284 – The Chastity Belt Logistics
Written by Marie on . Posted in Chastity Belt. 23 Comments on 284 – The Chastity Belt Logistics
This chastity belt below is the belt that i currently wear. It’s cute. It works. But I’m really more excited about the fancy one I’m waiting for – the fancy stainless steel chastity belt I have on order.

And this picture below is of the Fancy steel Chastity Belt… the more durable/permanent one i have on order. This one’s made to order, fits to several specific measurements, and is generally a much higher-quality chastity belt. However – it’s an investment. Luckily, i found this less expensive and still perfectly good chastity belt that gave the belt and i the chance to get to know one another before deciding to make the bigger investment on a high-quality fitted belt.

It is substantially the same in style, but made and personalized to fit my specific measurements.
At Matthew’s request (thanks again for inquiring), i am going to write about ….. all the logistics of wearing my chastity belt, including how it fits, how much comfort it is, and especially hygiene.
i never really have written about this as i didn’t think anyone would care to read it. And for myself, even when i don’t think you may care, i write about stuff that i may want to look back and reflect upon, which usually entails my feelings or opinions about something at that time, rather than logistical things such as this. But since Matthew asked… i must be wrong and well…. here goes.
When i wear the Chastity Belt, it starts to feel a part of me. i have thought about whether it is more of something that i put on, like underwear or is it more of something that is attached to me, like say hair. Wearing a g-string or thong pair of panties is what it looks and feels like, albeit my chastity belt is bigger and made of hard metal not soft cotton (or whatever). But when it is locked on and especially when i do not have the key, it starts to resemble something more of like the hair on my head that is attached but (somewhat) still separate too.
i haven’t been able to definitively say whether i think the chastity belt is more like panties or like hair, as it resembles both in different ways and at different times.
i will also say that i have a love/hate relationship with it. When i don’t wear it for awhile, i miss it. But when i have to wear it nonstop (like this recent week), i want to be rid of it. It’s probably like the saying that Shakespeare is credited with of “too much of a good thing can get harmful.” While the chastity belt isn’t exactly “harmful,” i only really want to wear it in small doses too. But that’s all about to change.. more on that later.
So without further ado ….
Purpose – why do I wear a chastity belt?
i want to explain WHY i asked my husband permission to wear a chastity belt in the first place. (YES, i asked!)
David never really wanted me to have or wear a belt. It was my idea. While he’s now come around and sees the benefits of it, he was initially disgusted and annoyed that i had little to no self-control. He didn’t think a “crutch” should be needed to help me be compliant and to follow the rule of: NO TOUCHING AND/OR NO ORGASM WITHOUT PERMISSION.
He wanted me to have better self control. And while it did improve, it wasn’t great. i still snuck into our bedroom or closet or even in the bathroom and rubbed one out. Then i felt guilty. Then i told him. Then i got punished. Then the real pain set in…. of seeing his disappointment… this caused sadness. And i went down an emotional negative roller coaster of not being enough, self degradation of “why can’t i just do as I am expected to?”, and “why can’t i be good”…… Then i would promise to do better.
And i would repeat the bad behavior. Albeit usually “less.” While the bad behavior lessened, it still happened, especially when he was out of town for any period of time.
That was when i asked for a chastity belt. If you can’t prevent bad behavior from using after-the-fact discipline, maybe you can prevent the bad behavior from happening before-the-fact. If it’s literally prevented from happening at all, the disappointment, frustration, guilt, sadness, inadequacies and discipline can ALL be avoided! Which leaves only joy and happiness when the belt comes off and when Sir’s touch (hands tongue, or cock) comes together with my pussy.
At least that was my thought anyway. While David disagreed and said i should have better mental staying power, i didn’t. And he eventually conceded to allow it. Now after getting the belt, he actually agrees (more) and sees the benefits too. (But he stills wants me to have better self control too.)
We had previously (jointly) decided that i would only orgasm with his permission or at his doing. i would not touch myself or have orgasms otherwise. Ever.
We had decided this and put the rule in place because over all the years of our marriage, like anyone who masturbates, i had perfected it. To the point, i didn’t care much to have him get me off in any form or fashion. That was bad as then i didn’t care to have sexual relations of any kind with him. Or when i did, i was of the mindset, “can you just hurry up and finish yourself so i can finish myself the way i like?” And regularly, i didn’t want to have sex with him at all because he wasn’t my “preferred lover.” In a sense, you could say i was cheating on him with myself.
That had to change. i knew it. He knew it. So with D/s, this was one of the first things we set out to improve. Our sex life. Now… He gives me a LOT of orgasms. While i am not allowed to do it of my own accord, i don’t lack for satisfaction either. In addition, i now look forward to seeing him, loving on him, dressing sexy for him, and … having orgasms by his hand or cock or tongue. (Okay, i am getting wet as i write that! THAT would never have happened before!)
How my chastity belt fits
It’s probably worthwhile to speak on this as it goes a long way to explaining the rest of things below also.
The belt fits snuggly on my hips and even more so between my legs to cover my crotch. Overall though it’s neither tight nor is it lose, but snug. Very snug!
Similar to say a fitted pair of jeans, that’s about how the chastity belt fits too. Snug and firmly touching my body, but not restrictive nor causing pain and difficulty walking/talking/ or breathing either.
Fitted jeans are snug on almost every part of your body where it touches from your waist all the way down to your ankles. If you put your shoes on first, you likely couldn’t get your jeans on second and would end up needing to take your shoes off and starting over. Similarly fitted jeans —- and a CB — are fitted.
Starting with the waistband, it fits snugly enough to not move (much), but not so tight that anything feels smashed in. i have no issues with breathing or any internal problems (like my intestines working to create waste and feces). In other words: i have no pain from the chastity belt.
The waist band part of my chastity belt is similar to wearing any other belt on your waistline where i can stick my finger between the belt and my waist. i can’t get two fingers in there without sucking in my breath and my waistline, and of course, even if i do that it would be a short lived event when i breath again!
In the crotch area, it fits even more snuggly than the waist. It needs to be a bit tighter there for two reasons: 1) to restrict access, and 2) to not rub or chafe.
When i first got it, i had it a bit too lose there. (Yes, the chastity belt is adjustable with a screw driver and Allen wrench). And it chafed the upper inside part of my thighs. The part RIGHT where your thigh and outer sides of your labia/pussy can touch. When i tightened the belt, the chafing stopped as it was held in place and was not able to move or slip around as i walk. It felt a lot better being tighter than loser, believe it or not.
So all in all, my chastity belt is fitted tightly, but not too tightly, to do its job but not restrict me from walking-talking-breathing or any other similar activity. i have found it’s easy to exercise in it too. While i don’t do real strenuous or difficult exercises, i can walk and run in it without issue. And i have and do these things without problems while in the belt.
Unlike a pair of fitted jeans, if my chastity belt was not fitted it would not do its job. That job being to restrict access to my pussy by me or anyone else for penetration and/or masturbation. Because i have never achieved orgasm without being touched with something on or in my pussy, it forces abstinence also.
Now that said, can i still touch myself?? Yes. But only a little bit. Not enough to break the rules either. Let me explain.
When i stretch my legs wideeeeee open while squatting down, like say a sumo wrestler, i can put one finger inside the waist band and press it outward, where i can then manage to get a finger from my other hand under the chastityt belt crotch band and touch my pussy.
My finger can only touch the left side only, and then i can repeat it for the right side. This is NOT a comfortable position (and not enough touch/sensation to even want to try to get myself to orgasm) but it IS useful to be able to clean myself. (More on the cleaning part below.)
But. My finger is wedged in there, my legs are as wide as i can possibly make them and i am standing in a squatting position. Not to mention, my finger still gets caught up in my labia lips (as there just isn’t a lot of room) and not truly all the way to my pussy hole.
i have tried pressing my finger further inward, and it (very painfully) pinched my labia lips as it folded over on itself and the outer edge of my finger scrapped against the inside of the metal CB, taking a slight layer of skin off my finger. It was like a carpet burn for several days and less than comfortable! i stopped that motion and never tried it again!
The chastity belt is comfortable
Just like thong underwear or hair on my head don’t hurt, neither does the CB.
Of course, sometimes our clothing needs adjustments as we wear it through the day. As i walk and/or sit, the belt slips around just a tiny bit.
While i am clearly not a man, i have been told that men’s balls sometimes get caught in the folds of their pants as they sit down. So they learn to pull up their pants at the crotch area to give a bit of slack as they sit and more room for their balls to fit nicely into that spot. So sitting in the chastity belt has done the same for me. As i sit, i have learned to pull up on the pants, press on the front of the CB and to move slowly. This gives room for the CB to ensure it slides into a comfortable position as I end at the waist, so that my labia lips don’t get pinched inside the CB. This took awhile to learn, but now i can do it seamlessly.
Just like panties, at some point the feeling and awareness of having them on dissipates, so is the same for my belt. Like right now, as i type this, there is just one spot (probably only a single inch of it) on the waistband that must be a bit tight in the way i am sitting that i can feel. Otherwise, i can’t “feel” it despite it being in constant contact with my body. It is truly comfortable in that way.
i honestly like feeling a bit uncomfortable in it though too. Like the single inch i am aware of on the waistband at the moment that i can feel, keeps my mind in the here and now. It reminds me i DO have it on and i have it on for a reason.
So sometimes it is slightly uncomfortable too, but i actually think that’s a good thing. It’s not so uncomfortable that it hurts, but only so much that i am aware of its existence. And it makes me mentally reminded who i submit to and why! (And yearn to be allowed release from the CB and be allowed an orgasmic release too!)
i suspect this is the part you really care about and i wouldn’t be surprised if you skipped ahead to read just this alone! That’s cool.
When i have access to the key, i just take the belt off for bathroom breaks as that’s much easier and simpler. Realistically though, having the key sort of defeats the purpose of having the CB which is to restrict access. While wearing the CB at anytime does make access more challenging and even front of mind, when i have the key i could take it off and play with myself … or let someone else play with me …. anytime i truly wanted. So i ultimately prefer to NOT have the key!
And when i have to use the bathroom with the belt on, i manage just fine but it is more of a process too.
TO URINATE i sit down, spread my legs wide where one leg is literally on each side of the toilet bowl. Then i put my one finger inside the very top of the belt to press it slightly forward giving a bit of extra “space” down there, and release the urine.A close up of the shield and the urine holes on the belt i currently wear.
Because there are holes in the front shield that covers my pussy, most of the urine comes out the holes, but some urine does also come out the sides too. That’s why i sit with legs very wide open, to allow that urine the space to drip out too.This is what the shield looks like on the Fancy Steel belt too. As you can see, the holes allow for easy urination to flow right through.
But some urine does get trapped inside the belt. This is where, if i am home, i have a water bottle beside the toilet that i use to squirt water down inside the belt and onto my puss. (Man is that some cold water too!). The added water forces the remaining urine to be washed out.
This is also where wiping becomes extra important and a bit of challenge too. First i wipe all along the left/right edges. Then i take another bit of toilet paper and press it inside and under the belt on either side. (Remember above when i said i can press a single finger on either side but it’s not enough to get past my labia lips and pleasure myself…..) This is where that small bit of space isn’t big enough to get my fingers really inside the belt, but paper is thinner and can effectively be pressed deeper between my pussy and the CB. i repeat this on both sides.
Lastly, i swipe the outer edges of the belt itself, in case any urine is lingering on the outside. This is the same as i would swipe my pussy if i was not wearing the belt.
Finally. When i am at home, i go and stand in front of our floor length fan in the bedroom, with my legs spread wide to allow the fan to air dry myself even further. This helps to ensure i truly get dry, which will prevent any yeast infections from happening but also to just get things all dry to not drip too.
All of this is a process for sure which is why i would prefer to NOT urinate in the chastity belt, but it happens. i have learned better bladder control now and i can hold it longer. (Not so long i could end up with a bladder infection, but i have strengthened my bladder muscles too. That’s a good thing!)
TO HAVE A BOWEL MOVEMENT is actually easier than urination, believe it or not! The belt has a metal circle ring in the back that is about 2’ish inches wide and long. i haven’t measured it exactly but that’s my guesstimation.
When i sit down on the toilet, similar to urinating, i open my legs wide where one leg is on either side of the bowl. i pull each butt cheek “apart.” This lets the belt’s metal hole get really wedged into my butt cheeks. This serves to line up the chastity belt hole RIGHT up against my anal hole. Plus, the belt effectively holds my butt cheeks open too.
i then stick a finger down to my anal hole to ensure it truly is aligned with the CB hole. It always is though but i like to be sure too.
And i poop. The same as always. To date, i have never NOT hit the hole. i have never had a mess or problem with the belt getting filthy at all. i honestly think missing the hole would be quite difficult actually as the hole is rather big.
And because the hole is big enough for the poop to pass through, as you can imagine, it’s big enough to wipe pretty well also. As well, with the CB hole wedged between my butt cheeks, the leftover poop is JUST on my anus hole and not on my butt cheeks or the CB. It just works well.
Showering is super easy. It’s substantially the same as always but … with my belt on. i know that sounds like i am being cheeky, but it isn’t intended to be.
Because the chastity belt is metal, it is water proof so water is of no consequence.
The lock used on the belt that i currently wear is not water proof, so i cover it up to take a shower. If it were to get wet and not be dried off, it would eventually rust. The snack-size ziplock bags work really well for this but of course, any covering works. And if i were to forget to cover it, as long as i dry it off, it should be fine.
When i get to washing my puss and anal hole, i lather soap into my hand and assume the sumo-wrestler position mentioned above. And i press one finger inward under the belt, while the other hand holds it outward from the waist hand as much as possible. And repeat on the other side. And then repeat to wipe all around the belt edges around my waist too.
Then to rinse, i take down the shower head, as it is a removable head, and i put the water right up onto my pussy. Just as the urine comes out of the holes on the front of the shield, the water (and soap) goes in and out as i move the shower head all around too.
i won’t lie, this tends to significantly arouse me, as the water is warm, super soft, touching my pussy. It’s the only stimulation my pussy gets, but it loves it too! In addition to being sit,usages, i generally become frustrated too, as i can’t ever get to orgasm with just edging from the water!
Sleeping with a chastity belt
Sleeping the first few nights was a challenge, but now is easy. the only reason it was a challenge was that my mind wouldn’t settle down. It was something new and at first i worried about the safety of doing it, but then i was just turned on and had to ignore it.
It isn’t really hard to get comfortable at all, since the CB is generally comfortable anyway. Now, it is what it is and it’s just no-big-deal.
The ability to hide my chastity belt under my clothes
I have literally worn every-single-thing in my wardrobe exact,y the same as i always do without a single issue!
No one can see anything, including myself.
That’s likely because the CB is fitted so closely to my body, and it is super thin, that you just can’t see it.
Ability to orgasm
In a nutshell: i can’t!
i can’t touch myself “enough” with the CB on to be successful to masturbate or orgasm. i can’t get anything (other than water) inside the holes, and that’s not enough either.
And WHY exactly do we want all this? Because it forces me to rely solely upon my husband for my sexual happiness and joy. It forces me to be keenly aware of who is in charge and who has control. It gives him mental and physical power over me.
The chastity belt creates a position of being MORE than just speaking the words, “i am your submissive wife and you are my Dominant in control.”
We talk more, we spend more time together, and we are more connected.
And…. i am able to eliminate all the negativity around “trying to be good and follow he rules,” while failing to have self control.
It literally gives him the key to (my heart and) my sex…. Which is entirely his to use or not… Which he does…. Which makes us both very happy.
This is working well for us.
So now you know. Now maybe you see that wearing the chastity belt is not terribly difficult to navigate but does require some changes to hygiene patterns. But clearly not impossible at all either. My hygiene is not compromised at all. And “if” it ever becomes an issue, i will “call red” and get out of the belt to get healthy again too.
My Sir loves and respects me, as i him.
While wearing the chastity belt is nowhere near a “normal activity,” for most women, this is a good thing for us. And i am happy about this.
215 – My 50th Birthday Gifts
Written by Marie on . Posted in Chastity Belt, Forced Orgasm, Orgasm Control, Submission. No Comments on 215 – My 50th Birthday Gifts
My 50th birthday is on Thanksgiving this year. November 25. Next week. Fast approaching. In the month of NO-orgasm-VEMBER.
It’s unclear and Sir is still undecided if i will be allowed to orgasm on my birthday or not.
Last week we were talking about what gifts i would like to receive for my birthday. My immediate response was, “An explosive orgasm.”
To which he responded, “what else?”
i said, “a new purse please Sir.”
And he said, “A new purse it shall be.”
When i asked, “what about the orgasm?” his response was, “I’m undecided about that. I asked what gifts you’d like to receive, and your orgasm is definitely a gift I could give, but then again… what month still remains on the calendar?”
At first i wasn’t sure if that was a rhetorical question or not but something told me i was supposed to respond, so i said, “November Sir.”
And his only word in response was, “E-X-A-C-T-L-Y.”
And that was the end of that discussion.
That will be the last we will discuss that. i am certain. And that’s ok. The gift of orgasm is indeed his to give, and i will wait until it is allowed. While it has now been TWO WEEKS since my last O, i accept it isn’t up to me when the next one happens.
i won’t lie, because it’s officially still NO-orgasm-vember, i kinda do NOT want David to allow it. But on the flip side, it IS my birthday and i only turn 50 ONCE, so i really DO want it! (And did i already mention….it’s already been TWO-WHOLE-WEEKS since my last O. And i don’t remember the last time i went this long……. Like ever! And still almost another week…. Geez!)
If you think about it, your sexual pleasure and happiness truly IS a gift from your partner, and isn’t something you should feel entitled to. Always. In all sexual relationships, including vanilla ones.
But of course in most relationships, if you don’t get it from your partner, you seek it elsewhere…. By your own masturbating hand OR another partner OR both., because you feel entitled to it.
Admittedly, sometimes i can be the same way. But most of the time, i do indeed see it as a GIFT. (And after more than two weeks, it will be a BIG gift when i get to feel that pleasure again!)
What would YOU do if you were my Sir? Would you allow me to orgasm on my 50th or no??!!?
i thought of what i think is the perfect compromise…. (And i already told Sir about this, to which he laughed.. cuz he knows me THAT well!)
i suggested he make me wear Glory. And he makes me suck him hard. After which, he uses my ass hole to his pleasure. (There’s a big hole through the belt that allows him/me/anyone all access to that hole).
i suggested he fuck me hard and fast with that back hole, while i am on all 4’s. Neither of us touch my clit or pussy as it would be all locked up nice and tight!
If i can orgasm without being touched AND while being locked in chastity then i can do so. Otherwise, no!
As i said before… he laughed. He knows i’d orgasm. Easily. Especially now when i am SO much in heat and need it!
He then said, “nice try!”
He then said, “by the time I allow you to orgasm, you could likely cum on my command without touching you anywhere at all!”
He THEN added, “you do realize we didn’t start this No-orgasm-vember on the first? You do realize I could chose to extend this into December in order to get the full 30-days I feel I am entitled to receive?” (There’s that word “entitled” again! But in this case, i think he IS entitled to use the word and to feel the emotion. i willingly submit to him, making things like my O fall under his purview!)
All this makes me think NO, i will NOT be orgasming on Thanksgiving…… aka, my 50th birthday!
And maybe not for awhile into December too!
So i’ll ask it again… if YOU held the gift of my orgasm in the palm of your hand, would you give it to me on:
A) Nov 25, my 50th birthday
B) Nov30, end of No-vember
C) Dec 6th, officially 30-days from the last O, OR
D) some other date at your discretion, to keep me guessing
211 – The Honor System
Written by Marie on . Posted in Chastity Belt, Orgasm Control, Submission. No Comments on 211 – The Honor System
i am well aware that you are probably getting tired of hearing about me and my chastity belt. But, it’s a very real source of my frustration right now and it’s the ONLY thing i seem to focus on, which means it’s the only thing i want to talk about too!
So bear with me…. i actually have a few other posts almost ready to publish, as i frequently start them whenever inspiration hits. Of course, until it’s done, i don’t hit “publish” for you to see. And right now, i’m not able to concentrate long enough on any of them to actually finish those for you to see. So… you are seeing “Me and My BFF Chastity” now instead.
Because i am SO close to my belt now .. physically and mentally … i have actually been trying to think of a good name for her. i mean, saying, “my chastity belt” is a mouth full and seems rather disconnected. i think i should adopt a more personal acceptance with her and become better friends with her. She does have my best interest at heart: staying out of trouble with Sir!
To date, no good names have come to mind. Suggestions?
As i was nearing bedtime, i asked Sir if i could go soak in a warm bath. i ALWAYS have to ask for this luxury. That’s been a rule for a long time now because as i lay flat, naked, relaxing in the water, i lose all will power. ALWAYS have and probably ALWAYS will!
i lie there floating and stare down at my sex. i watch as the water rises up between my legs and touches my pussy, to eventually rise up further and top over my boobs.
i lie there playing games with myself and the water. As the tub is filling, i move up and down to see if i can make the water touch my clit sooner than it already will as the added movement of the water creates a natural stimulation there and i watch as my clit swells.
Then my tits get cold, waiting for the water to rise enough to warm them, so i tickle my nipples until they protrude, generating more natural blood flow there too.
This is when i tell myself to STOP touching. And i usually do, but not always. Once as i was NOT stopping, Sir walked in on me where he moved with such stealth that i didn’t hear him. So i didn’t stop even in his presence. And THAT is why i have to ask permission to soak in the tub every-single-time now.
While it wasn’t specifically said then, but we both know it is true, Sir now doesn’t trust me to take baths without his knowledge and he usually decides to randomly walk in when I am in the tub to “check” on me. Granted, i could probably rub out an Orgasm in between his visits, but a ruined one would be worse than not even trying, and he mixes it up just enough that i can never be sure. So i am kept in check.
Soooooo that’s the back story that you needed for me to tell you about today’s events……..
i had sore muscles and i wanted to relax my mind too while soaking in an epsom salt bath before heading to bed. So i asked permission and it was granted. This time, as i stared down the length of my body as the water covered it, i was filled with emotions. It was RIGHT there! I COULD TOUCH IT IF I WANTED TO. BUT i didn’t! i was a good girl! I was happy to be strong in mind… and frustrated all the same!
In an attempt to NOT tempt myself anymore than i could stand, i got out and dried off sooner than usual. But the towel between my legs felt SO soft. As it dragged across my clit, i was keenly aware of how it felt THERE and decided to rub it extra dry… for just a second. Literally a second. Because i realized any more and i’d not stop there either!
i was SO proud of myself! Self control for the win! This was a GOOD night!
And i got into bed. i was reading as David came in where i had the covers to my waist covering my lower half and exposing only the top half. He squeezed my nipple and kissed me. THAT was TOO much. i lowered the covers and exposed myself to him. (i didn’t touch….)
He asked me, “what are you doing?”
“Allowing you access Sir.”
“Why? Where is the chastity? You KNOW nothing is going to happen. Nothing happened in the tub that you need to make me aware of right now, did it??” is what he asked as his fingers set down on my clit and started to move.
i didn’t even have a chance to respond when he stuck a finger deep inside my puss as his thumb continued rubbing my clit. OMG ….. the stars were aligned, i arched my back, and was ready to ask permission to cum (another rule)…. All just THAT fast!
i was on THE EDGE.
And Sir knew it. He saw the tell tale signs. He stopped.
His finger immediately pulled out. He slapped down once on my clit hard enough to make its point clear! Bringing me back to my reality in such immediacy that i continued to see stars, but they weren’t the bright and brilliant kind that i wanted and liked!
That’s when he said, “you know, had you not opened your legs I never would’ve known. I was going to let you be on the Honor System tonight and whether you had on chastity or not, I was going to trust you to do the right thing. But now, I don’t think that’s a good thing at all. Needy girls need to be kept from their own self destructive ways. Now go put on the belt. And bring me the key.”
And that’s how the Third Night with my new BFF, ever-so-close-to me started with my Needs-A-Better-Name chastity belt.
As i locked Glory tight into her place, (Ohhh i like the name Glory. Maybe that’s her name now! That just came to me. What do you think? Make a better suggestion?)….. i then walked to David where he laid in our bed with his palm up waiting for the key to be placed there.
And i climbed into my side of the bed and prepared myself for another long night with Glory. She’s comfortable and not a problem to sleep in, physically. Mentally… another thing altogether!
And i drifted off to sleep with Glory snuggly locked up against my skin and protecting my sex.
In the middle of the night, i woke up, unable to get back to sleep. i thought about Glory (name is starting to ring a bell and stick!) and reached down to feel her against me. i felt just how close she was, how tight, how i can’t escape if i even wanted to, at least not without the key.
My hand ran the length of her between my legs. And i felt aroused. REALLY aroused. And my mind played tricks on me…. i heard myself thinking, “you could probably get a finger or two inside the edge and to your clit. You COULD do this!”
And i tried. Hard. i became intent on this! i WANTED this! And if i was going to work THIS hard to get past my guardian angel Glory, i deserved this! But… i could stop. Anytime i wanted to. And i would. (Right??)
My clit was swelling. i felt it pressing against the metal. i felt it desirous of my touch.
i suddenly became VERY intent on casting aside my BFF and going for the touch. i would stop anytime i needed to. i wouldn’t actually get an O. i just needed to get past Glory and to touch her enough to get a little second of happiness.
Glory is a stronger BFF than even i knew. With a sucked in stomach and (basically) holding my breath, i found i could press a single finger between her steel and my body. But with a swollen clit, Glory was hanging on to my clit tighter than i would’ve thought.
My finger became caught in the folds of my puss and the steel, and then i had to take a breath expanding my stomach. That made Glory pinch my finger. To the point, i pulled it out. And stopped. In complete frustration.
i could chose to hate Glory for being on Sir’s side. Or i could chose to thank her for keeping me honest. i chose thankfulness. (It is the month to be THANKFUL.. even in the month of NO-vember!)
So now i still don’t have a clear idea of how long me and Glory will be BFF’s at night… but what i am sure of is, if she wasn’t my BFF before, i am POSITIVE she is now.
And David will NOT trust me to be on the HONOR SYSTEM again.
Here’s to a long and THANKFUL month of me and Glory.
190 – Naked Housewife Headspace
Written by Marie on . Posted in Chastity Belt, my submissiveness, Orgasm Control, Orgasm Denial, Spanking, Submission, Submissive Wife, Wife Spanking. No Comments on 190 – Naked Housewife Headspace
While yesterday i told you that my submission isn’t just about sex or sexual activity, and that is indeed true, when i am in my most submissive headspace i do tend to think about sex and my sexual submission all the time .
i have an ongoing dialogue in my head about things that if i were in charge, what i would tell myself. Sometimes i share these thoughts with David. And on occasion he indulges me, but most of the time, he does his own thing in the end.
i do think he likes hearing my thoughts because he can see/hear what i think. He can see how submissive i want to be for him.
Today i had one of those convos in my head and i texted it to David. i was in the bathtub soaking and relaxing, while he was out walking.
Here is what i told him……..
I think you need to do some or all of this soon/maybe today……
You: “when you get so focused on sex, you start to be too horny for your own good. It’s a recipe for disaster. When you get too focused on getting your orgasm, you show unsubmissive tendencies, because it seems to be the sole focus of your thoughts to the point where you only want it and show disregard for all else. This is exactly the behavior that I don’t care for. So while I want to flame those sexual fires, I want it done my way. For the next month, these are the rules for you:
1) no orgasms. Unless it it by my hand, cock, or directive. Don’t even ask me if you can orgasm or masturbate. The answer is no if you ask. If I want you to orgasm, I will tell you.
2) if you feel the urge to ask me, instead you need to go put something on or in your holes. This can be a dildo, anal plug, a spoon, a hairbrush, or other similar thing. Of course, if you think all those will just cause you to touch yourself more then you should put on your chastity belt and promptly hand me the keys.
3) since I am forbidding you from asking me, I want to be able to see more. Whenever possible, you are to be naked in our house. And if not naked, you need to have on as little as possible at all times. When I see a belt on you or a plug in your ass, I will know that you are being compliant and yet acting like the horny slut wife you are.
4) if or when I suspect you have orgasmed at your own will or hand, I will spank you immediately and it will be to punish you, so expect the full blunt of the paddle to hurt. While I discipline you, you will tell me why you chose to disappoint me with a direct and intentional violation of your rules. You’ll tell me how you’ll do better, and thank me for the correction and guidance you so obviously need.
And if I should have to actually discipline you like this, then your month will start over.
Do I make myself clear?”
That was all that i texted to David. And he read it in no time at all. And i waited for his response.
What do you think he said?
i’ll tell you…… maybe.
But not today.