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Tag: new normal

256 – Friday – my New (Old) Normal

This week is mostly done. And so far, i have held myself together … mostly. Okay, kinda sorta.

And so far, i have escaped a spanking. Mostly. Unless you count Maintenance Friday, then i definitely did NOT escape a spanking. (It hurt! It needed to. i truly needed it to. i was much happier afterward. Helped to screw my head on straight!)

But before this morning…. My emotions have been ALL over the place. i’ve been extremely happy for our son, extremely sad for me, and incredibly angry and annoyed with David.

But then also incredibly in love and happy with David too.

David has made me very well aware that i am NOT using the word Sir enough. He’s made me aware that i am “only a submissive when (i) want to be!” And he’s allowed me to be emotional. He’s allowed me to be a Mom who is sad and NOT the best submissive wife i desire to be.

But then he reminded me of the commitment I made to be submissive by spanking me today. On this Friday. We resumed Maintenance.

This week, another submissive blogger than i follow (and admire) blogged about respect. It stuck. She wrote some good stuff and it made me start thinking about how DISrespectful i have been this week.

She mentioned that the #1 thing men seek in a wife is one who shows respect to him. And related, the man wants her to show appreciation for him too. i did a google search and found a LOT of support for what she wrote. It may inspire me to write more about respect another day. But for now…. It reminded me today that i need to be more respectful.

i need to adopt and accept my new normal. And that new normal is more respectful, appreciative, and responsive to David! i mean, he is my #1! If it weren’t for him, i wouldn’t have a son at all to be happy or sad about!

In this new normal, i was spanked this Friday morning. Okay, so that’s the old normal too, but it was good to have a reminder that i need to: 1) respect for the way we do things is still the right way, 2) respect for David as the man of my life, and 3) my Son is in his place living his best life.

And that spanking is my grounder. i am spanked because i need it. i am a better woman, wife, and mother after i show respect by saying Sir, loving my husband, and ….

Getting naked in my living room every night now too. Yep, that’s part of my new normal too!

There’s good AND bad when things change. But accepting and even embracing the new normal is the way forward. In the nude. In my living room, with David staring at my boobs, touching my clit, and denying me the orgasm i seek.

i love it! My new and old normal!



31 – inner exhibitionist

While it has only been ONE day, it’s already been enough for me to know that i have an inner exhibitionist in me.

WHAT am i talking about… well… braless-ness. i won’t deny, i feel liberated. But yes, it’s been ONE-whole-day. Only.

Okay, maybe i’m just horny. Whatever it is, i like it!

i woke up this morning in NYC and sitting now on my home in Tx as i type. The whole day … mostly anyway…. braless.

i wasn’t sure i had the courage to go braless. But i didn’t feel the need to earn a punishment either. And ultimately, i really AM determined to be a good submissive wife. So, i started the day out …. with a sports bra on. Lol! 🤣

And i wasn’t even sure Sir noticed, which was good for me!

But we got on the airplane to come home, and my non-compliance was weighing heavy on me. And i knew i was only NOT doing what Sir asked because i was scared. So, while sitting on the place, i quickly and quietly pulled my arms down through the arm holes and edged out of the sports bra.

Right then and there, in the seats on the airplane.

i don’t think a single soul saw me. And i was disappointed. And i was shocked to find myself disappointed!

As i sat there, braless, i realized how much slouching i do. i didn’t like how the bottom of my boobs were touching the top of my belly. So now i’ve been sitting very upright today. Which added even MORE to my boobs being “out there” now for the world to see!

And i liked it. And i was surprised at how much i liked it.

Once we were headed home, Sir took notice. He commented that i was “looking very nipple-y” and he smiled.

And upon arriving home, i knew i had to go to the grocery store, i asked him, “is this the new normal? Braless. Do i need to go to the store as-is?” And he looked at me with a look of complete shock and said, “really? You really have to ask?”

And i understood then, that this IS the new normal and i’d best start start embracing it! And that made me wet! And THAT shocked me too!

i had NO idea that i’d actually LIKE having my nipples show through my shirt for the whole world to see.

i walked proud at the store. i dared people to notice. i’m not too sure anyone did, but i decided then and there that people will notice in the future. i’ll make sure of it!

My only question is: how far i’ll take it.

But i doubt Sir will object! 😉

