but the reality wouldn’t be.

Fast forward a bit.  About 2-years ago, i found the website for really kinky people and i decided to register.  My profile says “I’m a married female, on here with consent from my husband.  I want a Dom and while he doesn’t feel that’s something he can do, he supports my endeavor to find one.”  And all that was true.  i talked to him first.  And he agreed to the site, the posting wording, and as long as he knew where i was and who i was with at all times when i met someone… then i had his blessings.  (Safety first.  That was his concern).

This is the point he started to take me seriously though too.  If i was willing to do all this, maybe i did want this from someone. And if he wasn’t willing or able to give it to me, i was willing to go get it. i never did find anyone that i was brave enough to actually meet …. stories of rape, abuse, and kidnapping scared me so much that i just couldn’t ACTUALLY bring myself to GO MEET “HIM” (or HER).

WELL – so how did we bridge this gap?

Our dog LOVES to bark.  We’ve tried everything to get her to stop.  And we finally bought her a shock collar that we shock her and she FINALLY stops.  It is run from a plug-in Rechargeable battery and you are now wondering, “HOW did we get to talking about the DOG and HOW does that get us to a DD relationship”  (Bear with me 1-more minute!)

The collar went ‘dead’ and needed to be recharged a little more than a week ago.  So i plugged it in and waited (bark, bark, bark going on the entire time i waited!). It was FINALLY time to put it back on her.

And when David got home from work, he said, “I see you put her collar back on.”   To which I replied, “YES, a collar is a good thing!”  and he said, “Is it now?” and i said, “YES! Absolutely!”  And at this point, i think he knew i wasn’t talking about the dog collar.

He went to the (home) office computer and started typing.  And i figured out he was doing something “secretive” so i didn’t bother him.  (Maybe he was finding us a hot babe for another hot 3-some!)

A couple of days later, we have a delivery.  He tells me to “Come here now!” and i do.  He has a collar for ME!  He put it on and i LOVED it!  i was surprised at it.  And he said, “WOW, I think I could’ve bought you a car and you wouldn’t be THIS happy!”  He also said, “You are MINE!  And I really see NO reason for you to take this collar off.  Do you?”  and I responded with, “No Sir!”.

i didn’t know for sure if this was the start of him REALLY being my Dom, but i prayed about it.  i was hoping!  i literally prayed, “Lord, let him be the head of our house.  Let him have his way and not mine.  Help him to lead us according to your will and to hear you clearly. Help me to submit to my husband”.

Finding Domestic Discipline (DD).    Up until this point, i didn’t even actually KNOW about DD.  i got SO turned on by the collar, i went to my ipad and typed into a Google search, “Submitting to my husband” and the first thing that came up was “Domestic Discipline.” I read a lot about it that night.

THAT was when i realized, i’m not reallyyyyy a masochist.  i’m a submissive wanting to submit to my husband, have consequences for NOT doing so, and well, have domestic discipline. Domestic discipline is about spanking. But not just that. Discipline can come in many forms. But that’s all really for another post!

i showed my husband what i found and asked him to research it too.

And the VERY NEXT DAY… he told me to buy a paddle and be ready to have it used.  i thought, “WOAH, we are REALLY doing this!!”

… and THAT my friends is “How I got here in the first place!”

Which brings me to Story #2 –


Submission.  i want to do it.  i really do.  But i’m struggling.  Let me (try to) explain.

With ALL that backstory (that is absolutely true) up until this point, everything i reallyyyyy knew about Submission or Domination or Domestic Discipline or Masochism or BDSM (any other ‘or’s i’ve missed?!?) – was ALL IN MY HEAD. Meaning, i have read a lot, talked a lot, but not DONE a lot.

None of it was actually played out in real life.  If you count ‘talking to someone online or text’ as playing it out in real life, then yes, i suppose i’ve had at least a real life experience.  But other than THAT, nothing. So i don’t really know what it means to submit or be spanked or to say things like, “Yes Sir.”

And well, the internet is completely true…. and all those erotic stories i’ve read… those are all true too.  And that’s exactly how all this will play out in real-life too. RIGHT?!?!

So i’ve crafted this whole “IDEA” of how all this dominance/submission and spanking was supposed to go.  Frankly, it is so well crafted that it could be my own real-life-movie where i’m the star of the show and my husband says his lines and plays his part.  All i had to do was give him the script!

And that’s basically what i tried to do.  That’s why i’m “Topping from the Bottom”.  You know, where i tell you how to dominate me and you do what i say?!?!  THAT was what i envisioned. Oh it wasn’t intentional, but is the reality of the situation too.

WHAT I GOT was a TRUE SIR.   My husband, David, is coming into his own.  He took my ‘Advice and ideas’ for about a week.  And NOW, he’s told me to SUBMIT and let HIM dominate.  That i’m too bossy.  That i need to understand that submission doesn’t mean tell him what to do.  It is the other way around.  And whether it is according to my ‘script’ or not, he doesn’t care.

SO – NOW – I’m struggling.   You’d think i’d be happy.  RIGHT?  Well, i am actually.  BUT i’m not sure how to “DO” this submission thing.  It sure looked easy watching the porn, in my books, on the internet, but now … this is ‘real life’ … and it’s not really following the scripts that i laid out.

Sir is doing an amazing job.  i’m SO thrilled and impressed at his desire to lead.  (Today he told me he wouldn’t hesitate to turn me over his knee in public or in front of my sister, if the time comes where that it is needed).

i don’t suppose i’ll ever really know what made him buy me the collar.  i won’t know what ever convinced him that i truly do want this.  i won’t know how we got from ‘there’ to ‘here’.  BUT – i do know – i have to throw away the script and let him do what he was born to do – LEAD and DOMINATE.

Life shouldn’t be so scripted anyway – maybe that’s why we were just an “average American family” and yet – bored.  i don’t want to go back to that life.  i need to just relax and let him do what he’s meant to do – LEAD. But i have to learn how too.

And to remember all i REALLY have to do is – SUBMIT…. respect, obey, and did i say submit (??) … all in a way that is pleasing to HIM!

i’ll do better tomorrow, i promise….  Sir!

Hugs ~


7 – Transgression.. what’s in a word?

Webster defines “Transgression” as such……




noun: transgression; plural noun: transgressions

– an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offense.

“I’ll be keeping an eye out for further transgressions”

synonyms:offense, crime, sin, wrong, wrongdoing, misdemeanor, impropriety, infraction, misdeed, lawbreaking;

How do “i” (as in: me, submissive, in a DD relationship, loving discipline life, loving Sir) define “Transgre

ssion”?  Well … the same actually.

Don’t tell anyone, but i rather like the part about “I’ll be keeping an eye out for further transgressions”.  Was Webster in a D/s or M/s or DD relationship too? Was that intentional or just coincidental that it seems to say there is a DOM and a SUB relationship to this “word” .

When i don’t do as i’m supposed to.. in other words, when i commit an act that goes against a rule AND code of conduct expected of me… it is a TRANSGRESSION.

Now here’s where the GREY (50 shades?!) comes in….. what if the “RULE” wasn’t clearly defined?  What if I didn’t even know it WAS a rule?  Does that still make it a “Transgression”?

Ignorance is Bliss (?) valid or an excuse?

Does that apply to situations when you “just didn’t know” or does this even apply at all … ever… to ANY part of our lives?  By show of hands, who actually believes this phrase is TRUE?

Or do you think that this is an excuse to NOT do as you KNOW you should?  Or maybe a loophole that you are looking for…..

“But Sir, i shouldn’t be punished… i didn’t know”.

What should your Sir say after that … “Okay, you are right” ??? OR “I don’t care, bend over”??

And if he agrees with

h you, is that making HIM SUBMIT TO YOU?  Or is the fact that you asked him and questioned his authority make YOU at fault – and yet – another Transgression?

See where i’m going with this?  The GRAY area…. and this could lead to the 50-shades on your ass kind of gray…..


i’m supposed to log my transgressions.  And maybe i’m justifying my actions here (hence the above section) BUT … sometimes i just don’t know if it was a Transgression or not.

So i’m going to call these “semi-Transgression” because maybe it is and maybe it’s not.  But i’m not sure this is my call to make, so i’ll let Sir read this and determine what he thinks is best.  Maybe this is the section that leads to further communications between us… to clarify what is or is not a Transgression… or more specifically what is a rule/ code of conduct expectation or not.

In any event… this week David is out of town.  So i’m having to log EVERYTHING since i last saw him until he’s home.  Here’s the listing so far…..

Clearly a Transgression

– Per my previous blog entry, Spoonful of Medicine…, i forgot to get the medicine from the pharmacy when specifically told.  i had to be reminded.

– Cursing.  i know this is not acceptable to David.  He’s NEVER liked my foul language.  And yet, i do it anyway.  Some of it is training myself and being aware of what comes out of my mouth before i say it.  Today, while taking our son to school, i said, “get your ass out of my

way” to the car in front of me.  Clearly unacceptable.

Gray Transgressions or Semi-Transgressions

Again, these are in the “would they be or would they not be” transgressions area,.. but i’m listing them anyway… just in case.

– Last evening, i asked Sir for permission to take a relaxing bath.  He said i could, but i had to finger myself and get myself “close to orgasm, but DO NOT do so”.  That is hard.  i’ve always been unable to stop myself, once i get that close.  i begin to desire the orgasm, begging it to come, and wanting to keep going.  And i always do.  Now i did NOT do that this time (yeah for me!).  So what makes this hit the list at all then?

———- well, because i REALLY wanted to cum.  i decided to text Sir, “Please may i PLEASEEEEE cum??” and he wrote back, “NO”.  i then pushed it further and said a couple minutes later, “i reallyyyyyy want to cum”.  And he wrote back, “don’t test me”.  🙁

———- BECAUSE i DID test him – i think this needs to go on the list.  But maybe its not a transgression because i didn’t cum?!  But it probably is because i didn’t take his order and strictly obey, i asked…. TWICE… for him to reconsider.  Questioning authority.

——-again, i’ll let Sir decide.

– Topping from the Bottom.  What do i mean?  Well, when i try to tell Sir how to Dominate me.  How i should submit to him.  i’m not sure ‘how much is too much’ and how much Sir might actually appreciate my commentary or creative ideas.  (i’m not too sure WHY i suggest creative ideas… for mostly they are more ways that i can F*** up and gain more punishment!  — Does that F*** count as a Curse word?! and yet ANOTHER official Transgression?!?  it might!  Yikes!).  Anyway, i’ve been doing this though because we are still new to all this and as i read more about it, read blogs of others, and find more ways to enhance our lifestyle, i want him to know too.  (But again, maybe i need to actually SUBMIT and let him DOMINATE as i know i want!)

i have NO doubt that my transgressions will result in some kind of punishment upon Sir’s return….  i will welcome that punishment as i know it is JUSTICE served.

So that’s it for “today’s listing”… i’ll stop before i commit further transgressions (like cursing… yet again!!) …. but it is only 7:46 a.m….. so there’s lots of day left!  i may be back here to report more in an “update” by tonight/ tomorrow.

Hugs and Kisses Today!

UPDATE: It has been a whopping 2-hours since i posted this.  And i have another transgression to report!  (And a Whopping i will receive i’m sure!)

– i was told to do a PDF for a submission of artwork for an advertising event.  PLUS send the CHECK to pay for it!  i did the artwork pdf.  i did NOT put the check in the mail.  🙁  i had to be reminded by the advertising agency, who put David in copy on the email.  He responded with a simple, “I will make sure she does it today”.  But that wording told me ALL i needed to know.  SOOOOO —- another transgression.

(i don’t like it when Sir goes out of town…. the build up of unsettled Transgressions is beginning to cause me some anxiety….  i can’t hardly imagine how BAD my butt is going to hurt when he’s done settling these up!).

UPDATE 2:   ONLY A FEW MORE HOURS LATER… wow.  This whole submission thing is wayyyyy harder than i thought it would.  i guess i have this ‘vision’ in my head of how it should go.  And as a result, the “Topping from the Bottom” is most definitely out of control and has now gone from “gray” to “definite” transgression.   i bought some “nipple (suction) cups” (think about Michael Phelps – Olympic Swimmer – his cupping only for nipples).  i got them in the mail yesterday … when Sir is out of town.. and i put them on.  They created nice, perky, alert nipples.  i told Sir about it and sent him a picture, which he very much loved.  i “told him” that he ought to require i cup the nipples ‘regularly… maybe even be required to wear them every meal’ so that when i’m naked next, they would be ready for his viewing pleasure.  He responded with “I like that idea”.  SOOOO THENNNNN i decided to take it upon myself and tell him “so are you going to make this a rule?  If so, i need to know when it starts and how often”.  He didn’t respond, although i know he read the text for read receipt.  After a few more hours, i asked if overstepped my bounds, and he did respond with “You are a little bossy on these ideas”  YIKES.  THAT’s what i figured he might say.  When i explained i only get excited with new ideas and want to share with him, but i need to be observant of the tone, he suggested i say, “You could say look at this cool idea…..”.  He’s right.  i’m wrong.

Wondering now if i’ll get to tomorrow before having to report yet another transgression.  🙁  (I think the tack bra may be put to a lottttttt of use soon!)

UPDATE 3:  FINAL one. Because Sir is almost home!  i will be seeing him in less than an hour.  (Thank God! i can’t handle the weight of these transgressions piling up so!)

So for this update – i have TWO thing i must report – 🙁

– i masturbated without permission.  i knew it was wrong, and i didn’t cum… but that’s because the weight of the transgression was weighing on me and became a buzz kill.  David was on an airplane and i was getting excited (and wet) for being able to see him, so i just though i’d relieve the pressure.  But i didn’t even get off.  And now i have to report it.  This was NOT worth it.

– David asked me to look into a recurring credit card charge to determine if it is something we want/ need to keep/ or should cancel.  i told him i would talk to our son, because i was sure it was one of his game charges.  And i forgot.  For 24-full-hours.  i only remembered when i did because i looked at email and saw it there.

FINAL WORDS:  i will gladly accept my punishment, because i know it is: 

a) deserved,

b) a consequence of my own actions,

c) born from love

d) will clear the slate and my conscience.

There’s always tomorrow ….. if i can sit…..