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Tag: disrespect shouldn’t be tolerated

305 – Happy Fat Tuesday

Today is Tuesday. i really hate Tuesdays.

To be specific though, this is a special Tuesday. Today is FAT TUESDAY. Of ALL Tuesdays, this may be the only one of the year i at least try to find joy. It’s a party day, or at least it’s supposed to be.

But i hate Tuesdays.

Most people hate Mondays … but not me. i hate Tuesdays. Because, as a boss, most of what causes the average person to hate Monday is dealt with by my staff and by Tuesday the reality of their Monday problems that they weren’t able to fix (the “big ones”) become my problem by Tuesday.

To make that even more amplified today, i should tell you that last week i was having problems with my right ear. It felt like i was underwater, which caused pressure and hearing loss. So on Friday, i went to the Doc who said no infection, no excessive ear wax… and well… no obvious reason for the problem.

So the Doc opted to put me on a steroid pack, where you take like 8-pills on Day 1, 6 pills on Day 2, and step down to nothing by the end of Day 5. He said, “maybe your body needs a bit of a boost and can knock out whatever this is on your own with a little help.” And while i agreed and today is now Day 4 of the pack, i cringed at the time it was suggested.

i HATE steroid packs. They make me super hungry (i always gain weight as a result), can’t sleep (i have had 4-5 hours sleep average these last few days), and irritable (not sure if it’s the sleep loss or the drugs or both).

All culminating on my least favorite day of the week. Tuesday.

Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday

David is originally from Louisiana and Mardi Gras is a huge big deal there. While most of the country takes extended Spring Break holidays from schools, the State of Louisiana chooses to celebrate Mardi Gras by (nearly) shutting down all school and work for the week and instead choosing to party.

While we don’t live in Louisiana, we live near it and with David in my house, we frequently have a small spirited celebration with a King Cake at a minimum. (Of course, it IS a Tuesday and we work, so we don’t celebrate as much as we would otherwise.)

Today through Thursday, David has to be out of town so i will be on my own which is probably good because i have had a downright cranky and snappy attitude with him. He knows it’s (mostly) the drugs talking, so he’s been more lenient than usual and just given me a few verbal warnings and “the look” rather than discipline.

i am honestly unsure if the grace he’s granted is good or bad though.

Good for the obvious reasons… he knows it’s not truly “the full Marie” talking.

Bad because… well…. With or without the drugs, being disrespectful is… disrespectful. Maybe a good spanking would keep me more in check, with or without steroids.

Even if i asked, i doubt David will spank me though because it is a party day! As well, i also think David thinks it’s not the right way for him to act when i am (effectively) sick. He probably also thinks a spanking would not fix the problem as i am not fully in control of myself, which he would most likely be correct there too.

The good news is, my ear problem seems to have dissipated, at least for now anyway. i won’t lie though, i am admittedly concerned whether this steroid pack (and my body) has knocked out the problem or just postponed it. Time will tell.

We partied last Thursday already

At the end of last Thursday after i wrote about my attitude problem then and as we were getting ready for bed, David looked at me and in a playful tone asked, “So.. you going to take that belt off or what?”

Very solemnly and with the most uneventful facial expression ever i said, “THAT is not up to me Sir.”

He broke into a sly smile and said, “Then take it off!”

He didn’t have to say anymore as i knew the next part was that he would play with me, to his preferences, and it would culminate in my very desirable and explosive orgasm.

It did. (Woo hoo!)

i was actually surprised though. As i wrote, i expected the attitude would have to change before the orgasm would flow. David said that was what his original intent was, but he decided to take a different path. One i was happy to walk down!

Maintenance works!

Friday did have a big maintenance spanking, as i also anticipated. He used the cane. He rarely uses the cane, so a few smacks with that and my ass was red and my butt was stinging fiercely. i was ready to beg for it to stop just at the point right when it did.

My butt was pretty tender for all of Friday, which was definitely enough to keep me in check all weekend for sure!

Maintenance spankings aren’t quite as intense as discipline spankings, but, they are still a stark reminder of who i am, the behavior that is expected, how i am to act, and that this submissive behavior is what i want too. And i really (really!) do!

While my weekend was uneventful really… as the ear problems disintegrated to nothing, the steroids worked in exact opposition, bringing me to this climatic day where i have an even more amplified “i hate Tuesdays” attitude.

Maybe before i head to work this morning and David to the airport, i should ask for a discipline spanking…. Or at least a maintenance one…. Or maybe i need to just “go to work already!”

Maybe i need to forget about this whole week’s bad attitude by allowing David’s grace to just sink in and be thankful instead.

Overall…..i feel squirrely and indecisive. Ugh! One thing i rarely am is indecisive. i regularly know what i want and how to get it, i just frequently lack confidence to go after it and end up over analyzing it. But right now, i feel truly indecisive. (It’s the drugs talking, right?!)

Extended belt time is needed

Too bad the rear opening to my belt has stillllll not arrived (that’s annoying me too!), as i could use with an extended stay in the belt while David is out of town this week. Anytime i have extended Belt time, it accentuates the lack of my control and in the short term is annoying but ultimately ends up with my acceptance and a calming feeling. And “calm” is definitely NOT where i am right now.

But for today.. it’s Tuesday.

Tuesday…. Go away already. Including a Fat one. Today.. i just don’t feel like celebrating anything .. fat or otherwise.

The only “fat” i am feeling is the physical kind. After eating too much this week from steroid overload, i am sure i have gained a few lbs and that just adds to the crankiness too!

With David out of town, we won’t be doing a cake or any other party, and i won’t lie, THAT brings me a bit of joy.

Drugs and stress and annoyance and displeasure and bad behavior and .. and … and…. All just go away … right along with Tuesday too.

