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116 – Another hot date!

Quite literally, the temps in Tx are over 100! So it is a date that is hot. And i found a new weather app called “WTForecast”. It gives you crazy words to describe the weather upon opening the app.

Like just now…. this is what it said:

That’s funny! That’s the weather version of ME and my cheeky comments!

Ok ok… that’s not exactly what you want to hear about…..

Y-E-S …. we are on our way to dinner with our new couple. Date #2 – one week after the first date.

We’ve had an amazing week messaging back and forth and we are headed to another fun dinner with them now.

i’m super excited to see them too! It will be fun, we will laugh, be honest, and talk about everything imaginable!

At what point can i say they are our bg/gf’s?!?! Hmm. i dunno. Maybe not yet.

No, we don’t plan to have sex tonight either. Just dinner. But i do have on a skirt without panties, so it’s possible i may get some fingers inside me at some point.

But today IS Friday and we haven’t done maintenance for the day. So i have to be on best behavior too.

David told me he might bring the paddle with us and have them do it for him. When i asked him how that would happen, he first said, “I’ll make you assume the position at the table.”

i laughed and said, “i guess i’ll eat before we go so my stomach won’t be mad at me when i spend the night in jail!”

Then he said, “seriously …. maybe in the parking lot afterward.” i don’t think he would. i’m not worried… too much. Lol.

i do know maintenance waits for when we get home though, so it’s possible it could be more like a punishment if i don’t act right too. But i will. Cuz i want to! Cuz i know it’s going to be F-U-N!

So i’ll tell you more tomorrow!

PS …. their initials are “BJ”. i think that’s fitting!

Hugs –


115 – A Bratting Submissive

On a previous post, a fellow blogger suggested that i may well be a “brat.” When she suggested it, i indicated i would research it. And i have.

And i must admit, it probably does describe me. Okay, fine, it DOES define me. Scratch the word probably from that sentence before.

But i didn’t exactly want it to be true though! The word “brat,” conjures up thoughts of a cranky, little child who is likely throwing a temper tantrum in order (to try) to get things their way. And the parent becoming incredibly annoyed that their child is acting this way, causing frustration that the parent even has to deal with this behavior.

It’s a negative behavior. Or so it seemed anyway. And i don’t want to be negative, troublesome, or to be problematic.

So all this is quite ironic because when i started googling various words and phrases about bratting, in my mind i heard myself saying things like, “i don’t even know why i am bothering to look this up. This is a waste of time. i am not a brat!!! This is just SO stupid to think this might describe me! This is SO not me!

Kinda sounds like a cranky little kid throwing a temper tantrum, doesn’t it??? Oh my! Palm plant to the face now!

Ok…. so… after some time to “change the attitude,” i reread her exact comment that she made and it said, “Bratting isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Daddy happens to love it about me.”

Okay, so if it isn’t necessarily bad, then it could be inherently good! And she even said her Daddy likes it about her. That’s when i restarted the google search with a much improved attitude… looking for the good and not just bad.

i did this second search as i laid in bed next to Sir. One site described a submissive brat as:

“A brat is a BDSM submissive, usually female, who enjoys being mischievous, disobedient and cheeky to their dominant, usually in a lighthearted manner. A brat’s qualities will usually be fundamental to their dynamic. Brattiness may be temporary or enduring”.

When i read this (silently), i started to giggle (out loud). David asked me what was so funny and i said, “Listen to this….” and i read him that paragraph above. No preamble or backstory for him to even know what prompted the search or the read to begin with.

His response was to nod his head in agreement, to raise his eyebrows upward, and say, “oh yeah! That definitely defines you!”

He continued, “its the mischievous and cheeky words, typically in a lighthearted manner, that seem especially applicable. I always know if you are being cheeky or intentionally disobedient. You keep it fun… most of the time.”

This got me to thinking about how our entire relationship has ALWAYS been this way. We have always said things that can and often do trigger one another. But we typically do it in a lighthearted and fun way. Although in the past, when it did sometimes go too far and over the edge of acceptable, it became contentious which sometimes led to fights.

Now…… we don’t fight. We settle things according to our way of DD. It’s in these times when i particularly pushthe limit of acceptability that i find myself Assuming the Position for a spanking where often i end up regretting my actions!

But all this research and label-making got me to thinking about my entire life and things i’ve done that might’ve been brat-like-behavior. Often at the time i do it, i find myself thinking, “why did i do that??” and more often than not the answers that come back include, “because it’s fun…”, or “because i can” or “because i want to see their response.”

i ultimately don’t ever do things that truly, intentionally cause harm or pain or difficulty to others. Just enough to cause them to move out of their comfort zone and provide a good laugh (for me especially)! FYI….. While i think April Fools day is fun, i don’t typically do a lot…. because i get fearful that my idea of a joke may not be received as well (lighthearted and cheeky) as i intend it to be!

So an example of what i do do…. in public groups, i have noticed people tend to sit in the exact same place every time, like it is their assigned seat. But.. we know… it’s not. Not really anyway. So i like to disrupt their pattern.

Here’s a particular example…. i used to belong to a networking group designed to help build your customer base. We met over breakfast every week. Same day, same time, same place and for the most part… same people. And i noticed after several months of going … those same people sat in the same exact spot too.

And one day… i decided to mix it up.

i arrived a couple of minutes early and put my things in one lady (Mary) “assigned seat,” effectively ousting her and claiming it as my own. i then walked around, mixed/mingled, and waited to see her come in and discover her seat was taken…. and ultimately to see her reaction.

i wasn’t far from “the seat,” when Mary arrived. i saw her but she didn’t know i was watching her response or that i was the trouble-maker. Alright… go time!

She stopped short. Looked around. Looked confused. And then proceeded to have a “oh well” look and selected the next seat to the right. She put her things down and went to get water/bathroom before the meeting started. ohhhhh this just got interesting because that is Jeff’s spot! So the plot thickens!

So now Jeff arrives and sees his spot taken, and says in a questioning but in a calm/comfortable tone, “Who took my spot?” loud enough for most of us to hear. Well since Mary was in the bathroom no one really responded to him. So Monica is always the helpful, peace-maker, and offered up that he could sit next to her and he did. But T-H-A-T spot belonged to Lisa!! So at this point, i am smiling outwardly and giggling inwardly. i am SO bad, but this is SO fun. And i didn’t ultimately cause any real HARM. i just mixed things up ….. just a little…..

When the meeting came to order and everyone was seated, Mary says aloud, “Marie! So you are the one who took my seat…. and caused the trickle down effect…. resulting in half the room needing stronger coffee this morning!” Okay, guilty as charged… but wasn’t this fun mixing things up? (While they laughed…. i don’t think they had as much fun as i did!!)

My sister says i am a, “shit-starter,” and she rolls her eyes at me, and smiles as she says it. So i suppose on some level it makes sense that i’d be the same way with David too.

But since he’s now known me for almost 25-years now… i’d say he likes me and my crazy shenanigans so i am probably ok here! But now with DD, he even has a way to respond (positively/ no fighting) when i go too far too.

So ultimately i guess I will own the label…. bratty submissive. But only the good parts.

And i’ll share some other labels in coming posts that i think would or could also apply too! i wouldn’t want to limit myself to JUST ONE! 😜

Go have a great day…. and mix up someone’s routine by taking their seat today…. it will be fun!!

Hugs ~


Day 17: My Submissiveness

DAY 17: “IT’S NOT LIKE THAT … “What misconception about kinky people would you most like to clear up?”

Where do i start?? Lol! Ok, seriously, i feel like i could talk about quite a few. But THE one i’ll talk about here is….

Kinky people are not abnormal. (See that double negative there… that means kinky people ARE normal).

When you hear the word “kinky,” it is in reference to (and an adjective of ) how they like their sex. So in that sense, i admit kinky people are not mainstream, but they (we!) are indeed still normal.

Yet, i would like to even out forth the argument that they ARE mainstream, just in the closet. i happen to think that kinky sex people are the new closet-lurkers that used to be inhabited by the gay/lesbian community. But once the gay/lesbian people evacuated the closet, kinky sex people took their place.

Or maybe kinky sex people were always in the closet, yet with gay/lesbian standing at the front (nearest the exit), no one noticed us there. Until of course, gay/lesbians decided to open the door and outted themselves.

i think kinky became the new closet-lurkers with the release of 50 Shades. i think EL James let the world know, “we are here, now in the closet alone, which is cool by us because this just gives us more room to spread out in here and to explore our sexual preferences… yet still in the dark too.”

i think the word “kinky” could be replaced with “adventurous” or “adrenaline junky” too.

i think it humorous when people want to scare themselves intentionally via watching a horror movie, or getting on an extreme roller coaster, or skydiving from an otherwise perfectly good airplane – and yet – having adventurous sex seems abnormal, odd, strange, or unusual.

So somehow getting my type of adrenaline junky adventure on has deemed me odd, strange, or unusual. Yet scaring myself until i cry, urinate myself, or otherwise cause my heart to race itself into a premature attack is deemed acceptable. (Okay, so sometimes maybe kinky sex causes crying, urination, and heart attacks too…. but … again, that just goes to show we are normal and why is our adrenaline seeking methods less acceptable than others?)

i dare say, like gay/lesbians, we are probably enjoying better and more frequent sex than the nay-saying, mainstream community has ever had.

i have asked the questions above about “why are kinky people’s methods deemed abnormal when the other mainstream activities are not.?” But you and i both ultimately know the answer…. because it’s not the way we were raised, because we aren’t supposed to be with more than one lover at a time, because we shouldn’t like being spanked or treated like a child or otherwise degraded….. or so it would seem to the outsider anyway!

And yet…. we do.

Our likes (and dislikes) don’t make us abnormal. i’d say maybe judgements and misunderstandings should be deemed the abnormal behavior here and the mainstream should be forced to bend a little. Oh wait…. that’s already happened by those gay/lesbian peeps before us. Honestly, while i think kinky people are ready to also evacuate the closet, we will probably just ease out slowly and walk along the path that those gay/lesbian (and EL James) Trail Blazers already cut for the rest of us!

So when someone at work, who you deem “normal” tells you some crazy and kinky story about their sex life…. don’t change your opinions about them one iota. They are still normal too!

Oh – and if/when mainstream DOES “bend a little” – i hope it’s so they bend OVER to get spanked or at least to have some of the best sex of their lives!

Hugs ~


114 – Complete Work of Fiction… #5

i was truly intending to end this Series where it left off before, but a real life event happened yesterday that inspired me to tell you more.

So YEP, here it is! The next edition.

First though…. some NONFICTION ….

David happened to ask me in the middle of the writing of Complete Work of Fiction #2, what i was blogging about that day.

So i told him. And then he insisted i send him a link to each of them as they unfolded and were posted too.

When he was done reading #4, i asked his thoughts. i wondered if he’d think it was hot or file for divorce from this completely warped individual he sleeps beside!!

His response was, “hmm.” That’s it??

i didn’t question it. i decided to just wait to see if he said anymore on his own. And sure enough, yesterday he did.

Despite being a Sunday, i had to go to the office for a few hours. And in the middle, he texted me (out of the blue and unprompted), “if our son wasn’t home, I’d find a woman right now to be your Second. And I’d be fucking her when you get home.

Oh wow! What to say to that??

EVERYTHING ABOVE WAS TRUE AND NON-FICTION. Here is where the fiction actually starts…..

(So let’s just pretend for a hot minute i had NOT received that text AND our son was not home either…..)

i was tired and finally headed home from work. What a way to start the week with being at the office much of the Sunday day. i was looking forward to relaxing on the couch, eating dinner and watching tv with Sir.

i walked in the door and the dogs greeted me. But otherwise, the house seemed quiet overall. i wasn’t sure where David was exactly, but i went in search of him in order to greet him properly too.

As i walked closer to our bedroom, i heard voices. Multiple. A female and David together. What the hell?? Is he fucking a woman in OUR bed??

i was nervous and cautious. My mind raced and my heart raced even faster that that! i wasn’t sure if i wanted to continue forward or not. But i also know, i can’t avoid this situation either.

Take a deep breathe. Gather your thoughts.

And i heard her call out, “YES! Fuck me harder! Give me that cock!”

And my heart raced! i couldn’t slow it down but i tried as i took another deep breath. My feet had a mind of their own too and seemed to be propelling me forward.

When i reached the bedroom door, it stood open. i saw them there. Together. David had her on the bed, on all 4’s, and he was fucking her from behind. They were both facing the door so they saw me immediately. This was intentional. He wanted me to find them. Maybe she did too.

David said, “hello my sweet submissive wife! Come in.” as he continued to pound her from behind.

The words “submissive wife” didn’t escape me. i knew he used them intentionally. But i still didn’t move. i didn’t speak either. i was frozen. Completely unsure what to say or do, even though my clues were in the very word “submissive.” i knew he expected me to obey.

That’s when she spoke up and said, “Did you not hear your Sir give you a directive? What’s wrong with you? MOVE!”

And i moved forward. A step anyway.

She seemed slightly irritated at this and said, “your Sir said you were better trained than this. Move your ass…. NOW! Get over here and get in this bed. I want you to see how well he fucks me.”

At the command of both of them, i managed to move forward toward the bed. She said, “that’s more like it! What a good girl you can be… when you want to be!”

David then said, “Marie, I’d like you to meet your Second. After reading your Fictional stories, I saw no reason to wait until your 50th birthday to grant you your wish! So I’ve been searching and I found the perfect lady to be your Second. Now i want you to greet her properly.”

i said, “Sir, you didn’t mention her name. What exactly am i to call her?”

And David laughed with a bit of incredulity and said, “Truly her name isn’t really relevant! As far as you need to know you can simply call her Madam Second.”

And with that, something caused me to just submit. To just do as i was expected to. So i said, “Nice to meet you Madam Second.”

He said to the Madam, “See. She is trained well. She just had to get over the sight of my cock deep in your pussy and not hers!”

Madam Second said, “You have done well with her. But I can certainly see why you decided she needs a Second. She hesitated and that obviously won’t do. Can I give her some direction to see just how much training she ultimately still needs and how she will respond to me?”

David said, “of course you can!” And he turned to me and said, “Marie, do you have any questions about who you submit to now?”

i responded with a simple, “No Sir.”

And she said, “and just who DO you think you submit to now?”

i looked at her and said, “Madam Second, i submit to both you and Sir now.”

She said, “Oh how wonderful! I see you are coming around now. That was so much better! Let’s just see just how submissive you really can be. Take your clothes off and get on the bed. Lay on your back with your legs spread wide.”

i did as i was told.

David said, “Marie honey, you are making me so proud. I’m glad you came in and saw me fucking your Second. I needed you to see from the start of this new relationship with her that when she’s with you, or with both of us, that she is as dominant as I am. And I need you to respect her position as such. Do you understand that?”

i said, “Yes Sir.”

He continued, “Because honestly my submissive slut wife, I know this is what you need, to have a Second. Someone who we can have fun with, but to whom will also help keep you in line more thoroughly and completely. And who can provide me with a mental break when you start to wear me out with the mischievous, disobedient and cheeky behavior you sometimes exhibit. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir.”

He continued, “so you understand that she will be able to punish you for wrong doings, but that she really only wants to reward you for doing good. All just the same as I do. Right?”

“Yes Sir,” was all that i said.

She then pulled away from Sir’s cock and told me she was going to sit on my face and i was to please her throughly. She continued and said, “For our first time together, you are not allowed to orgasm. You need to earn that. So make sure you pleasure me well and that I orgasm if you hope to earn yours. If I’m not pleased or you do orgasm without permission, you will be punished. Do I make myself clear?”

i said, “Yes Madam Second”

And she looked at David and said, “I am pleased so far! You didn’t lie when you said how well she’d respond to my authority! I’d like to see you fuck her while she pleases me, if you wouldn’t mind.”

And he said, “Sounds great to me!” And he came around the bed where he stuck his cock deep in my pussy as she lowered herself onto my face.

That’s when she said to David, “I can certainly see how well this is going to work out for all of us!”

And he said, “Most definitely!”


And welcome back to my NONFICTION world. If you are wondering how i actually responded to David’s text…. this is how it actually went…….

i stared at his text and was formulating a response, when another text came in.

It said, “Could you stand that or would you explode?”

i wasn’t entirely sure what to say to either text really. i was quite surprised. i ended up saying, “if i knew this was a possibility before i walked in on it, i’d be ok… and explode with sexual excitement.

But if i didn’t know, i may explode with jealousy instead.”

That’s when i saw the infamous dot, dot, dot bubbles. He was texting.

When it came through it said, “if you are truly submissive, you have no reason to be jealous and you will trust me.”

i wrote, “human nature.”

He said, “after reading your fiction, I think you should assume this is a possibility. ”

i texted back, “Yes Sir”

And he wrote, “Good girl!”

[PS…. i have a love/hate relationship with the word “nonfiction.” It is an English word about the English language. Since the word Fiction, means “not true”, and the word Nonfiction is its antonym, nonfiction literally means “not not true.” weren’t we all taught by our English teachers to not use double-negatives? Yet a word about the English language is just that! Why couldn’t “Fiction” be true and “Nonfiction” be not-true?? Who created these words and decided these definitions anyway? Did they not grasp the English language? Or was the author / creator simple creatively sly in getting the last laugh on all English speaking people …. and it worked! I love the underlying, smooth nature of the word’s author, and yet hate hate the double negative too. See the repeat of the word “hate” there …. my very own personal mischievous addition to the double negatives too. Ok, not quite as good, but whatever, don’t judge. So what’s your take on “Nonfiction” ???]

Hugs ~


113 – A reblog…. Cut from the Same Crazy Cloth!


Nora follows me and i follow her. In following and reading her posts, i have thought that her and i are quite similar. i have never met her in person and likely never will, but i feel like we were both cut from the same cloth! When i read her posts, i could see myself in those same situations, same opinions, and having the same thoughts.

Today she wrote a post that after reading it, i couldn’t help but think, “That’s me! That is SO me! i SO could have written this myself!” To the point, i asked her if i could reblog it and she agreed. So after gaining her approval to reblog this, i am doing just that!

i do want to add a bit of commentary too (of course, i have to give you my specific spin on this, right?? )…..

The only part of what Nora wrote that i would change is specific to the childhood memories. Clearly i did not have the same memory(s) as her, but i do have others that could be paralleled.

i have two specific childhood memories that come to mind…

1) At the young age of 5, my sister & i were at our (3 sisters) cousin’s house and we were playing on their tire swing in the backyard. Because there was one swing and 5-girls, our uncle (their dad) gave us exact instructions of how to take turns. And at my turn, i rode on the swing longer than i was allowed. One of my cousins went and ratted me out. My uncle made me get a switch off that tree.

The same exact tree that the tire swing hung from. He told my cousins and my sister that i would now be punished for not following the rules and they could continue without me.

i took the switch to him and was made to take down my shorts (panties stayed on), and he switched my bottom hard.

When it was complete, he made me go to my cousins and sister and apologize. It was humiliating to have them know what happened, but i knew it was earned … and deserved… too.

2) At the age of 11, i was in 6th grade and that was middle school. We lived in a very small town that still believed in and allowed teachers to spank the kids as deemed appropriate and necessary. It was in my Language Arts/English class that the male teacher (my first ever male teacher in my student life), instructed me to stop talking. i did not. At the third time he told me to stop, he also added, “You have interrupted our class 3 times now, and I have told you 3 times to be silent. Because you have failed to do so, meet me in the hall.” Everyone knew that if you were sent to the hall, there was a 50/50 chance to be paddled or to be spared and receive a “second chance.”

i stood in the hall for a couple of minutes waiting. People walked by and while they didn’t know what i’d done to land myself in that position, they knew why i was standing there.

He came out and questioned my decisions. i had no answers other than, “i don’t know why i did that.” And he said, “since I told you 3 times and you failed to listen, I think paddling is in order now. Another warning doesn’t seem like it would have any impact on you at all. Bend over and grab your ankles. You’ll receive 3 swats of my paddle now. Count them out.”

And he let them rip. I almost cried as the first landed on my rear. It was so fresh and ripe that it caused me to slip forward on the toes of my feet. i had to take a step forward to not fall on my face. And again. And again. Tears were very fresh in my eyes, but i refused to give him the satisfaction of letting them fall.

When he was done, he said i could return to my seat. Of course, i had a chair in the back of the room and had to pass by all my friends as i reentered the room. i didn’t do a thing the rest of that hour, except dwell on the spanking. Additionally, the remainder of the year i had a complete distain and loathing for that teacher.

But i also knew…. he was right. i didn’t stop talking, even after 3 times being told to and i didn’t show a bit of respect for his authority either. So ultimately, i also had to agree that “another warning” would not have made an impact. So frankly, a spanking had the impact he was looking for and had a biggggggg impact. i knew it then and i still know it now.

Obviously both of these early spankings had an impact on me since i STILL remember them clearly all these years later. And what i would ultimately tell you now is that…. it is effective. It does work.

So with that commentary – read the rest of Nora’s account, substituting my memories in place of hers, and trust that absolutely everything else, i could’ve written myself….. including being the one to pick out the crazy devices that will ultimately be used against me and also against my (cut-from-the-same-cloth) fellow blogger Naught Nora!

(Thank you Nora for the well-written post and for allowing me the pleasure of reblogging your post!)

Hugs ~


I have a love/hate relationship with spanking and corporal punishment.  On the one hand, I fantasize about it constantly.  My fantasies typically …A glutton for punishment #NSFW, 18+