14 – Pleasure to pain.. in the same day.
So i’ve had an interesting submissive day today … pain to pleasure…. in a mere 12 hours time too!
Let me tell you about my day….
i typically work from home on Wednesdays. i am never able to get done what i need to at the office so i work from home every Wed to try to make up for it. And the place won’t fall apart without me for ONE day. But today i had to go in for a meeting at 10:00. So i drug my feet and went there “late” (at 9:00).
Orgasm Control Training
But before i went, David took our son to school. And we recently – like this week – jointly decided we want to start doing (my ) orgasm control at his discretion.
Since the DD decision, i’ve had to ask to masturbate but he hasn’t told me when i can or can not cum. Until now.
i’ve read a lot of blogs now about it and there are people who can “cum on command“. The blog post said, “Right there in the middle of the bread aisle”. Interesting. i’m not sure i want to cum in the bread aisle, but i thought it was an awesome display of submissiveness, so i wanted it. YES, i asked for it!
Just a sidebar – i don’t know WHAT i was thinking when i agreed to this. In fact, it was MY IDEA! Sir said, “Careful what you wish for….” and i was like, “NO, i really want to do this for you, for us, and as a show of my submissiveness”. WELL, in my HEAD that sounded awesome, and frankly, coming out of my mouth it did too. And i was PROUD of my decision.
For about a whole minute.
That “Minute” was THE MINUTE i wanted to orgasm and Sir said no. (WHAT?! NO?!? You are kidding me, right?!?!).
But i digress… because THAT MINUTE was a few days ago…. so let me get back to this morning…..
So David took our son to school. He told me to “Lay on the bed, with the rabbit toy, and watch porn. Bring yourself to the EDGE and stop. DO NOT CUM. And do this the entire time i’m gone and i’ll tell you when to stop”.
Our son’s school is 20-minutes away – one way. So for 40-minutes i had to watch porn, and use the vibrator on myself but DO NOT CUM.
(REALLY, what was i thinking?!? Is it too late to retract my request to submit to Sir THIS MUCH? Maybe i could just submit with my clothes ON!?!?! YES?!?!?! LOL. Okayyyyyy…. fine… doing this thing).
When David got back, i was so insanely turned on. i could only hope that he’d allow me to cum … soon… like NOW.
My fear was that he’d not let me cum at all and i’d have to ‘get dressed and go to work now.’. But, he did not disappoint. He entered the bedroom and asked me if i had came while he was gone. i was like, “NO, i promise i haven’t, but Pleaseeeeeee Sir, may i cum now?”
And he touched my clit. it was SO enlarged and swollen i almost jumped off the bed with the slightest touch. Then he took the porn away. Then he took the vibrator away. And he played with me himself. And he said, “CUM NOW”. And i did.
And then i went to work.
The next thing i know, i go from pleasure to pain…. in the same day.

To tell you WHY i got paddled first…..
Sir and i have the same profession. He works for a firm and i work for myself. And from time to time, he helps me get through busy times at work by doing some review work for me. (He volunteers and i always take him up on it. He knows i need the help and he has the time and the skill set, so it is a win-win. And i love him for it!). So today was one of those days.
He reviewed two projects that were substantially the same, and when i got home, he was talking to me about the results. Well, i got confused about which project he was talking about because – it seemed to me anyway – that he was talking back and forth about both of them and i couldn’t keep up with the conversation.
Now, you’d think HE would be frustrated with me… like a “Keep up!” kind of comment. But i was frustrated with him! i had to say, “Are you talking about X or Y? i have no idea what you are talking about!”. And then he started talking. And i said with a very annoyed tone, “WHAT are you talking about?! i’m not listening until you clarify because i’m confused!”
So – WHAT i said was probably not allllll that bad — but the WAY i said it was so completely off base it wasn’t even funny. As soon as it came out of my mouth, and i felt the annoyance in my body language and realized how it sounded, i knew it was wrong.
But Sir didn’t say anything, so i acted like nothing happened.
We finished our convo and i was about to head outside to play ball/ fetch with the dog.
And that’s when he stopped me and said, “Do you think you were annoyed with me?”
Me: “Uhmmm…. yes Sir”.
Him: “Go to the bedroom”.
Oh geez – here we go….
i dropped my pants and put my hands on the bed, head down, feet on the floor, spread shoulder-width apart.
And i heard the bedside stand dresser draw open and close. The Paddle. Here it comes.
Me: (OUCH) —- “Please Sir, i’m sorry. i spoke to you poorly and let my frustration get the best of me. i will not let….
ME: “that happen again.”
Him: “WHY are you lying to me?”
Me: “What do you mean? Please Sir…. i promise”
Him: “I seriously doubt that you will ‘not let it happen again’”
ME: “Sir, i will do my best to….”
ME: “… not let it happen again.”
ME: (Tears in my eyes, squirming….), “Thank you Sir”
Him: “That’s what I was waiting for.”
And he put the paddle away and held me in his arms and told me i was a Good Girl.
Back to Orgasm Control
With that, standing naked in the bedroom and in his arms, he reached down between my legs and put a finger inside me.
And said, “CUM NOW”.
And he pushed two fingers in and out and i grabbed his arm and held on to not fall.
And i came. Twice. THAT fast.

NO matter what, through pleasure AND pain, and back again, i am his and he is mine. i will always submit to him and he will always control me.
And i welcome tomorrow….
With a sore, red ass.
Hugs and Kisses ~