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Tag: acceptance

45 – New and Old Rules.

After David and i talked a LOT, we started talking about what rules (or not) that we would have (or not). We aren’t officially formal like with a contract like some DD relationships are, but i know what’s expected. (i knew before too, but chose not to do it!). So we reestablished some old rules and created some new ones too.

Some of the old rules that we reestablished are:

  • No bra. (i’d started wearing it again. i mean, why not?!?)
  • No taking a (warm/ relaxing) bath without permission. (Ugh…. ok)
  • Refer to Sir as Sir. (not a problem. i rather missed this one)
  • Wear a corset to shape my body (i’d completely stopped this one because sometimes corsets aren’t comfortable at all)
  • Show respect at all times (of course, i’d unintentionally reverted to pre-DD style – see last post for more info really)
  • And … you guessed it …. NO MASTURBATION WITHOUT PERMISSION(okay, i mean, THIS is the one that got me in trouble and caused all the trouble, so i KNEW this one was coming back!)

i decided to ask Sir, “Can i ask Why? i mean, i could see if you said no sometimes. But you don’t. And before when i didn’t ask, it was because i didn’t really think you cared enough to ever say no anyway.”

His answer, “sometimes i want you to know that you are MINE. And when you have to ask to touch yourself, it is forcing you to give up YOU and recognize – and respect – ME, our marriage, and my authority.”

Okay – i should have just asked the first time and not assumed so much or acted the way i did. i admit it. Now. Wish i hadn’t wasted 4-months figuring this out. But i guess this time off hasn’t been terrible either. NO not the best months of our marriage, but it was good for me. Because while i thought i wanted a DD relationship before… NOW I KNOW I DO!

And NOW i know there is not EVER any going back. I LOVE THIS MAN and the way we do this life, marriage, and DD relationship!

SO – a few NEW rules too….

  • NO PANTIES. EVER. (well this one will be a new experience!)
  • NO Pajamas either. (He’s never liked my soft, cotton, Mom-style PJ’s… and this too will be a new experience).
  • Dresses should be worn when possible. (Not ‘required’, but preferred. Because now there will be easy access with no bra and no panties on!)
  • Maintenance Spankings. Every Friday. (We technically had a rule about these before, but now they going to have a protocol that includes corner time and will ALWAYS be made up if missed for any reason… like our son/ holidays/ sickness/ etc… so my rear will hurt every weekend now)
  • And the biggest new thing…. a locking Chastity Belt. (for enforcing the last old rule above – NO MASTURBATION WITHOUT PERMISSION.

THIS is currently on order, been shipped, and expected to arrive at our house sometime soon…….

Image result for female chastity

Now i wonder what you are thinking. i certainly know what i was thinking….. “WHOA, what’s this about? WHY?” And then we talked about it. i’m not going to be locked in it 24/7, but rather to be worn at times when i need to be reminded that masturbation and orgasms are NOT my decision. That’s when i’ll be made to wear it. And should i decide i need to do so, it is better to lock myself into it and/or ask for it prior to making an error in judgement (aka: masturbating without permission!) than to be found out afterward. This is much more desirable than to choosing disobedience for the rules Sir has laid out, and made very clear.

So when it arrives, i’ll wear it for awhile. Not sure how long that is, but he will put it on and lock me in it and he will have the key. The only key.

Thankfully it has holes in it so i can use the bathroom without too much trouble really, but that may be even better to keep me locked up even longer without anyone ever knowing. (i’ll keep you posted what i think after wearing it for a bit).

In the end after thinking about it for a couple of days now, i’m actually good with this. Honestly, i think this is a good compromise. It gives me the ability to be disciplined without Sir having to do much, but it could be used for orgasm control too. i think it could be a good solution to forcing me to ask permission to touch myself. And it will cause me to recognize the authority he has in my life and what i’ve voluntarily given up.

And just looking at it, i’m kinda turned on and ready to have a new adventure with this new ‘rule’… and bringing back the old rules already just feel like i’m sliding into an old glove that fits oh-so-well!

So now – back to our normal. The way we do things fits us well. And i’ll tell you about the two spankings i’ve already gotten — maintenance really – in my next posts. But not tonight… you’ll have to wait. i know the spanking types will come back for that! 🙂



33 – my body betrays my mind

If you’ve seen any of my prior posts, you know that my husband is my best friend, the authority in my house, and in charge. And most recently, he’s learned that it is a “thing” that more and more women are choosing to be braless …. everywhere…. all the time…. in any light, weather, or clothing. (Don’t believe me? Just google, “braless”)

Well, my husband is a “boob man” anyway. He notices them on every lady out there and L-O-V-E-S them. And so this is music to his eyes and inspired him to set a rule for me that “NO bras allowed. Ever. Again. Period.”

Okay, so my recent posts have told you that my first thought about this was, “Hell yah! Ditch that stupid thing!” And i did. And for the first 24’ish hours, i was in heaven.

Those 24-hours were on a Saturday. When i didn’t have a care in the world and nowhere to be or go. And we were on vacation. Who cares who sees anything while on vacation? i mean, you are NEVER going to see these people again! Yeah, so, ditch the bra and have a grand time!

And then. We came home. And had to go to the store. And the realization that this is now my new rule… at home too. Sir expected the “no bra” rule to Always. Apply. Forever. Amen. (Oh geez!).

And so i went to the store. David knew i was apprehensive… what if i see someone i know, what if i know them well-enough they say something, what if it’s a friend’s mom, what if it’s our son’s friends, on and on.

So i didn’t like it and i told David. While he’s in charge and has final authority, he always considers my thoughts, requests, etc. And this was no different. But, he responded, quite firmly with, “I know you don’t like it now. But I do. And the sooner you learn to accept it, the better off we will all be.”

And so i went to the store. Braless. On edge. With great apprehension.

And i get a text from Sir and it says, “I need proof.”

i was perplexed and thought, “proof to what?” And i texted that back (nicely.)

And the text i got back said, “that you listened and did as i asked… braless. Take a selfie right now.” So, as odd as THAT was, and because the girls were on high beam anyway, i did and they showed. And Sir was happy.

Then came Sunday. And church. (Yes, we are Christians. In fact, it’s the Bible that got me to thinking i needed to be a submissive, obedient wife in the first place. But that’s another post altogether!). And i (quite calmly) asked Sir again, “even to church?” And the response was, “Y-E-S! So again, i did.

Now at this point, i’ve basically been Braless a week. But here comes Monday. And returning to work. And i’m not much caring about the braless thing at this point. And i happen to work in a VERY conservative profession, in a VERY conservative city and state. So this time, i put my foot down and said, “respectfully Sir, i won’t go to work without a bra.”

And he relinquished. He understood. And agreed. And i feel complete relief wash over me.

And i go put on my bra and start to dress for work.

And find that bra is SO tight! SO constricting. So uncomfortable. Holy crap! When did this go from so good to so bad? Why did i like this… ever? And WHY did i think I didn’t like braless?



So i told David this. And his response was, “ you like the SAFETY of the bra. The safety of being conservative, of not looking slutty in public, or not tarnishing your name or reputation. You don’t like the bra itself!”

And i realized, he is right!

So then he says, “if you trust me, you’ll do as I ask and not wear a bra ever again (except we will concede work hours), and you will find safety in me and my leadership and our marriage.

Maybe i DO like braless after all. Maybe i will be more submissive and obedient and trust in my marriage and that the Lord to lead my husband in a way that is a bit different, but still safe too!

