283 – “Your shoes aren’t a symbol”

^^^^^ THAT was my conversation earlier tonight with my Sir. About my Chastity belt. And me wanting to have the key to take it off.
i won’t lie, i basically threw a temper tantrum today. i wanted the belt off. i lost. The belt is still on.
Sir won.
Officially he should always win. Unofficially it doesn’t always happen. Today it did happen.
Yes, today…. SIR WON! i know i already said that, but it was worth repeating.
i even looked for the key in all the areas i thought it would be. i really wasn’t sure as i looked if:
1) i was going to be able to find it,
2) if i did find it, would i actually use it,
3) if i wouldn’t use it, why was i looking.
i stopped looking. i don’t think i do want to find it. And it was not in any of those usual or expected places anyway.
Sir hid it well. He won there too.
He’s right in that the belt isn’t uncomfortable really, just getting (more and more) annoying. The way keeping my shoes on when i get home is annoying. But he is right, my shoes are not a symbol. The chastity belt is.
The chastity belt represents a literal and real power exchange. A total power exchange that i have willing done without regret. i would do it again too.
i completely trust my Sir and i give him my all. Until i want the belt off. Until i want to take back the control but to which he does not allow.
i am glad he has not succumbed to my wishes.
In the end, i do NOT want to be in charge and i am glad Sir is. Just sometimes, i want to win. Like today when i have wanted the belt off.
He’s home tomorrow at about this time (7p) but now (based on his comments above), i am unsure if the belt will even come off then.
This is good for me in the end. This total power exchange reminds me of how small i am and how small i should remain.
i write all this while sitting on the couch, in my chastity belt. i have given up asking for it to come off and will submit the way i should. Hopefully anyway! And if i don’t, i suspect i will still be in my belt but then ALSO have a red ass to go with it!
(And did you see the part about my fiction story? i am working on another one. Maybe tonight yet … or tomorrow. Will see.)
authority, chastity belt, husband in control, my submissiveness, orgasm control, submission, submissive wife